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Thanks Taller Capital for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Taller Capital.


Taller Capital:本案位于墨西哥盆地的圣卢卡斯·克洛克小镇,2020年8月,我们收到委托将重新设计这座小镇上的前哥伦布中心。在周朝不断发展的过程中,这座历史建筑在社区委员会的管理下,仍然保持着独特的外观和重要历史地位。但此前,历史中心部分被分割成街道,打破了主广场的统一性及其与历史建筑的联系。

Taller Capital:In August 2020 we received the commission to redesign the pre-Columbian center of the town of San Lucas Xoloc, built on the slopes of a volcano in the Basin of Mexico. The entity, still governed by a communal committee, constantly fights against development to maintain its character and dignity. Previously, the historic core had been divided into streets, breaking the unity of the main square and the relevance of its historic buildings.




Our project focuses on preserving the identity of the place from the use of local material: volcanic rock. At the same time, we address the pressing problem of flooding caused by an insufficient drainage system by making room for stormwater runoff that will now run parallel to the main streets and squares.




1. 制定“水处理”策略,重新配置现有的城市景观,创建一个与道路和人行道共享的新空间,在暴雨高峰期疏导和减缓雨水。

The architectural program was developed through four clear guidelines that structure the proposal:

1. Generate a water strategy that reconfigures the existing urban landscape, creating a new space shared with roads and pedestrian sidewalks for the conduction and slowing of rainwater during peak storms.



2. 根据地形调整多边形街道,打造一系列对应每条等高线的平台,这将产生一个表面,能够降低雨水径流的速度。

2. Adapt the streets of the polygon to its topography, proposing a series of platforms that correspond to each contour line. This will allow the generation of a surface that manages to distribute the rainwater runoff horizontally and at a low speed.



3. 重新配置现有的车流,减少所有路段的道路宽度,降低车辆速度,并将恢复的空间分配给行人。

3. Reconfigure the existing vehicular stream, to create one that allows the width of the road to be reduced in all its sections and to reduce the speed of vehicles and assign that recovered space to pedestrians.



4. 利用当地石材进行同质化干预,其纹理和排列让人能够理解其所在空间的功能用途:步行道、车道、广场、人行横道或雨水通道。这种干预有助于重估一种基本材料在圣卢卡斯 Xolox 城市形象中的价值。

4. Create a homogeneous intervention with local stone from the site, whose texture and arrangement allow us to understand the use that will be given to the space where it is placed: the sidewalk, the vehicular stream, the plaza, the pedestrian crossing or the pluvial channel. This intervention contributes to revalue a fundamental material within the urban image of San Lucas Xolox.




Claim the historical and cultural value of the parish and the hermitages through the geometry of the square and the unification of the pavement materials.



▽设计图纸 Drawing




项目名称:Renovation of the historic center of San Lucas Xolox
景观/建筑公司:Taller Capital
首席建筑师:José Pablo Ambrosi、Loreta Castro Reguera
设计团队:Alan Pérez Ortega、Edgar Verde

图片来源:Rafael Gamo、Allan Pérez Ortega、Melanie Rodriguez、Andres Cedillo

Project Name: Renovation of the historic center of San Lucas Xolox
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: Urban intervention
Project Location: San Lucas Xolox, Tecamac, Estado de México, México
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Taller Capital
Website: https://tallercapital.mx/category/espacio-publico/
Contact e-mail: info@tallercapital.mx
Lead Architects: José Pablo Ambrosi、Loreta Castro Reguera
Design Team: Alan Pérez Ortega、Edgar Verde
Clients: SEDATU (Ministry of Land, Agriculture and Urban Development of Mexico)

Photo Credits: Rafael Gamo、Allan Pérez Ortega、Melanie Rodriguez、Andres Cedillo
Photographer’s Website: https://rafaelgamo.com/




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