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Thanks marasovic arhitekti for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by marasovic arhitekti.
marasovic arhitekti:项目所在地在2008年小学被拆除后逐渐衰败,数年无人问津。部分区域变成了碎石停车场,其余部分则长满了野生绿植。当地曾有过几次建设尝试,但最深入的一次尝试在考古发掘证实该地存在奥匈帝国监狱时期的蓄水池后便停止了。随着时间的推移,该考古遗址也被野生绿植所覆盖,直到当地政府决定在一楼修建一个带广场的地下车库。
marasovic arhitekti: After the demolition of the primary school in 2008, the area was degraded and neglected for several years. Part of the area became a macadam parking lot, and the remaining parts were overgrown with wild greenery. There have been several attempts at construction in the area, but the most serious attempt has come to a halt after archaeological excavations have confirmed the existence of a cistern from the Austro-Hungarian penitentiary period. Over time, the archeological site was also overgrown with wild greenery, until the municipality decided to build an underground garage with a square on the ground floor.
▽项目概况 Project Overview

With the intervention, the municipality wanted to offer the city a new public space that citizens and visitors could use as a city living room. They wanted to provide enough greenery, shade, water motifs and emphasize the history of the space. At the same time, we encountered demanding constraints, as the square is designed on the roof of a garage house. The height of the planned soil was also not enough to plant large trees. Finally, we had to comply with the requirements of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, which dictated the use of local gray sandstone with accents of local white stone.
▽不同大小的种植区域 Cultivation area

We designed the square as a continuation of medieval streets and squares. It connects neighboring areas and emphasizes the main axes and quality views. This is achieved by setting up two raised platforms, which also create enough height for planting trees and divide the original cultivation area into several smaller ambiences, suitable for the size of the city.

▽广场上的喷泉水景可以隔绝港口的噪音 Fountain in the square insulates the noise from the harbour

The trees are placed above the pillars of the garage house, which is reflected as a reinterpretation of the classical pillar order that surrounded the atrium of the former Dominican convent located in front of the primary school and the Austro-Hungarian penitentiary. Mediterranean shrubs, spices and perennials grow under the trees and create a different backdrop for visitors in different seasons.
▽抬升的平台 The raised platforms

▽种植在车库结构立柱上方的树木 Trees are planted above the columns of the garage building

▽夜景 Night view

Diverse urban equipment offer many opportunities for use and socializing for different age and interest groups.
▽城市家具(秋景) Urban equipment(Autumn Scenery)

The installation of water elements at all ends of the square, apart from theirs aesthetic and cooling function, is also intended to cover noise from a nearby cargo port.
▽广场附近的货运港口 Cargo port near the square

▽广场上的喷泉水景 Fountain in the square

In addition to dictated materials, we also used contemporary materials such as brushed concrete, fiber cement board and less formal paving of glued calcite.
▽材料细节 Material details

▽广场整体夜景 Overall night view of the square

▽平面图 Plan

项目名称:museum square
项目地点:斯洛文尼亚 科佩尔
公司名称:marasovic arhitekti
项目团队:igor marasović, gaja brulc, blaž škorjanc, doles, taja fišter
客户:municipality koper
景观建筑师:prof.marko dobrilovič
技术支持:aporia d.o.o.
金属结构:matjaž filić s.p.
机械工程:biro 360 d.o.o.
电气工程:elita ib d.o.o.
照明:arcadia svetila d.o.o.
其他:remax d.o.o.
城市回收箱:atriva d.o.o.
总承包商:cgp d.d.
立面:samline d.o.o.
地板:marmor sežana d.d.
种植:cvelbar s.p.
城市设备:žurbi d.o.o.
游泳池固定装置:bkmont d.o.o.
照片:jaka ivančič
project name: museum square
project location: koper, slovenia
project year: 2020
completion year: 2021
type: public
area: cca. 4000 m2
company name: marasovic arhitekti
website: https://www.marasovic-arhitekti.com
e-mail: info@marasovic-arhitekti.com
project team: igor marasović, gaja brulc, blaž škorjanc, ana doles, taja fišter
client: municipality koper
landscape architect: prof.marko dobrilovič
technical support: aporia d.o.o.
metal structures: matjaž filić s.p.
mechanical engineering: biro 360 d.o.o.
electrical engineering: elita ib d.o.o.
lighting: arcadia svetila d.o.o.
others: remax d.o.o.
lighting: simes
facade: equitone
urban recycling bins: atriva d.o.o.
main contractor: cgp d.d.
facade: samline d.o.o.
flooring: marmor sežana d.d.
planting: cvelbar s.p.
urban equipment: žurbi d.o.o.
pool fixtures: bkmont d.o.o.
photo: jaka ivančič
“ 项目延续了中世纪街道和广场的设计风格,用简洁的设计和材料打造了一个供城市居民社交娱乐的空间。”
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