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OKS ARCHITETTI:“Parco del Diversivo”的新总体规划力求在尊重领土及其所处城市环境的基础上,结合公民的需求和要求进行设计。

OKS ARCHITETTI:The masterplan for the new “Parco del Diversivo” seeks to combine on one hand the needs and demands of the citizens and on the other the respect for the territory and for the urban context in which it is inserted.




Two routes have been identified to define the area, which follow the path of the old “Canale Diversivo”, and a central cycle and pedestrian axis which crosses the entire park: a real “thorn” in which the different functions of the park are articulated.


▼公园总规划鸟瞰 Aerial view of the park.

▼区域鸟瞰 Detail of Plan.

▼设计分析 Design Analysis.

▼设计分析 Design Analysis.


Inside the park we can found: a natural amphitheatre, a sports playground, dog areas, workshops / educational paths, an area for events and spaces for children. Thanks to the secondary paths and the numerous trails, this intervention is no longer an element of separation, but it tries to patch the existing city fabric making the park easily accessible from different parts of the city.


▼公园内的各功能空间设计 Functional Space Design in Park.


The choice to assign this area to a public space and its location suggests the idea to transform it in a “memorial site”, telling the story of the territory, of the reclamation and of the thousands of people who have transformed a largely marshy and unhealthy land into a flourishing province.




A central element for the environmental and ecological enhancement of the park concerns the selection of vegetation species that will be planted and that with their characteristics will determinate the increase of the biodiversity of the area. Native species typical of the Mediterranean scrub will be planted, they will mainly be used to shade routes and rest areas.



▼公园局部剖面 Section.





项目名称: Parco del Diversivo
完成: 2021年
规模: 总体规划 / 城市公园
项目地点: 意大利 格罗塞托
景观设计: OKS ARCHITETTI (Eugenio Salvetti e Luca Scollo)
公司网址: www.oksarchitetti.com
联系邮箱: info@oksarchitetti.com
设计主创: Eugenio Salvetti e Luca Scollo
设计团队: Giardini Associati (dott. Paola Mainardi e dott. Silvia Mainardi) e ing. Andrea Sorbi
客户: Comune di Grosseto
合作者: Andrea Rossi, Martina Farolfi, Ilenia Patrì
效果图: Rad Architetture

Project name: Parco del Diversivo
Completion Year: 2021
Size: Masterplan / Urban Park
Project location: Grosseto, Italia
Landscape Firm: OKS ARCHITETTI (Eugenio Salvetti e Luca Scollo)
Website: www.oksarchitetti.com
Contact e-mail: info@oksarchitetti.com
Lead Architects: Eugenio Salvetti e Luca Scollo
Design Team: Giardini Associati (dott. Paola Mainardi e dott. Silvia Mainardi) e ing. Andrea Sorbi
Clients: Comune di Grosseto
Collaborators: Andrea Rossi, Martina Farolfi, Ilenia Patrì
Render: Rad Architetture


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