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Thanks L49 for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by L49.
L49:This high-end Residential 50 stories condominium located on one of Sathorn Road busiest junction and very close proximity to BTS & Expressway access. Despite The project situated in one of the very chaotic CBD, We aimed to create a peaceful sanctuary for the residents to feel restfully of coming back home.

The project has occupied by more than 450 residential units. We decided to employ an elegant simplicity design to create the common taste of the luxurious feel to share by all residents. The simple shape and line of landscape space-pattern-texture in various grey-dark tone in combining with lushness green of vegetation were used to create and emphasize the stable-soft-soothing ambience. The design had been meticulously detail with carefully selected material that enrich the luxuriousness of the project.

Entering the premise and out of the vehicle into the building, the residents shall encounter with the enclosed landscape space on the ground floor that feel so exclusively private garden. This homelike garden of Lawn space, Shaded Lounging Pergola, enveloping with green canopy foliage and the sound of the soothing sound of the cascading Waterfall that entirely separate the residents out from the busy world close by. They can enjoy filtered sun light, cool breeze in the space that occasionally it is capable of holding a cozy group function such as birthday party as well.
▼私人庭院花园般的底层住宅景观空间 The enclosed landscape space on the ground floor that feel so exclusively private garden.

▼清朗的草坪、遮荫凉亭、葱郁的绿色树冠,以及舒缓的瀑布流水声,帮助人们隔离了外面繁忙的世界 This homelike garden of Lawn space, Shaded Lounging Pergola, enveloping with green canopy foliage and the sound of the soothing sound of the cascading Waterfall that entirely separate the residents out from the busy world close by.

▼瀑布水景墙细节 The waterfall details

Connected to the activities floor on the level 6, residents can enjoy a vast green space on the roof of the parking building. The space had been designed to create spaces for multi users that each shall have they own private space or share activities outdoor space for picnicing, jogging, enjoy reading under shade trees’ canopy or trellises. Sunbathing is made possible at the enclosed private space screening by higher bushes.
▼巨大的屋顶花园休闲空间 A large roof garden for leisure.

▼供居民阅读、休憩的凉亭空间 Pavilion space for residents to read and rest.

▼绿荫下的各种放松休闲空间 The various relaxations under the shade of trees.

▼在高高的灌木篱笆下享受日光浴 Sunbathing at the enclosed private space screening by higher bushes.

▼绿化种植池细节 Details of planting pond.

On the swimming pools facilities level, all the spaces were created by landscape architect both under the building and open up to the sky. We employ the potential of the building that stretching its long side parallel to the chao phraya river. The sky family pool & sky boutique pool were created on each tips of the building looking northwards and southwards of the river. These pools are connected by series of seating spaces on a colorful cushion sofa and enjoy breezing and fantastic view of the sunset and panoramic view of the bangkok’s famous city skyline.
▼平行于湄南河的空中泳池 The sky family pool & sky boutique pool were parallel to the chao phraya river.

▼一系列的座位空间方便人们在此享受习习微风以及美丽的日落 These pools are connected by series of seating spaces on a colorful cushion sofa and enjoy breezing and fantastic view of the sunset.

▼简约、开阔的泳池区 The pool area is simple and open.

▼将城市全景纳入景观视野 The sky pool bring the panoramic view of the city into the landscape view.

▼住宅总平面 Master Plan

▼项目结构示意图 Structural diagram

景观公司:Landscape Architects 49 Limited
首席景观设计师:Arrak Ouiyamaphan
设计团队:Suttida Tharanatham , Nattamas Khowsihawat
客户:Land and Houses Public Company Limited
建筑设计:Tandem Architects (2001) Co.,Ltd.
图片:Rungkrit Charoenwat
Project name: The Bangkok Sathorn
Completion Year: 2017
Design Area: 8,875 sq. m.
Project location: Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape Firm: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Website: www.L49.co.th
Contact e-mail: L49@L49.co.th
Lead Landscape Architects: Arrak Ouiyamaphan
Design Team: Suttida Tharanatham , Nattamas Khowsihawat
Clients: Land and Houses Public Company Limited
Collaborators: Tandem Architects (2001) Co.,Ltd. (Architect)
Photo credits: Rungkrit Charoenwat
更多 Read more about: Landscape Architects 49 Limited