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Thanks IS Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by IS Architects.


IS Architects:本项目中咖啡馆名字的由来源于其所处的位置,它位于泰国清莱和汤县之间的主干道上的一个加油站内,如一段话中的某个词汇,为用户带来了一份独特的建筑体验。设计师采取措施改变该场地和环境,使其成为当地最火旅游路线上的一个新的旅游景点。

IS Architects:A paragraph is made up of a lot of words. The term Cafe comes from the fact that it is housed inside a gas station on the main road between Chiang Rai and Thoeng districts, allowing users to have a unique architectural experience. To act in order to change this area and context into a new tourist attraction on the major tourist route of the country’s most visited provinces.


© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat



A Paragraph cafe’ is located within the gas station. It’s not the same cafe as the one in the steadily for the past gas station. Fast zone of service station Users do not spend a lot of time in the area. Regular zone of service station convenience store , shop , public restroom  It takes 5-15 minutes for the time in the area. Long time zone of service station the architect set to design the Cafe loacated in this zone,developed as a place for users to unwind during traveling to alleviate tiredness.


© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat



A: solution to space design problems , Create architectural perceptions by creating an enclosure space and creating a different atmosphere from the outside of the space. By using architectural shapes to separate the space into clear proportions, balanced, simple, uncomplicated, reducing the understanding of the use of space. Allowing users to spend more time in the area.


▽建筑体构思 Evolution of building structure

© IS Architects
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat



B: Solving problems with the location of the buildings at the inner end of the area, but still serves the primary purpose of bringing people into the area. The first step of design By adjusting the building’s axis so that it can be seen from the view of the main entrance of the project.


▽平面布置图 Layout


▽立面空间展示 Elevation space

© IS Architects



Budget constraints and the need for existing building materials leading to a way to reuse old materials The original project site was a concrete block factory which is a common building material used in the local area. And there are many original materials from liquidation. therefore reuse materials as key components of the project for the purpose of saving the budget and creating architectural awareness through ordinary building materials used locally.


© Rungkit Charoenwat


▽材料及结构细节 Material and structural details

© Rungkit Charoenwat





It conveys a perspective on the use of materials in a different way from the original objective. There are two parts:

A: The concrete blocks are arranged through the experimental process. and used as a vertical wall that encloses the area and separates it from other areas of the project. It is designed to have a structure hidden inside the wall to receive lateral loads.

B: The building of the cafe is designed to use a special structure. Serve the need for internal spaces to connect to outside spaces as much as possible. By reducing the use of vertical structures, for example, column structures in the interior space.


© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat



We expect this small commercial architecture. It can make people understand and see the importance of architectural design that fulfils the potential of feeling and creates space. As the architect has compiled into paragraphs.


© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat
© Rungkit Charoenwat


▽立面图 Elevation




办公室名称:IS Architects

项目位置:泰国 清莱
首席建筑师:Pawin Tharatjai

摄影师:Rungkit Charoenwat

Project Name: Paragraph Cafe’
Office Name: IS Architects
Office Website: https://www.facebook.com/isarchitects.team
Social Media Accounts: https://www.instagram.com/is.architects/
Contact email: Office@is-ar.com

Completion Year: 2021
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 250 m2
Project location: between Chiang Rai and Thoeng districts
Program: Hospitality Architecture , Coffee Shop
Lead Architects: Pawin Tharatjai
Lead Architects e-mail: Pawin36@gmail.com

Photo Credits: Rungkit Charoenwat
Photographer’s Website: https://www.archdaily.com/photographer/rungkit-charoenwat ad_name=project-specs&ad_medium=single
Photographer’s e-mail: rungkit62@gmail.com



审稿编辑: Simin

更多 Read more about: IS Architects