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Taller | Mauricio Rocha:从具有城市和实用身份的起点出发,维亚埃尔莫萨马雷孔的综合城市干预旨在恢复人口与格里哈尔瓦河自然环境的联系,这种联系随着时间的推移逐渐丧失,而格里哈尔瓦河一直是维亚埃尔莫萨市社会文化和经济发展的关键。



Taller | Mauricio Rocha:Starting from having an urban and practical identity, the comprehensive urban intervention of the Malecon de Villahermosa sought to restore the population’s connection with the nature of the Grijalva River, which had been lost over time and has been key to the socio-cultural and economic development of the city of Villahermosa.

In 2007, the Grijalva River exceeded its maximum ordinary water level, causing the flooding of two-thirds of the city of Villahermosa for almost 40 days. This led to the construction of a containment wall on the riverbanks, which initially was a functional solution but over time caused the relationship between the natural environment and the city’s inhabitants to fracture. The separation implied by the wall distanced citizens from a space that became hostile, lonely, and brought with-it security, urban integration, and ecological problems.

With a length of 5.3 kilometers on both sides of the river, the urban and architectural proposal of the Malecon de Villahermosa emerged to reconnect the river with its inhabitants without altering the watercourse or putting the population at risk. Its creation revalues both the natural environment and the surrounding urban environment.





The intervention was guided by a master plan promoted by SEDATU, which recognizes both the soil and natural flows and the topography of the area, and which was integrated and adapted to the morphology and geometry of the site. This project included the creation of a pedestrian walkway that allows panoramic views for residents to enjoy the river again. In addition, various recreational and sports areas were created such as baseball fields, basketball courts, soccer fields, a skatepark, playgrounds, recreational areas accompanied by pavilions, three restaurant buildings, and kiosks whose design harmoniously integrates with the natural landscape. Likewise, work was done on the rehabilitation of docks and piers to make them accessible and connected to the river.

The project included sidewalk renewal, the creation of safe pedestrian crossings in vehicular areas, as well as the improvement of vegetation on the streets to provide shade. A new lighting project was implemented to improve mobility and provide greater security to pedestrians. A cycle path, previously nonexistent on the major avenues of Villahermosa, was created, promoting non-motorized mobility, which is a significant benefit for the environment, and a signage project was carried out that interconnects the entire area. The public space was also transformed into an inclusive site: access ramps were created, and different types of pavements were used for people with audiovisual disabilities.



干预还包括在河岸沿线超过12. 5万平方米的“生态救援”工作。该空间通过种植低维护的本土植被重新造林,并配备了游乐场、长椅、桌子、静思区、人行步道、公共照明以及为与河流共存而设计的公园,甚至在河水上涨时也可以使用。这些区域被设想为一年中的某个季节可以被洪水淹没的空间,然后再恢复为居民可享受和探索的场所。此外,植被有助于调节温度,并为河流提供有机物质。


The intervention also includes a rescue effort of over 125,000 m2 along the riverbank. This space was reforested with low-maintenance native vegetation and equipped with playgrounds, benches, tables, contemplative areas, pedestrian walkways, public lighting, and parks designed to coexist with the river, even when it rises. These areas were conceived as spaces that can flood during a season of the year and then resurface for residents to enjoy and explore again. Additionally, the vegetation helps regulate temperature and serves as an input of organic matter to the river.

The realization of this project involved significant infrastructure challenges: public space lighting was redesigned, and the potable water network and storm and sanitary sewer systems were renewed. Furthermore, a new drainage network was created to facilitate better water management. Similarly, the electrical wiring was placed underground to avoid risks from environmental factors and provide greater durability without interfering with the landscape.




The cultural area was completely rehabilitated: it houses the Esperanza Iris Theater, the José María Pino Suárez Library, and the Carlos Pellicer Regional Anthropology Museum; the facade of the latter was intervened with a piece by the artist Carlos Pellicer.




Additionally, both areas have activity programs that keep the space vibrant and have helped reactivate local businesses. The gastronomic, cultural, and sports offerings generate new jobs, attract national and international tourism, and undoubtedly have a positive impact not only on the promenade, its squares, and establishments, but also on the surrounding areas, nearby businesses, and the city of Villahermosa as a whole.




The project aimed for architecture that withstands the test of time, that allows for an understanding of the cultural and human logic of those who will inhabit it, their uses, and customs, and that is sensitive architecture. Creating elegant and creative architecture in its intellectual and contemporary construction becomes a complex articulation that beautifies, emphasizes, and dignifies the most important elements, which are nature and the city.



▽手绘图纸 Sketch


▽总平面图 Masterplan



▽局部平面图 Plan


▽剖面图 Section


▽餐厅区域轴侧图 Axonométrico Zona de Restaurantes





项目名称:Malecón de Villahermosa
地点:墨西哥 塔瓦斯科州 维亚埃尔莫萨
面积:359.274 平方米
首席建筑师:Mauricio Rocha Iturbide, Oscar Rodríguez Castañeda, Alejandro Castro Jiménez labora.
设计团队:Abraham Barrios, Jaime Brambila, José Luis Contreras, Andrés de la Garma, Luis Guagnelli, Karla Mejía, José Antonio Nungaray, Gerardo Pasalagua, Maite Rodríguez, Samuel Xompero.
照片:Ana Paula Álvarez, Aldo Belenda

Project Name: Malecón de Villahermosa
Location: Villahermosa, Tabasco
Area: 359.274 mts2
Year: 2024
Leads Architects: Mauricio Rocha Iturbide, Oscar Rodríguez Castañeda, Alejandro Castro Jiménez labora.
Design team: Abraham Barrios, Jaime Brambila, José Luis Contreras, Andrés de la Garma, Luis Guagnelli, Karla Mejía, José Antonio Nungaray, Gerardo Pasalagua, Maite Rodríguez, Samuel Xompero.
Photos: Ana Paula Álvarez, Aldo Belenda




更多 Read more about:Taller | Mauricio Rocha, TaAU, Alejandro Castro