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Onda Arquitectura:该波浪状人行桥横跨两条海滨大道公共空间,全长283米,没有任何明显的建筑构造,灵动飘逸。桥梁拥有连续三个63米超长跨度,却没有任何中间支撑,展现出了令人惊叹的轻盈感。其起伏的波浪形状设计源于场地的限制条件,旨在避开现有树木,同时在无伸缩缝的情况下提高结构性能。
Onda Arquitectura:With a total length of 283 meters, Onda Atlántica footbridge spans over public spaces without any apparent tectonic effort. It showcases three dramatic 63 meters spans without any intermediate supports denoting an unexpected sense of lightness. Its undulating shape, resulting originally from site constraints, dodge the existing trees while improves the structure performance allowing a design with no expansion joints.

▽项目视频 Video
The V-shaped profile is the result of the need to mitigate the acoustic impact from the highway underneath, allowing views onto the city above while providing natural light over the entire path. The shape is perceived two-dimensionally at certain angles, creating the illusion of a curved sheet of paper. The result is a highly innovative structural system, an extremely efficient triangular profile shape not common in the world of bridges engineering, capable of spanning the required curved distances with a great performative agenda and a minimalistic aesthetic.

The programmatic requirements for pedestrian, cyclists and accessible crossing are resolved with a unique and simple infrastructure, avoiding any differentiated elements such as stairs and auxiliary elevators.

The bridge becomes a large urban sculpture for the city, penetrating both plazas at its landings portraying the illusion of continuation underneath them. Crossing becomes a new experience for its visitors, the bridge is a new exciting in-movement lookout whose profile is perceived as a movie frame displaying a moving city.

Onda Atlántica人行桥所处的地峡,在不远的过去常常会有潮汐。现代城市的发展使它们逐渐减少。为了开发海滨休闲娱乐活动,拉斯帕尔马斯市制定了一项全球城市战略,再次将拉斯坎特拉斯海滩与港口区连接起来,这座桥便是该战略开发的第一步。
Onda Atlántica footbridge is located at an isthmus whose tides used to cross over not long time ago. Urban development had progressively distanced them away. With the goal to develop its waterfront with recreational and leisure activities, the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria established a global urban strategy to again reconnect Las Canteras beach with the Port Area and this bridge is the first step for this new city development.

With 3 meters wide and a maximum slope of 6%, the floor level of this footbridge reaches a maximum height of 7.60 meters above street level becoming a new viewing point for the city. It also allows a minimum gauge at the highway of 5.50m, exceeding up to 6 meters at some points.

The architects developed a structural scheme inspired from naval engineering designs, adopting a system of ribs or frames arranged every 3.2 meters while tied-up by 10-12mm steel plates. The 18 pieces that made up the final structure, weighting up to 40 tons a piece, where assembled at a metallurgical shop in Seville to be then transported by ship to the site. All the components that conform this footbridge have an structural performance – except for the handrails, resulting into a very efficient and sturdy design. A 3 layer- paint with metallic finish helps, depending on daylight, to fade within the city and ensure protection against the highly corrosive maritime surroundings.

▽施工过程 Constructions
Two public spaces have been redesigned to accommodate the footbridge landings. On one side, a fluid plaza receives all the converging pedestrian traffic with green undulating shapes designed to be seen from above turning it into a horizontal vegetal painting. On the other side, a non-walkable landscape design reproduces a volcanic topography reclaiming rocks from the neighboring Isleta mountain.

▽其他设计图纸 Drawings
地点:西班牙 大卡纳利亚 拉斯帕尔马斯市
建筑设计:Onda Arquitectura + Checa Arquitectura
设计团队:Javier Haddad, Ramón Checa, Luis González, Carlos Fuente
结构工程师:IngZero – Ingenierií Zero
预算:3,054,000欧元(人行桥) 876,307欧元(广场)
照片来源:Iwan Baan, Javier Haddad
Project: Onda Atlántica Footbridge
Location: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, SPAIN
Promoter: City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Architect: Onda Arquitectura + Checa Arquitectura
Team: Javier Haddad, Ramón Checa, Luis González, Carlos Fuente
Structural Engineer: IngZero – Ingenierií Zero
Structural Design Consultant: Feroher
Metallurgical Shop: Megusa
Budget: 3,054,000 euros (Footbridge) 876,307 euros (Plaza)
Length: 283 m
PHOTOS: Iwan Baan, Javier Haddad
“ 建筑师以无明显建筑构造的创新桥梁设计,展现出了令人惊叹的轻盈感,具有伟大的实践意义和极简美学意义。”
审稿编辑 Via Wang
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