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Thanks O&O STUDIO for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by O&O STUDIO.


一持工作室 x REhyphenation:北角的回忆:北角居民的口述历史,和陪伴成长的心爱家具,启发一持工作室与REhyphenation合作的“小街坊”公共空间设计项目,展示丰富街区的过去和现在。

O&O STUDIO x REhyphenation: MEMORIES OF NORTH POINT:North Point residents’ oral histories and beloved furnishings inspired, O&O STUDIO and REHYPHENATION’S Siu Kai Fong, Showcasing a rich tapestry of the netghbourhood’s past for the present.


▽小街坊 – 香港北角公众码头 Siu Kai Fong – Hong Kong North Point Public Pier

© Kelvin Mak



香港艺术中心 (HKAC) 在2021年年初,在市区更新基金的支持下,为“路过北角”项目主办了创意社区空间提案征集 。由一持工作室 O&O STUDIO联成艺术家REHyphenation 创作的“小街坊”成为六名受委托的获奖作品之一,在香港北角公众码头由8月30日到10月31日展出了两个月的时间。


注册建筑师陈思安和李雪雯于2018年成立了一持工作室 O&O Studio,在上海和伦敦工作超过10年后,回到他们的家乡-香港 。 艺术家REHyphenation的霍采儿是一位中学教师,霍采儿跟陈思安一起同样是香港NGO拓展公共空间的一员。在2021年的1月份,三位设计师组织起来,参加了路过北角创意社区空间提案征集。

In response to Hong Kong Arts Centre’s (HKAC) open invitation for community-driven public art, Hong Kong firms O&O Studio (O&O) and REHyphenation proposed Siu Kai Fong.With support from the Urban Renewal Fund, Siu Kai Fong went on to become one of six winning entries commissioned and installed in the vicinity of North Point Ferry Pier.
Exhibited between 30 August and 31st October, 2021, Siu Kai Fong is a reflection of the neighbourhood’s daily usage of the causeway. Further, it captures the historic district’s personal narratives through repurposed furnishings gathered from North Point households and businesses for visitors to experience a piece of the past.
Architects Eric Chan and Suzanne Li established O&O in 2018, returning to their hometown of Hong Kong after working in Shanghai and London. Joyce Fok of REHyphenation teaches visual arts. Chan and Fok volunteer with NGO Hong Kong Public Space Initiative where they share community building aspirations. The three participated in Via North Point Festival’s competition with the conviction that social engagement across multiple generations was a solution that benefits neighourhoods.


▽由老式麻将桌改装为港式康乐棋,供街坊在公共空间玩耍 A mahjong table from the old days transformed into a retro board game for use in the neighbourhood

© Kelvin Mak

▽小街坊 – 香港北角公众码头 Siu Kai Fong – Hong Kong North Point Public Pier

© Kelvin Mak



经过多轮的采访和对北角历史的研究, 一持及REhyphenation 发现北角公众码头是在北角小有的公共空间。在一天里的每个小时,都经常有当区居民甚至于其他市民“光顾”,开展不同的活动,比如钓鱼、锻炼、约会等,对老年人更加是一个不可多得的一片休闲地。由于后者这个关键的原因,码头吸引了不同的街坊带来自家的椅子,分享与各人随时共用。相比现有的固定式长凳,自家椅子能随着用家的喜好来移动和摆放,提供一个自主性。这个在公众码头的独有特性也启发了设计团队创造“小街坊”作为竞赛的提案方案 。

Upon repeated visits, the team observed that the public pier was frequented by people participating in different activities at every hour of the day. People fished, boarded sampans, exercised, strolled on dates or, particularly in the case of the area’s elderly, used the causeway for rest and relaxation. Online research and community discussions further yielded a key fact: users of the causeway bring household furniture to use and readily share them with others. In contrast to the street furnishings provided by the Hong Kong government’s Leisure and Cultural Services Department, these furnishings are not fixed and people move them to where needed. North Point’s communal furniture became the basis for Siu Kai Fong.


▽北角公众码头的日常 Daily life at the North Point Public Pier





“We wanted Siu Kai Fong to reflect the neighbourhood practise of re-using old furnishings but include pieces that have stories to tell,” explained Chan.


▽一家福建美食店的老板用了数十年来揉面团的木椅子 A wooden stool which a Fujian food store owner used for kneading dough for years





设计团队最终通过捐赠获得了 47 把椅子和三张桌子。凭借引人入胜的历史,配音演员的叙述提供了七个生动的录音,通过嵌入在每件作品上的二维码,让街坊能收听到各有趣的故事点滴。

To that end, the team joined hands with HKAC to reach out to the North Point community for donations. “Some furniture required repurposing or revamping while we were able to leave other pieces as-is to preserve their memories,” said Fok.

The team eventually received 47 chairs and three tables through donations. For the ones with compelling histories, narratives by voice actors provided lively recordings of seven chairs accessible via scanning QR codes embedded on each piece. “Some furnishings came from commercial enterprises, such as the area’s eateries and stores,” recalled Li. “Others were chairs used in schools that Joyce helped us obtain, as North Point is home to many established primary and secondary schools. The rest came from residents who used them within North Point homes.”


▽从北角街坊募捐的各椅子 Selection of chairs collected from neighbourhood of North Point





One chair originally came from a colonial era government office. It ended up in a student’s home and she grew up with the chair; even when she moved, she could not part with this piece of her upbringing. Two other chairs originated from shops along Chun Yeung Street market. The rocking chair was originally a favourite place to sit for a North Point grandmother.

A small green plywood chair came from a Women’s Welfare Club (Eastern District) nursery. Another chair was previously used in the now defunct Java Road Government School, and turned up in a store operated by a family in Java Road Market and Cooked Food Centre. The store owner picked the chair up from a rubbish pile, and for years his daughter sat on it to do homework while he attended to customers.


▽殖民地时代政府二手家具 Second hand furniture from the colonial era


▽分别由中小学及幼儿园收集的椅子 Chairs collected from secondary, primary schools and kindergarten





Sofas, benches and upholstered chairs offered were deemed unsuitable for Siu Kai Fong due to potential adverse weather conditions impacting the site during its run. A few of the school chairs were bundled together and transformed into rocking chairs that all shared a base. Items beyond repair were wrapped in clear acrylic to allow for usage alongside contemplation. A former mahjong tabletop invited people to consider its history as they sat around it to enjoy a drink or browse their phone.

The team’s eventual solution is a compilation resembling an outdoor urban living room complemented by painted ground graphics. The bright flooring is reminiscent of colourful heritage tiles and patterns commonly found in tenement buildings. Some with deteriorated legs or worn seats required repairs.


© Kelvin Mak

▽老香港唐楼地面彩色地砖 Old Hong Kong residential flats coloured floor tiles

▽小街坊设计三维图- 老椅子翻新,保留坐板和背板部分,配合有机玻璃椅脚,可以随意在码头穿梭和摆放。利用有机玻璃是希望构件能容易组装拆卸,方便展览阶段过后能够在其他地方再次使用。同时,有机玻璃是一种“无色”的材料,让老椅子部位更加突出。 Exploded axonometric illustrating how the collected chair boards being supported by an acrylic cross bracing member. This gives flexibility of the placement of chairs along the pier. Using acrylic also means that the chairs can be stood out from the colourless materials.

▽小街坊设计三维图- 同样配合有机玻璃桌脚,和现场的长凳连接时不会对其产生损坏。Exploded axonometric illustrating a similar approach where the table board is supported by an acrylic cross bracing member which is then anchored to the existing long bench without any damage.


▽小街坊设计三维图图– 利用有机玻璃设计出一个长身的构件,套在码头现有的长凳边,同时承托数张在不同高度的老椅凳板,成为一个室外的小天地,也不会损坏现有长凳。Exploded perspective illustrating how the collected chair boards to be supported by an acrylic cross bracing member which is then slotted into the existing benches at the pier without doing any damages.

▽小街坊设计三维图 – 香港北角公众码头 Siu Kai Fong design illustration – Hong Kong North Point Public Pier

▽小学椅子样板,改装为摇摇椅 Prototype of the collected school chair, which is the transformation into a rocking chair


▽收集回来的办公室椅子样板增加有机玻璃底座,让椅子看上去像浮起来。Prototype of the collected office chair with a newly made acrylic base which makes the chair appear to be floating


▽木椅子样板。由于部分收集回来的木椅子已经有几十年历史。设计团队希望保留椅子的原貌,所以设计了一个有机玻璃加上钢架的外框,让木椅子套进去,这样就可以让使用者看得到也模得到木椅子,同时也不用受力。 Prototype of wooden stool. Since several collected wooden stools are very old at their age. Since we want to maintain the original status of the stool, we designated a new acrylic and metal outer frame that support the stool, allowing the stool being seen and touched while avoiding the load.


▽样板在北角公众码头预展,让街坊们可以先试验 Pre-exhibition of prototypes at the North Point Public Pier for trials by neighbourhood


▽小街坊 – 香港北角公众码头,当中橙色的小椅子本来不是小街坊的一员,相信是某组织看到小街坊这个展览,然后带来新的椅子一同分享,就像我们小街坊认识新朋友一样。Siu Kai Fong – Hong Kong North Point Public Pier

© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak







“Siu Kai Fong made us realise the closeness of Hong Kong’s communities and the invisible connections that bind us all,” said Li.

“Eventually, the government will build a promenade here for cycling and this collective space will be gone,” noted Fok.

“Siu Kai Fong acts as a record of a time and place in North Point,” said Chan. “Since its unveiling, we have been pleasantly surprised how people have used the chairs in unexpected ways. It is not a finite installation. We noticed many bringing new furniture there to share. Siu Kai Fong has taken on a life of its own.”

After the exhibition ends, components from Siu Kai Fong will live on through charity sales and educational events to achieve a closed loop cycle that continues to benefit Hong Kong communities.


© Kelvin Mak


关于路过北角 About Via North Point


North Point is a fascinating location full of collective memories yet also undergoing rapid urban and socio-economic transformation, populated with diverse neighbourhoods. The Project carries a key mission in empowering the community to envision a better future use of public space, and enhance the quality of living for North Point Residents. Together with the concerted efforts with the collaborators, Hong Kong Arts Centre design and engage the community with a series of participatory programmers and creative artistic structures to connect the new and the old areas in the district, building capacity on public space, celebrating the uniqueness of North Point and hence cultivating a sense of belonging and building the cultural citizenship through imaginations of urban spaces.


▽营造社区归属感的公共空间 A public space that creates a sense of community

© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak
© Kelvin Mak



项目类别:公共空间, 社区参与,家具升级
主持建筑师:陈思安(一持工作室)、李雪雯 (一持工作室)、霍采儿 (REhphenation)
摄影师:Kelvin Mak, Eric Chan
文字:Rebecca Lo, Eric Chan

Address: North Point Public Pier
Hong Kong, PRC
Architect/Artist: O&O STUDIO, REhyphenation
Typology: Public Space, Community
Engagement, Furniture Upcycling
Chief Designer: Eric Chan (O&O Studio),
Suzanne Li (O&O Studio),
Joyce Fok (REhyphenation)
Client: Hong Kong Arts Centre
Sponsor: Urban Renewal Fund
Area: 140sqm
Completion: 2021
Photographer: Kelvin Mak, Eric Chan
Text: Rebecca Lo, Eric Chan




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