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Studio Fink:GAMeC室外空间的临时改造由芬克工作室(Studio Fink)负责,以配合帕尔马·维基奥的首次油画大型展览。意大利文艺复兴时期伟大的杰作之一被重新组合,并在贝加莫展出了一百天,感谢本次展出获得了世界上最伟大的博物馆的支持——包括伦敦国家美术馆、马德里蒂森-婆罗洲米莎博物馆、圣彼得堡御手博物馆、维也纳昆斯史坦史博物馆、德累斯顿Gemäldegalerie博物馆、费城艺术博物馆、柏林斯塔特里希博物馆以及包括佛罗伦萨乌菲齐、罗马加列利亚·博尔盖泽和威尼斯加列里在内的意大利境内主要的博物馆。

Studio Fink:The temporary transformation of the outdoor space of GAMeC was undertaken by Studio Fink to accompany the first large retrospective exhibition of Palma il Vecchio paintings. The masterpieces of one of the un- disputed geniuses of the Italian Renaissance were reunited and on exhibit in Bergamo for one hundred days thanks to the outstanding support of the greatest museums in the world – the National Gallery in London, the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, the Her- mitage in St. Petersburg, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, the Gemäldegalerie in Dresden, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Staatliche Museen in Berlin, and major Italian museums including the Uffizi in Florence, the Galleria Borghese in Rome, and the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice.




When the artist Peter Fink began to explore the challenge of how to transform the bleak unforgiving concrete courtyard in front of the gallery into a 100 day pop up square he started to think about the motto of the show: “An exhibition not only to be seen, but to be lived”. As result he started to conceive the design as an opportunity to create a memorable external room echoing Palma Vecchio’s vibrant use of colour as well as place encourag- ing social interaction, conversation and contemplation before and after seeing Palma de Vecchio paintings.





In the actual design the free flowing use of colour is contrasted with enlarged details of drapery depictions taken from Palma de Vecchio paintings as well as with details of some of the faces seen in favourite subjects of the so called “Holy Conversations” that depict mythological and allegorical subjects as conversations in extraordinary landscapes.

Peter Fink hopes that his design of the pop up square will encourage people to explore through their own conversations how Palma il Vecchio art develops poems of glances, stories, nostalgia, discoveries and glimpses through the conversational landscapes of his paintings.




地点: 意大利贝加莫
日期: 2015年
客户: GAMeC
主导设计: Studio FinkPeter Fink + Richard Marfiak
Lucia Nusiner
照明设计: Maurizio Quargnale
摄影: Leonardo Tagliabue

Location: Bergamo Italy
Client : GAMeC
Lead Design: Studio FinkPeter Fink + Richard Marfiak
Lucia Nusiner
Lighting: Maurizio Quargnale
Photography credits: Leonardo Tagliabue


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