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selgascano:The project is located at the entrance of a new residential area called Bailuwan Town, in the city of Rizhao. It consists of two elements: a small café at the beginning and a large canopy that provides covered access to all the residences.

The café serves as the gateway for all the residents, becoming a meeting area for them and other visitors. The pergola helps to connect the entire development by creating new recreational and rest areas. It also connects with a social center, which we have also designed at the office.




咖啡与树(Coffee & Tree)分为两个区域:一个是临街区域,设有一个大型吧台,以及可直接通往露台的餐桌区;另一个是部分位于地下的区域,里面摆放着长凳和矮桌。


The café (Coffee & Tree) is organized into two zones: one at street level, with a large bar, and tables area with direct access to the terrace, and another partially underground area with benches and low tables.

The entire project is surrounded by bushes and flowering plants, allowing enjoyment of the changing seasons.





Trees also play a significant role, with several perforations in the roof allowing them to grow through the building, making the roof a privileged place to enjoy a coffee or cocktail surrounded by greenery.





The canopy winds its way among trees, creating different corners: play areas for children, covered areas with benches, or lounging areas around a small lake.


© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan



The ceramic flooring adapts to the topography, creating various relationships with the terrain.


© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan



The careful landscaping of the development is the most important element of the project, as, despite the large number of residences, all the architecture is blurred among so much vegetation, which is once again our greatest achievement.


© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan


▽设计图纸  Design drawing

© selgascano


© selgascano





项目名称:Coffee & Tree + Canopy

主要负责人:José Selgas、Lucía Cano
项目团队:Paolo Tringali, Inés Olavarrieta, Justo Díaz, Juan Díaz, Alejandro Jiménez, Ying Zhu
客户:Bailuwan Town Development
照片:©存在建筑-建筑摄影、© Iwan Baan

Project Name: Coffee & Tree + Canopy
Location: Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China
Design year: from 2021 to 2022
Construction year: from 2022 to 2023
Program: Retail & Landscape (Café-restaurant)
Site area: 6,100 sqm
Total floor area: Coffee & tree: 180 sqm + 440 sqm (terraces)
Canopy: 550 sqm

Architects: selgascano
Principals in charge: José Selgas & Lucía Cano
Project team: Paolo Tringali, Inés Olavarrieta, Justo Díaz, Juan Díaz, Alejandro Jiménez, Ying Zhu
Client: Bailuwan Town Development
Photo: © Arch-Exist Photography © Iwan Baan




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