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Thanks ONE Landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ONE Landscape.
ONE landscape:本项目位于中国深圳一所著名银行的私人会所内,景观设计针对会所内茶室和茶廊创造空间环境。项目以室内景观设计为定位:于室内空间利用比例和形态之间的相互作用,抽像化地演绎中式园林。一林团队于整个项目过程均与室内建筑师ADO保持紧密合作,以确保效果高贵而富雕塑感,神秘而富旋律感。此项目获得2017A&D建筑设计大奖, 专业建筑设计景观组别最佳作品奖。
ONE landscape: The Shenzhen Club landscape project in Shenzhen, China is about creating a landscape setting for Tea Room and Tea Gallery within a private club for a renowned bank. This primarily interior landscape project is driven by the concept of abstracting Chinese landscape within provided indoor space by the interplay of scale and form. Working very closely with the interior architects ADO, this landscape design is sublime yet sculptural, mysterious yet melodic. This project won A&D Trophy Awards 2017, Best of Category of Professional Architecture- Landscape.

The key feature of the landscape design within this gallery space is the long sculptural water feature acting as the backdrop to the tea gallery setting. This sculptural water feature is a direct abstraction of beautiful tea terraces found in Chinese countryside juxtaposed with the traditional Chinese landscape painting of shan shui.

The entire setting is like a three dimensional Chinese landscape painting installation where the interplay of scale and texture enrich the experiences of the tea connoisseurs.
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景观设计:ONE Landscape
Location: Shenzhen, China
Completion: 2017
Developer: China Merchant Bank
Landscape Design: ONE Landscape
Interior Design: ADO
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