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Thanks NCD Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by NCD Studio.


玖鹿设计:“把曲的高低,难易,和和者众寡的关系分别清楚:须知高的曲不一定难,低的曲也不一定易;反之难的曲不一定高,易的曲也不一定低。故高低与难易是不相关的两事。又须知和寡不是为了曲高的之故,是为了曲难之故;和众不是为了曲低之故,乃为了曲易之故。” —— 丰子恺

NCD Studio:“For a clear understanding of the relationship between highbrow &lowbrow, difficulty & ease of songs and their popularity: it is importantto know that highbrow songs are not necessarily difficult, and lowbrow songsare not necessarily easy; conversely, difficult songs are not necessarilyhighbrow, and easy songs are not necessarily lowbrow. Therefore, highbrow &lowbrow and difficulty & ease are irrelevant. It is also important to knowthat low popularity of songs is not a result of being highbrow, but a result ofbeing difficult; high popularity of songs is not a result of being lowbrow, buta result of being easy.” — Feng Zi-kai




Interestingly, the site of our project is rightopposite the newly built Feng Zi-kai School in Tongxiang, Jiaxing, the hometownof Feng Zi-kai. Racks of light filtered through the shutters, the corners ofpapers of the textbooks flipped repeatedly and the graffiti on the textbooks inmemory seem to echo with the intense atmosphere of the academy in the sitesomehow.


▽设计手稿 Design Manuscript Of Entrance



At the beginning of the design, we explored changes inthe scale for people with space and nature and the responses within a limitedspace, but felt somewhat bereft. In the process of endowing the site with a newlife, we identified surprises and made satisfactory achievements from exploringthe time scale in the design.


▽入口连廊空间 Entrance Corridor


▽入口转换空间 Entrance Conversion Space



Just as FengZi-kai said: lowbrow songs are not necessarily easy. In the design of the site,we adopt concise lines and imperceptible gradients to avoid conveyingoverwhelmingly excited emotions, filling the environment with faint light andshadow displacement as a whole. The connection of the sight with and theenvironment is closer for the sake of the corridor, creating a time-freezing beauty.


▽在空间中感受时间感的变化 Feel the change of time in space


▽连廊的变化缔造出时间凝固之美The Change Of The Corridor Creats A Time-freezing Beauty



Quercus nuttallii growing out of the water passesthrough the top of the corridor with a dark-colored water-courtyard behind,raising the level of the entire space in the sense of depth. In a quiet scene,light and humid air added render the entire space with a vivid and naturaltexture.



▽水庭空间Water atrium space


▽夜景下的细节与质感The details and texture of the night scene


▽材质与灯光细节 Details of materials and lighting



Wefocus on the spiritual core of the site, which is expected to be turned into anideal residential zone, while striving to explore the expression of space indifferent ways. We intend to arouse empathy and yearning for a better life withthe essence of the site, concise and simple lines, and an atmosphere ofcomfort.





主创设计师: 张嘉元
设计团队: 方案:程志、周国达、杨静宜、黎红;施工图:赵阳、叶于民、王丁楠、刘重阳、杨帆
项目设计 & 完成年份:2021年 & 2021年

Project name:THE LEGEND
Location: Tonglu,Jiaxing, Zhejiang
Landscape design: NCD Studio
Sculpture design: NCD Studio
Chief designer: Zhang Jiayuan
Design team: Cheng Zhi, Zhou Guoda, Yang Jingyi, Li Hong; Construction drawings: Zhao Yang, Ye Yumin, Wang Dingnan, Liu Chongyang, Yang Fan
Architectural design:QINGMO Design
Interior design:JIUZUO Design
Design area:3000㎡
Client: Zhangshi Group
Photography:YiFang Photography
Project design & completion year: 2021 & 2021




审稿编辑 任廷会 –  Ashley Jen

更多 Read more about: NCD Studio Pte Ltd 玖鹿设计