Thanks SLF for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by SLF.
上海景观论坛自2017年起,在众多设计师、学者、赞助商及媒体的陪伴下,已成功举办了五届活动。通过AECOM, SASAKI, SWA, SOM, ASPECT Studios, HASSELL, TLS等多家国际性景观设计公司的先后加入及共同努力,论坛逐渐成长起来。上海景观论坛委员会一直以“开拓新的实践,催化设计创新、影响政策变革;提升公众对于景观重要贡献的认识;倡导景观行业,使之汇入社会进步的主流推动力”为活动使命,不断尝试新的形式、探讨新的主题,希望以此提升景观行业的影响力,并推进行业的可持续发展。
Since 2017, Shanghai Landscape Forum has successfully held 5 events with accompany of many designers, scholars, media and sponsors. With contribution of AECOM, Sasaki, SWA, SOM, ASPECT Studios, HASSELL, TLS and many other international landscape companies, the forum has grown rapidly from an internal event to a professional open forum with over 300 participants. Aim of the forum is to ” pioneer new practices that result in design innovation and influence on policy transformation; raise public awareness of landscape architecture’s vital contribution, advocate landscape architecture into the mainstream driving force for social progress”, to promote our profession and build a more sustainable tomorrow for the profession.
▼往届论坛回顾 Past forum reviews
The 6th Shanghai Landscape Forum has entered an intense preparation. We will open call for proposals to public for the very first time. As a platform to promote Landscape Architecture in China, the 6th forum hopes to hear voices from wider range of people and different perspectives and understanding. Come to join us! We are looking forward to having you as our honored presenters in November!
The 6th Shanghai Landscape Forum (SLF) is currently accepting presentation proposals. Please read carefully for detail information regarding topic, requirements, deadline and etc.
主题 Topic
在中国过去四十余年中,随着高速的城市化发展,城市基础设施扩张和土地开发规模不断扩大,使自然环境遭到破坏、甚至退化,并危及全球经济、社会及气候。 面对这些挑战,作为景观建筑师的我们,如何从研究、交流、实践和使用评估中找到方法并予以回应?本次论坛将探讨可能的种种积极举措,来扭转这个日益无序的趋势。
为了引出一场层次丰富、跨学科专业的讨论, 细分方向形式将用于指导提案。每个演讲按照下列细分方向之一提案,根据细分方向涉及范畴及演讲关注领域进行考量。细分方向参考以下,演讲关注领域参考报名表格。
The main topic for the upcoming event is Disorder.
Following some 40 years of rapid urbanization, expanding urban infrastructure and land development in China, the environment is increasingly fragmented, degraded and threatened economic, social and climate change. In the context of these challenges, how are landscape architects responding through research, communications, and practice and end-user assessments? The forum will focus on the positive contribution being made to tackle increasing levels of disorder.
In order to encourage a diverse and multi-disciplinary discussion, A Sub-Category System will be used to guide the proposals. Each submission shall follow one of the sub-categories. Proposals are evaluated within each sub-category and focal area. Please use the following sub-categories and “presentation focal area” in proposal submission checklist for your reference:
- 城市失序
- Urban Disorder
Rapid urban development is often in conflict with historic preservation, old housing, neglected public space, over crowded streets and industrial relocation leading to brownfield or redevelopment sites in desperate need for regeneration. Urban disorder will focus on the positive contribution of landscape and associated improvements to urban redevelopment to benefit our environment, health and wellbeing and preservation of our history and culture.
- 环境恶化
- Climate Disorder
Global challenges including sea-level rise, flooding, drought, increasing temperatures, biodiversity loss, air pollution, water and soil contamination are increasingly being targeted as priorities for ecological restoration and sustainable design. Climate disorder will focus on the speculative thinking, landscapes of data, research, communications, practice and end-user assessments to tackle the issue of climate change.
- 机制混乱
- System Disorder
Rapid urbanization and expanding urban infrastructure have been made possible by political influence, land ownership and regulatory urban planning. As the focus of development shifts more towards environmental restoration and sustainable growth, how might public engagement or public opinion be used more in the conversation to create landscapes that deliver greater environmental, economic and social benefits. Social disorder will raise the discussion on ways to increase transparency, public communications and local community engagement for preservation, programming, space creation and stewardship of our landscape.
论坛形式 Event Format
To encourage better interactions and conversations, the presentations will be grouped based on sub-categories. The forum will be bilingual. Presenter can choose presentation language, English with Chinese translation, or vice versa. The forum format may include presentations, Q&A sessions and panel discussion.
The exact presentation format will be finalized after all the entries are reviewed by the committee.
提案指南 Proposal Guideline
To submit your proposal, please fill out the attached checklist and provide an outline of your presentation. Please be noted that each presentation will be limited to 10 minutes, and up to 3 presenters for each presentation. Please plan the presentation accordingly.
提交说明 Submission Instructions
请将您的提案简介及征集发言人报名表格填写完后,以附件形式发至邮箱:sh-laf@googlegroups.com ,邮件标题请注明“第六届上海景观论坛投稿”
征集发言人报名表格百度网盘下载链接及提取码:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1y_G_-TNjiygnCc7VOxd3yw (提取码: icks)
被选演讲稿通知日期:2019年 10月11日(北京时间)
Deadline of proposal submission: September 30, 2019 23:59 (Beijing Time)
Please email your proposal and proposal submission checklist as attachment to: sh-laf@googlegroups.com , note “6th SLF Call for Proposal Submission”
Baidu Cloud download link and code for submission checklist: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1y_G_-TNjiygnCc7VOxd3yw (Code: icks)
Wetransfer Download Link for proposal submission checklist: https://we.tl/t-5HbStLrjyu
Notification to selected presenters: October 11, 2019 (Beijing Time)
For more information, please contact: sh-laf@googlegroups.com