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noa* 依据可持续发展模式,为位于意大利北部瓦尔迪法萨的奥林匹克温泉酒店设计了新的扩建项目,旨在完善现有设施并将其与周围的景观相结合。从坐落在阿尔卑斯山草地上的带露台和内部天井的新房间,到通过空中栈道可到达的能够俯瞰森林的桑拿房,该项目掩盖了部分结构,展现了“山脉”的轮廓,让客人感受到与大自然的真挚情感。
noa*: For the Olympic Spa Hotel in Val di Fassa, northern Italy, NOA designs a new extension according to a sustainable model, aiming to enhance and integrate the facilities with the surrounding landscape. From the new rooms nestled in the Alpine meadow, with terraces and internal patios, to the surprising sauna overlooking the forest, to be reached by an aerial path, this project camouflages the new, plays with the profile of the mountains and gives guests the emotion of a sincere bond with nature.

在不影响与景观和谐的情况下,该设计为山地酒店增加了新的空间和功能,并相应地与周围环境更好地融合起来,这是 NOA 为奥林匹克温泉酒店扩建项目的指导性主题,该酒店位于瓦尔迪法萨,其接待传统可追溯到 1963 年。该项目包括在现有基础上扩建一个附属建筑和一个新的桑拿房,这是一个定义“模仿”和可持续干预模式的机会,它将使酒店发展壮大,并为客人提供更令人兴奋的沉浸在 Dolomite 美丽风景中的体验。
“与其他类似的项目一样,我们的设计从一个总体概念开始。过往的经验告诉我们,确定一个整体的愿景并从始至终去贯彻它是十分重要的。即使(如奥林匹克酒店)我们最初只关注项目的某一个部分,我们所建造的也不应只是一个独立的元素,而应是一个整体的、范围更广的计划的开始,它将随着时间的推移而发展。”建筑师 Stefan Rier 与 NOA 创始人 Lukas Rungger 解释道。
Adding new spaces and functions to a mountain hotel without affecting the harmony with the landscape, on the contrary, creating a better integration with the surroundings: this is the guiding theme of the project realised by NOA for the Olympic Spa Hotel, in Vigo di Fassa, with a tradition of hospitality dating back to 1963. The plan to expand the current premises with an annex and a new sauna was an opportunity to define a ‘mimetic’ and sustainable intervention model, which will allow the hotel to grow and offer its guests an even more exciting immersion in the beautiful Dolomite scenery.
“As with other similar projects, we started with a general concept,” explains architect Stefan Rier, founder of NOA with Lukas Rungger. “We know from experience how important it is to always define an overall vision. Even if (as in the case of the Olympic Hotel) we initially only focus on one part of the project, what we build is not a stand-alone element, but becomes the first step of an overall, wider-ranging plan, that will develop over time.”

NOA 设计的关键思想是将酒店的重心从省道上转移到它后面的斜坡上,这道斜坡慢慢下降,连接一片森林,直到 Avisio 河。因此,该项目设想沿着斜坡建造新的 10 个房间,部分埋在地下,并通过地下通道与酒店相连。另一方面,桑拿房是一个独立的木制建筑,位于森林边缘俯瞰树梢的高处,可通过一个空中通道进入。项目的重点是与自然直接接触,这体现在所用材料、与山地天际线相呼应的立面设计、露台和嵌入较大房间的特殊室内天井等方面。
The key idea in NOA’s design was to shift the centre of gravity of the hotel from the provincial road, which most of the rooms hitherto overlooked, to the slope behind it, which slowly declines, turning into a forest, until it reaches the Avisio stream. Thus, the project envisaged the construction of the new ten rooms along the slope, partially buried and connected to the hotel by an underground passage. The sauna, on the other hand, is a separate wooden building, located on the edge of the forest, in an elevated position facing the treetops and accessible via an atmospheric aerial pathway. The emphasis is on direct contact with nature, which is also supported by the used materials, by the façade design that plays with the mountain skyline, by the terraces and the special interior patios embedded in the larger rooms.

建筑所使用材料的色调与周围的风景联系起来:倾斜的球场和外墙被涂成灰色,让人联想起Dolomite 岩石的颜色。由于使用与景观共生的形式和材料,该项目被定义为一场模仿性的干预,同时它也以可持续发展的思维作为指导,整个项目由本地公司进行建设,结构的部分掩埋设计尽可能地限制了地面的建筑体积。
The new building, which accommodates ten rooms and a gym, is characterised by its distinctive profile, inspired by that of a mountain. At one end, a higher spike identifies the double level of the largest suite, then the roof descends, with lower height spikes indicating the single-level rooms and, at the other end, the fitness studio. This silhouette, highly recognisable in its graphic simplicity, is intended to become the hotel’s architectural signature.
Even the colour palette of the materials used recalls the surrounding landscape: the sloping pitches and external walls are plastered in a grey colour reminiscent of the Dolomite rocks. It is an intervention that can be defined as mimetic, due to the use of forms and materials in symbiosis with the landscape, and at the same time carried out with sustainable thinking: both because the entire project was implemented with local firms, and because the partial burial of the structure is designed to limit the volumes as much as possible.

每个房间均设有落地窗和俯瞰风景的大露台。新的房间以拉丁语命名,这是一种业主家庭非常重视的文化。因此,四个“Te Bosch”房间以森林为灵感元素进行塑造,旨在向森林致敬。每个房间都有一个带透明墙壁的室内天井:一个在每个季节都可以进入的私人空间,可以将光线和自然引入房内。天井的植被、白桦树和天空的景色成为酒店客人新体验的一部分,例如,他们可以想象自己在户外淋浴。或者,在冬天,他们可以看到从房间两侧飘落的雪,营造出一种置身于高山森林中的体验。同样地,客人可以在夏天的夜晚在室外睡觉,睡在配备了双人睡袋的悬空床上,欣赏星空,因为这里没有任何光污染。
In the extension, the burying of part of the volume offers guests the feeling of closer contact with nature. Access from the hotel to the annex is also via an underground path.
Each room has floor-to-ceiling windows and a large terrace overlooking the landscape. The new rooms are named in the Ladin language, a culture to which the owners’ family is very attached. Thus, the four ‘Te Bosch’ rooms pay homage to the forest, an inspirational element that shapes the interior. Each of them has an internal patio withtransparent walls: a private space accessible in every season, bringing light and nature into the room. The vegetation of the patio, the presence of a birch tree and the view of the sky become part of a new experience for hotel guests who can, for example, imagine themselves outdoors while taking a shower. Or, in winter, they can see snow falling from both sides of the room, with the feeling of being in the middle of an alpine forest. Or, again, they can sleep outside on summer nights, on suspended beds equipped with double sleeping bags, and admire the starry sky, given the lack of light pollution.
▽室内设计 – 房间 Interior design – rooms

在五间以“水”为主题的“Te Aga”房间里,有一个石制喷泉,来自35000米高处的纯净山泉水从喷泉中喷涌而出。这是酒店为禁止使用塑料瓶而提供的一项福利。所有房间的地板和家具均采用法萨山谷的橡木和落叶松。在建筑的一端,立面最高的“顶峰”处是一个两层的套房。睡眠区位于一楼较低的区域,以创造更多的亲密感。
In the five ‘Te Aga’ rooms, dedicated to the element of water, there is a stone fountain from which pure mountain water from a spring at 3,5000 metres gushes out. A benefit that the hotel offers with the aim of banning the use of plastic bottles. Oak and larch from the Fassa Valley are used in all the rooms, both for the floor and the furnishings. At one end of the building, at the highest ‘peak’ of the façade, is the two-level suite. The sleeping area is on the ground floor, in an area lowered by three steps to create more intimacy and give movement to the volume of the room.
▽室内设计 – 房间 Interior design – rooms

The new sauna is an elevated construction with eye-level views of the tree canopies. Made entirely of wood, externally clad in larch and internally in spruce treated with black wax, it blends into the forest and offers an impressive panorama of it both from the interior windows and a side terrace. It can be reached directly from the hotel via an aerial walkway, which leaves the meadow below free (where, by the way, the ‘Marcialonga’, the famous cross-country skiing event, passes by every year). Therefore, access to the sauna is only outside, even in winter: a choice that intends to promote, even in this case, strong and direct contact with nature.

Stefan Rier 指出:“这是我们特别为酒店提出的解决方案,因为酒店的体量往往很大,选择将部分结构埋入地下可以减少环境中的体量感,这是一种有趣的解决方案,尤其是在Dolomites 这样具有吸引力的山区。”
The structure of the annex is made of reinforced concrete, with a portion of green roof, where the building is buried in the slope.
“This is a solution that we are proposing especially for hotels, where we often have large volumes,” Stefan Rier points out. “The choice of burying a part of the structure reduces the volumes and is an interesting solution, especially in attractive mountain areas like the Dolomites.”
▽桑拿房 sauna

▽桑拿房内部 Inside the sauna

All the furnishings are made to measure in oak with knots, a choice that reflects the hotel’s green vocation and links with Alpine tradition. Even in the shapes of the furniture, continuity with local styles has been sought. Light, natural colours dominate, flanked by green, which recalls the shade of the beautiful pine forest in front of the rooms.

Looking ahead, the hotel development plan includes the construction of further guesthouses similar to the first one and a new wellness area. The central building will also be restyled. In particular, the façade will be redesigned with a wooden structure that will recall the profile of the peaks. To reduce the perceived volume and the environmental impact of the intervention, it is planned that the ground floor will be buried, creating a hilly landscape where the new facilities, all underground, will be located.
▽设计图纸 Design drawings

地点:意大利 特伦蒂诺 圣乔瓦尼迪法萨-维戈
工程量:5100 m3
占地面积:1160 m2
客户:Pellegrin family
原文:Laura Ragazzola
照片:Alex Filz
Project name: Olympic Spa Hotel
Typology: Hotel
Location: San Giovanni di Fassa – Vigo, Trentino (Italy)
Construction start: September 2021
Completion: January 2023
Project volume: 5,100 m3
Net surface area: 1,160 m2
Client: Pellegrin family
Intervention: Architecture & Interior Design
Original text: Laura Ragazzola
Photographs: Alex Filz
“ 该项目以山的轮廓作为设计灵感,赋予了建筑富有动感的外形轮廓,打造了一座山中的地标建筑。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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