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L&A design: The wave rush, the tower rise.In the 40th year of living in Shenzhen, I often worry about is the development of this city too fast?The answer emerges at that tender afternoon,the Xinbeitou river is shrouded by the continuous greenery, slowly flowing towards the Maozhou River.And at the same time, you are running towards the wind, with full of joy and happiness.




The child is at your age,She walks across the new bridge that rises above the river,She holds her mother’s hand and She can’t wait to step into the stone bridge with bare feet,Play in the middle of the river joyfully.


▼踩着石板汀步在新坡头河中接触大自然的水下动物   Meet nature’s underwater animals on the new potou river



Keeping up with your small steps,Strolling along the meandering the Xinbeitou River,The spreading meadows and trees reflected in the eyes.


▼在河堤上亲近自然,时而驻足观察时而欢快奔跑   Close to nature on the river bank, sometimes stop to observe and run happily



I took a picture of the bright sky,At the freeze-frame moment,I suddenly realized, the wave and the high towers Are already hidden in the boundless nature.


▼驻足远眺,呼吸清新,记录植物的多样性   Stop and look, breathe, and note the diversity of plants


 “ 稳定的生态环境为急速前进的深圳提供了一颗强有力的心脏,守护着城市的更迭流转与生生不息。”

“A stable ecological environment provides a strong heart for the fast-developing Shenzhen, guarding the city’s vitality and prosperity” 




“We are the guardians of the city”, from the time they involved with the enhancement project for the surrounding area of The Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan University, the design team never forget about their responsibility.

The project is located in the northwest of Guangming Central District, at the junction of Guangming Central District, Guangming Cloud Valley and Guangming Town, which is a very important location.


▼项目鸟瞰图   An aerial view of the project


自然的复苏  生境的治愈|The resurgence of nature The healing of habitat



Again, we see the water plants are lush; again, we see the ripples of the bluish waves.

The sunrise sets a light glow on the distant hills, and the Canna Lily grow in clusters along the river, softening the edges and following the river forward.The delightful natural scenario behind us originates from the design group’s decision to prioritize ecological restoration.




Yilan Garden (the Xinbeitou River wetland park) is a key display node for the whole design, located at the bifurcation area of 3 tributaries. The Xinbeitou River is the largest tributary of the Maozhou River, running from east to west. The original river channel is silted up, with a noticeable river level fluctuation, the water is turbid, and the ecological environment is undesirable.


▼改造前的河道    The river course before renovation



Under the premise of ensuring water safety, we implemented the concept of sponge city construction into our design, relying on the original landscape of the river lane, taking ecological restoration, non-point source pollution treatment, dredging and other measures.


▼河道景观鸟瞰    A bird’s eye view of the river course



The Xinbeitou River has a 50-year flood protection standard and occupies the majority of the design area, making it inappropriate to install landscape facilities that affect flood protection. The landscape and hydraulic engineering design collaborate to slow down the water flow through the overflow weir, reduce river channel erosion, control the water level by stages and maintain a more stable large water surface effect while using the overflow weir to set up a walking trail across the water, providing convenience and interest for traffic on the premise of ensuring safety.


▼驳岸设计溢流堰减缓水流及河堤冲刷    The revetment design overflow weir mitigates water flow and embankment scour



In response to the requirements of sponge city construction, we have designed a system to collect and purify rainwater runoff, slow down the flow rate when rainwater sinks into the river during the storm season, equipped with bioswale and rain gardens, improving the ecological function of the site by discharging the water into the river through the sedimentation and preliminary filtration from the green space.


▼设置水中汀步,便于交通的同时增加趣味性    Set water step, easy to traffic at the same time increase interest



The design maximises the conservation of the existing topography and trees, replanting aquatic plants with both ornamental and ecological benefits: Cyperus alternifolius, Lythraceae, Irises, Indian shot, Softstem bulrush, Bulrush eg. ,Building a complete aquatic ecosystem that purify rainwater while providing ornamental and aesthetic value. We try to make full use of natural vegetation, soil and micro-organisms to purify rainwater, effectively avoiding polluted rainwater directly flowing into the river and protecting water environment.


▼保留原有地形的改造和树木植被的生态修复    Ecological restoration of original terrain and trees and vegetation

▼簇拥生长的美人蕉,给河滩增添别样的风景    The long canna bushes add to the beauty of the beach



Looking through the lush and growing verbena, Xinbeitou River is now a lively natural landscape with green banks and clean water. Strolling along the undulating grassy slopes, we can see that people are walking on the winding paths.




A small healing garden is being created, with plants flourishing and the fresh air from nature, making it a perfect environment for the wellness garden of The Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan University. The barrier-free design takes the needs of every group of people into account, making it easy for people to enjoy the view and relax.


▼湿地公园鸟瞰    A bird’s eye view of the health garden



The small fish in the water managed to attract the children’s curiosity, they played around the river with their colorful tools and welcomed a close encounter with nature.



流动的风景  柔性的边界|Flowing landscape   Flexible boundaries



Yilan Garden integrates the Xinbeitou River into a dynamic landscape that is coexisting with the city.


▼夕阳下的微风佛动,草树摇曳    Under the setting sun the breeze Buddha, grass and trees swaying



The design keeps the original platform structure, removes the decking and handrails and provides more seating facilities for resting.


▼原平台结构打造滨河观景空间,设置休闲座椅    The original platform structure creates a riverside viewing space, with leisure seats



Eye-catching signs pointing the way to the next stop, surrounded by lush greenery, create a beautiful scenery.


▼创意的导视系统与植被环境形成鲜明的对比    The creative guidance system contrasts sharply with the vegetated environment



As you start to climb along the elevated walkway, the observation deck at the top of the hill offers a distant view of the entire park, as well as the completed The Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan University, Happy Field and the Guangming Cloud Valley which is under construction, making it a perfect viewing point to witness the growth of the city.


▼休闲栈道与山顶观景台鸟瞰    Recreational plank road and the top of the mountain viewing platform bird’s eye view

▼利用地形打造休闲栈道与山顶观景台    Make use of the terrain to create a recreational walkway and a mountaintop viewing platform

▼狼尾草遍布栈道两侧,丰富的攀爬趣味    Wolf’s tail grass on both sides of the plank road, rich climbing fun



The view of the mountains in the distance is breathtaking, and the tranquility of nature merges with the view of the city with the light of the sky.


▼站在高高的观景台上眺望远方    Stand on a high observation deck and look out into the distance

▼夜色下的观景台别有一番风趣    The viewing deck at night is interesting



Located at the entrance to the clinic of The Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan University, the Terrace Square is the place where people choose to take a break, sit down and stay for a while to forget the worries of life.


▼阶梯广场的树阵步道通往医院门诊入口    The treetree walkway of the stepped square leads to the entrance of the hospital clinic

▼在石材草阶的坐凳上停留小憩    Take a rest on the bench on the stone grass steps



Get up and pat the dust off the body, pace back along the path and, together with the resilient grass and trees, we are able to continue to face all the challenges of life and move forward with determination towards the sunset.


▼新旧融合的植物多样性    A mixture of old and new plant diversity


鱼跃而起  连接南北|Fish leaping up   Linking North and South


“鱼跃之桥-Joy Bridge”是场地中重要的组成部分,桥体一跃而起,横跨两岸,设计简洁流畅,优美的弧线如同鱼跃水面,象征光明区快速腾飞的未来,同时喻意“愉悦之桥”,表达了对光明区人民生活的美好祝愿。

The Joy Bridge is an important element of the site. The bridge rises up and across the two sides of the river in a simple and smooth design, with a graceful arc like a fish leaping over the water, symbolising the fast-flying future of the Guangming District, as well as a metaphor for the ‘Bridge of Joy’, expressing good wishes for the life of the people of Guangming District.




The bridge is 82 metres in length, and in order to meet the flooding requirements, no piers were set up in the river, only a single-hole cable-bearing combination girder all-steel structure with a structural span of 64 metres. Using highly resistant bamboo material, the bridge connects two important urban projects on both sides of the river, The Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan University and Happy Field, and provides a barrier-free walkway for the public to use for walking, jogging and cycling.


▼连接两地的鱼跃之桥    A diving bridge connecting the two places



The impressive deck of bridge enriches the vertical space of the site, undulating, parallel above the pedestrian path upwards, and downwards, close to the river and the ground, creating a distinctive landscape above and below the bridge that complements each other.


▼透过马鞭草看桥与场地的风景    View of the bridge and grounds through the verbena

▼起伏的桥身平行于水面上    The undulating bridge runs parallel to the water

▼鱼跃之桥细节    Details of the diving bridge



Overlooking the large lawn in the distance from the bridge, people are squinting in the sun and enjoying the lovely weather.


▼享受着草坪上的日光浴    Sunbathing on the lawn



The white bridge is threaded through the Fountain grass, with a natural integration of the real and the imaginary, extending the beauty of the hierarchical lines.




Daylight fades and night comes. Warm lights gradually emerge from the bridge, gently providing illumination for the people.


▼夜色下的桥体与水面倒影    Reflection of the bridge and water at night

▼桥上的暖色灯光陪伴着夜行的人们    The warm lights on the bridge accompany people walking at night


更新织补  风貌重塑|Update of weaving   Reshape the landscape



Zhenyuan Road is the road leading to the Guangming Science City Exhibition Center, and is an important road to display the identity of the Guangming Science City in the near future. It will also form an important urban trunk road during the construction of the Guangming Science City in the future.There are many problems with the original condition of the road: different forms of road sections; lack of urban identity with greenery;ageing paving;mixed pedestrian and vehicular traffic;lack of slow-moving system. To sum up, the overall impression does not match the new city planning position of the new Guangming Science City.


▼道路原状    The road to its original state



The road design fully respects the current situation and is consistent with the overall construction concept of the Shenzhen district of science and innovation, openness and sharing, and ecological livability. We highlight slow traffic, sponge city, simple and elegant design approach to road refurbishment, unified new road section form, neat and harmonized green planting, simple and practical paving materials, the establishment of independent and safe slow walking system.


▼路面统一,分区设计人行和非机动车道路    Unified road surface, pedestrian and non-motor road design



We choose celtis sinensis, Camphor tree, Madagascar almond, Ceiba speciosa as the street trees; Bougainvillea, Chinese Silver Privet, Cordyline fruticose, Duranta erecta, Eragrostis Pilosa, Purpletop vervain as the lower layer plants. They create a rich hierarchy of landscapes, renewing the appearance of the road while weaving and linking the continuous urban space.


▼行道树以朴树和香樟为主的乔木 搭配花灌木营造植物景观   The roadside trees are mainly made up of puke trees and camphor trees with flowers and shrubs to create plant landscape




In the Landscape Enhancement Project of The Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan University, we are strongly supported by the Guangming District Government, we prioritise solving urban environmental problems, focus on ecological restoration and promote organic urban regeneration.At the same time, we are designing for life with people at the top of mind, constantly improving the quality of public services in the city, repairing and sewing urban spaces, and optimising the conditions of roads, bridges and other infrastructure The project provides urban residents with a humane urban public space landscape that is both culturally relevant and ecologically effective, and greatly enhances their sense of well-being.


设计团队:奥雅设计 北京城市公共空间组 深圳公建一组 深圳公建二组 深圳植物组
采编 : Jennie
摄影: 林涛

Project Name: The Surrounding Landscape Revitalization of the Seventh Hospital of Zhongshan University
Project Location: Zhenyuan Road, Guangming District, Shenzhen
Project type: Municipal public construction
Floor area: 222,800 ㎡
Client: Shenzhen Guangming District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau
Agent-construction: OCT Guangming (Shenzhen) Investment Co., Ltd.
Person in charge of agent construction unit: Tang Haijun, Wang Zijian, Liu Miaoxuan, Huang Xianchun, Ding Youwen, Wu Jiayao, Li Zebin, Wang Cong
Design team: L&A Design (Beijing Urban Public Space Team; Shenzhen Public Construction Group 1; Shenzhen Public Construction Group 2; Shenzhen Plant design Team)
Landscape construction: China MCC22 Group Corporation Ltd.
Design: 2020
Completion: 2021
Collecting and editing: Jennie
Photography : Lin Tao


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