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IAAC:森林观测研究与分析实验室(FLORA)是一座大型的木结构建筑,位于巴塞罗那大都会区Collserola自然公园的Valldaura中央森林中。该结构高度超过 8.5 米,利用公园内的入侵松树加工的木材建造而成。来自MAEBB的硕士们砍伐了森林中 70 棵入侵的松树,并将其加工成本项目所需的交叉层压木板、层压梁和实木材料。该观测实验室将被用来短期安置一名研究人员,以进行公园的生物多样性研究。
IAAC: The Forest Lab for Observational Research and Analysis (FLORA) is a mass timber structure located in Valldaura, situated in the central forest of the metropolitan area of Barcelona, the Collserola Natural Park. Measuring over 8,5 metres in height, the master’s project was built from invasive pine trees sourced within the park through rigorous sustainable forest management and traceability procedures. Seventy trees were cut and processed by the master students to create cross laminated timber panels, laminated beams, and solid wood elements. FLORA will be used to house a researcher for a short period of time who will be studying the biodiversity of the park and utilizing FLORA’s new weather station.

Collserola自然公园被认为是巴塞罗那大都会区最广阔的绿地之一,其占地面积超过8000公顷,公园内的最高峰(Tibidabo)海拔高达512米。这里既是一个自然区域,也是巴塞罗那和邻近城市居民的度假胜地。该区域内的一片阿勒颇松林(Pinus halepensis)中包含1000种不同的植物以及多达10亿棵树木,为190种不同类型的脊椎动物创造了栖息之地。
正是在如此得天独厚的环境中,IAAC的硕士团队建造了首座能够俯瞰森林的人造建筑 —— 森林观测研究与分析实验室(FLORA)。
Considered to be the most extensive green space in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, and covering over 8,000 hectares (seventeen kilometres long and six kilometres wide) with its highest peak at 512 metres (Tibidabo), Parc de Collserola is a natural area and getaway for both of those living in Barcelona and neighbouring cities. Located in a mountain range and nearby the sea, it houses 190 different types of vertebrates, Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) forests, and has an estimated population of 1,000 different species of plants and 10,000 million total trees.
It is in this environmental surrounding where IAAC master’s students have built the first building that allows for the observation of the forest canopy: FLORA.

“零公里”的材料,就地取材 Zero-kilometre materials
The students of MAEBB carried out further research to analyse the biodiversity of the forest and identify various inhabitants from underground, aboveground, canopy, and sky levels. This research allowed them to discern the structures and dimensions necessary to develop the construction, and more importantly, the type of materials they could use.

From its construction to its end use, the FLORA project is part of the ‘zero-kilometre’ philosophy. The primary building material is timber, obtained from the surroundings, without the need of a supply chain. The forest of the Parc de Collserola is formed by a wide variety of trees and plants that require sustainable management actions to allow the forest and the biodiversity it hosts to develop efficiently.

Seventy pine trees were felled to provide the necessary building material for FLORA. These trees were extracted and harvested in the Valldaura area based on the approved Sustainable Forest Management Plan in Collserola. The students processed the harvested pines to create cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels, glulam beams, and solid wood using the sawmill and small CLT press available at Valldaura Labs.

由交叉层压木材板搭建而成的核心结构坐落于四根30 x 30厘米的胶合木柱上。进入观察点的桥梁则由学生们自制的胶合板制成,其中最长的桥梁跨度约为12米。各个部件均为单独制造,然后利用起重机以高度复杂的安装顺序进行组装。由CLT构成的核心结构表面由两层天然软木板保护,可以起到隔热和隔音的作用。
The CLT core rests on four glulam timber columns of 30 x 30 cm. The bridges are made from homemade glue laminated timber; the longest of which spans approximately 12 metres. These components were all individually made and then assembled using a crane in a highly intricate installation sequence. The CLT structure is protected by two layers of natural cork panels providing thermal and acoustic insulation.

The surrounding net, which takes influence from a hunter’s nest, was designed digitally and then woven together by hand. The net intends to better camouflage the project by allowing plants to spread along it thus further blending the structure with the forest in order to hide it from the surrounding wildlife.

FLORA allows a researcher to reside for a short period of time in order to study the local biodiversity and observe how the effects of climate change are influencing the natural park. Housing a bird radio, bird houses, working and projection space, as well as bird watching spaces, the project seeks to be immersed within nature and to create an ecological interactive prototype.

研究林冠层的科研设施 Scientific research facility to study the forest canopy
该观测台的灵感来自于美国生物学家Margaret D. Lowman的杰出研究,她被认为是冠层生态学的先驱,并被誉为“树冠研究之母”,在过去的30年里,她一直致力于利用热气球与树冠走道来探索林冠层,以揭开世界森林的奥秘,特别是害虫对森林以及生态系统健康的影响。
This observatory is inspired by the excellent work of American biologist Margaret D. Lowman, a.k.a. Canopy Meg, considered the pioneer of the science of canopy ecology. She is known as the “mother of canopy research” and has spent the last 30 years designing hot air balloons and canopy walkways to explore the canopy in order to solve the mysteries of the world’s forests, especially insect pests and ecosystem health.

The forest canopy is the habitat formed by the treetops where a great diversity of animals tends to live, as conditions are often more optimal for some species. These canopies protect the forest floor by intercepting and assisting the percolation of 60-90% of rain or snow water into the soil, while acting as a natural regulator to conserve roots in the event of heavy rainfall. It also nourishes the soil by producing leaf litter to maintain its fertility.
The conservation of the forest canopy is fundamental to guarantee the water cycle, as much of the water absorbed by the trees is recirculated to the atmosphere through transpiration, and its study is very useful for climate change mitigation research, as it provides information to analyze the absorption, storage and flow of carbon.

▽设计图纸 Design Drawings

项目管理:Vicente Guallart和Daniel Ibañez
施工:MAEBB硕士课程的学生,2021/22班:Andrea Paola Rubio Paredes、Leif Andres Vallecillo Riksheim、Lillian Wanjiru Beauttah、Pablo Rafael Herraiz García de Guadiana、Prachi Agarwal、Rachael Margaret Verdugo Pelaez、Romain Jacques Kenny Russe、Roshni Chirag Shah、Shagun Modi、Zani Kerubo Gichuki,Iletutu“Tutu”Ibiyemi Awosika、Kshitij Ramlal Sarote、Mónica Irene Pérez Rivera、Prasidh Choudhary、Agnieszka Szklarczyk、Pongpol Punjawaytegul、Suwapat Rodprasert、Anton Hofstadt
主办方:Valldaura Labs. Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Valldaura实验室管理:Laia Pifarré
协助:Bruno Ganem,Alex Hadley,Gustavo Escudero
顾问:Marziah Zad、Miquel Rodriguez、Elena Orte、Guillermo Sevillano、Ignasi Caus、Miguel Nevado
赞助商:Tallfusta、Alberch、Heco Schrauben Ibérica
支持机构:Cerdanyola del Vallès City Council
志愿者:Marilia Fernandez Lockwood, Philipp Wienkämper
摄影师:Adrià Goula
沟通人员:Pati Nunez Agency
项目更多信息:https://iaac . net/research-departments/valldaura-self-sufficient-labs/
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ITG: @iaacbcn
LKN: @institute-for-advanced-architecture-of-catalonia
TW: @iaac
FBK: @Iaac.BCN
YT: @iaacat
Direction: Vicente Guallart and Daniel Ibañez
Developed by: The students of the Masters programme in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities (MAEBB), 2021/22 class: Andrea Paola Rubio Paredes, Leif-Andres Vallecillo Riksheim, Lillian Wanjiru Beauttah, Pablo Rafael Herraiz García de Guadiana, Prachi Agarwal, Rachael Margaret Verdugo Pelaez, Romain Jacques Kenny Russe, Roshni Chirag Shah, Shagun Modi, Zani Kerubo Gichuki, Iletutu “Tutu” Ibiyemi Awosika, Kshitij Ramlal Sarote, Mónica Irene Pérez Rivera, Prasidh Choudhary, Agnieszka Szklarczyk, Pongpol Punjawaytegul, Suwapat Rodprasert, Anton Hofstadt
Host: Valldaura Labs. Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Valldaura Labs Management: Laia Pifarré
Assisted by: Bruno Ganem, Alex Hadley, Gustavo Escudero
Advised by: Marziah Zad, Miquel Rodriguez, Elena Orte, Guillermo Sevillano, Ignasi Caus, Miguel Nevado
Sponsors: Tallfusta, Alberch, Heco Schrauben Ibérica
With the support of: Cerdanyola del Vallès City Council
Volunteer: Marilia Fernandez Lockwood, Philipp Wienkämper
Photography: Adrià Goula
Communication: Pati Nunez Agency
Additional info on IAAC website
Social Media IAAC
ITG: @iaacbcn
LKN: @institute-for-advanced-architecture-of-catalonia
TW: @iaac
FBK: @Iaac.BCN
YT: @iaacat
“ 木结构外层的绳索系统有助于攀缘植物的生长,将为观测生物多样性创造一个隐秘的场所。”
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