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Thanks Sam Crawford Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Sam Crawford Architects.
Sam Crawford Architects:2016年,一家颇受欢迎的咖啡馆被一场大火严重损毁。现在,一座拥有新的外观、基于原建筑结构和材料的新餐馆诞生于原址之上。
Sam Crawford Architects: A popular cafe was severely damaged by fire in 2016. From the shell, a new restaurant has burst into being within the same footprint – salvaging and reusing the remaining fabric.
这座由Sam Crawford Architects设计的Parramatta公园亭包括一个餐厅和公共设施,并与河流及周边被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录的独特景观环境相连。
Parramatta Park Pavilion by Sam Crawford Architects includes a restaurant and public amenities and connects with the river and its extraordinary UNESCO World Heritage-listed landscape setting.
Sam Crawford解释道:“该设计的关键是确保利用前咖啡馆建筑的用地,以避免对重要的本土和早期欧洲文物造成干扰,以及同样重要的“循环利用”,包括回收利用原建筑楼板、墙体、砖块、大量钢制门窗以及一些屋顶桁架等。这就像一场灵活的操练——我们不能挖掘任何东西,公用设施也必须保留在相同的位置(当然我们需要满足21世纪的建筑规范),并且能经得起未来的考验,以适应不断变化的功能需求。”
Sam Crawford explains: “The key design driver was to maintain the footprint of the former cafe building so as to avoid disturbance of significant Indigenous and early European artefacts. Reuse was also critical – the slab, walls, bricks, many steel windows and doors and some roof trusses were all recycled. It was a gymnastics exercise – we couldn’t dig anything, the utilities had to remain in the same location, and of course we needed to meet the 21st century building code. And be future proof to adapt for changing uses.”
“We wanted to respect the layers of history of the site – the park setting has a rich period of occupation by the Burramatta clan of the Darug people and ongoing connection for the Indigenous community. It is one of eleven sites that form the ‘Australian Convict Sites’ World Heritage listing, and contains the oldest remaining public building and oldest remaining workers cottage in Australia,” added Crawford.
它也坐落在约1912年公共洗浴禁令被取消后,专为河里游泳者准备的更衣室(也毁于火灾)旧址上。它可以俯瞰‘Little Coogee’,一个Parramatta河岸的游泳和野餐地点,并与公园里的自行车道和人行道相连。
It also sits on the site of former dressing sheds (also destroyed by fire) for river bathers dating from circa 1912, when the prohibition of public bathing was lifted. It overlooks ‘Little Coogee’, a former swimming and picnicking spot on the Parramatta River banks. And connects to cycleways and walkways in the park.
Open and welcoming, the building has large steel-framed windows and doors and lofty pitched ceilings, which provide natural light and clear views of the park and river and the burgeoning city of Parramatta in the distance. The long metal roof produces a striking form with light-weight and transparent materials to increase connection between the inside and outside spaces. The translucent roof at the south-western end is cantilevered out to create an additional outside covered eating area, increasing dining capacity and giving shade from the afternoon sun.
A strong entry portal is a marker in the landscape, providing a visual link through the building to the river, and mediating between two gable roof geometries. The oversized threshold welcomes, gathers and directs patrons and frames the view of a large fig tree and the river beyond.
这座建筑内现有一个300座的餐厅,在因疫情影响延期后,已于近期开业,其室内装修由设计工作室Nic Graham & Associates设计。
The pavilion now houses a 300 seat restaurant Misc. recently opened after covid delays, with an interior fitout by design studio Nic Graham & Associates.
▽设计图纸 Drawings
项目名称:Parramatta Park Pavilion
客户:Parramatta Park & Western Sydney Parklands Trusts
地点:澳大利亚 悉尼 Parramatta
项目团队:Sam Crawford、Louisa Gee、Ken Warr、Allen Huang、Caitlin Condon
建造者:Grindley Interiors、Structural Engineer Partridge
液压工程师:InLine Hydraulic Services
机械工程师:Evolved Engineering
电气工程师:Lighting, Art + Science
景观:McGregor Coxall
Section J Consultant:BCA Energy
工料测量师:Z & L Consulting
PCA Anthony:Protas Consulting
室内设计师:Nic Graham&Associates
摄影师:Brett Boardman; Parker Blain
Project Name: Parramatta Park Pavilion
Client: Parramatta Park & Western Sydney Parklands Trusts
Location: Parramatta
Status: Built 2022
Website: https://samcrawfordarchitects.com.au
Project Team: Sam Crawford, Louisa Gee, Ken Warr, Allen Huang, Caitlin Condon
Builder: Grindley Interiors、Structural Engineer Partridge
Hydraulic Engineer: InLine Hydraulic Services
Mechanical Engineer: Evolved Engineering
Electrical Engineer: Lighting, Art + Science
Landscape: McGregor Coxall
Section J Consultant: BCA Energy
Quantity Surveyor: Z & L Consulting
PCA Anthony: Protas Consulting
Interior Designer: Nic Graham & Associates
Photographer: Brett Boardman; Parker Blain
“ 用最保守的改造方法,使建筑从历史与灰烬里重生。”
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