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Thanks el fabricante de espheras for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by el fabricante de espheras.
el fabricante de espheras:这所古老的圣布莱医院是不同历史时期的见证,如它曾在基督教时期作为中世纪医院,几个世纪后又被重建为教堂医院。它一直运营到20世纪70年代末,直到最后一群修女离开这里。长达几十年的破败在2010年达到顶峰,建筑被拆除,人们对它的记忆也一并被抹去。随着外墙的拆除,这个地方变成了一个半开放的非正式停车场。
el fabricante de espheras: The location of the old hospital has been testimony of different historical periods such as the Andalusian walled city of the medieval hospital in Christian times until its reconstruction as a Church-Hospital in later centuries. It remained in operation until the late 1970s when a community of nuns abandoned it. Decades of degradation culminated in 2010 with the demolition of the building and the erasure of its memory. With the demolition of the façade, the site was transformed into an informal parking with open party walls.

正在进行的城市规划 Urban planning in process
The uncontrolled urbanism of the 1970s caused an urban conflict. Some buildings out of order which were attached to the bell tower of the church as well as party walls which difficulted the perception of the whole.
In order to find an urban solution, a process was planned over the time, capable of rearranging the volumes of housing, facilities and green areas in the plot and also allowing the improvement of public space in the meantime.

考古花园,过去的复苏 The Archaeological Garden. The recovery of the past.
After the archaeological excavations, a cemetery and the remains of medieval constructions were discovered. The Garden is projected as a new place for the recovery of the history and the memory.
This re-reading of the site would allow for future reconstructions of the lost volumes and foresee future uses such as a socio-cultural facility or a social housing unit without altering the urban design of the archaeological garden.

陶瓷地板、绿化和水景、立面结构和凉棚 Ceramic floors, Green and the water, the structure of the façade and the pergola
The materiality of the project uses symbolism as well as references to the past in order to allow people to therefore interpret it. Ceramic floors can aid in the reading of the stratum with format changes in respect of pieces and dispositions. Green and water enveloping the space help recover the ancient garden spaces and also the courtyard with palm trees. The reconstruction of the street façade is now a liminal space to the garden where the visitor crossthe wrought with unfinished structure which reminds to the former hospital.
The pergola, now located where the old warehouse used to be, delimits the palm trees’ courtyard, somewhere aiming to recover both social and civil meeting uses.

▽设计图纸 Design drawing

▽剖面图 Section

项目名称:Restoration of the area around the Sant Blai Chapel in Burriana
地点:西班牙 卡斯特利翁 Borriana
建筑师或建筑工作室:el fabricante de espheras
合作者:Pasqual Herrero Vicent; Fernando Navarro Carmona ;Mª Amparo Sebastiá Esteve; Eduardo J. Solaz Fuster; Víctor Muñoz Macián; Anna Morro Peña; María Pitarch Roig; Yasmina Juan Osa; Francisco Piñó Alcaide; Sara Juanes Herrera; Jorge Roy Pérez; Ana Vargas Núñez; Elisa García Capilla; Sergio Estruch González
客户:Ajuntament de Borriana
技术建筑师:José Jesús Domínguez Talamantes
考古学家:Jose Manuel Melchor (Arqueólogo Director del Museo)
摄影:Milena Villalba
Project Name: Restoration of the area around the Sant Blai Chapel in Burriana
Location: Calle Sant Blai s/n. CP 12530. Borriana, Castellón.
Completion year: 2020
Built-up area: 1.930,00 m2
Architects or architectural studio: el fabricante de espheras
Collaborator: Pasqual Herrero Vicent; Fernando Navarro Carmona ;Mª Amparo Sebastiá Esteve; Eduardo J. Solaz Fuster; Víctor Muñoz Macián; Anna Morro Peña; María Pitarch Roig; Yasmina Juan Osa; Francisco Piñó Alcaide; Sara Juanes Herrera; Jorge Roy Pérez; Ana Vargas Núñez; Elisa García Capilla; Sergio Estruch González
Website of the architectural studio: www.elfabricantedeespheras.com
Client: Ajuntament de Borriana
Technical architect: José Jesús Domínguez Talamantes
Archaeologist: Jose Manuel Melchor (Arqueólogo Director del Museo)
Photography: Milena Villalba
Photographer’s website: www.milenavillalba.com
“ 解读历史场地并将其纳入城市规划考虑,在保留城市记忆的同时,完善公共空间的建设。”
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