Studio Outside溪边的房子是设计精妙、细节精细、保存河岸走廊的一个例子。这个项目坐落在达拉斯的一个林间空地上,附近是海龟溪(Turtle Creek)和一条繁忙的四车道街道,但由于树的覆盖和房子的朝向,让人感到宁静。该项目谨慎地使用高质量的材料,这些材料可以很容易地与景观融为一体:来自印度的石板、德克萨斯州的石灰石、almondrilla木材、不锈钢和铜。

Studio OutsideThe House by the Creek is an example of design subtlety, finely executed detailing, and preservation of a riparian corridor. The project sits on a wooded lot in an established Dallas neighborhood bordered by Turtle Creek and a busy four-lane street yet feels serene because of heavy tree cover and the orientation of the home. The project modestly uses high quality materials that blend easily with the landscape: slate from India, Texas limestone, almondrilla wood, stainless steel, and copper.


Photos by Tim Hursley, Tom Jenkins, and Chuck Smith.

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