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Thanks Openbox Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Openbox Architects.
Openbox Architects:Rhythm Ekkamai是最新的豪华共管公寓,矗立在Ekkamai路的最佳地带,它根据生活和静止的理念精心而打造,让每个家庭都能体验曼谷的活跃和宁静氛围。
Openbox Architects:Rhythm Ekkamai, a newest luxurious condominium, stands prodigiously on the best location of Ekkamai road deliberately created under the live and still concept allowing any household to experience active and serene vibe of Bangkok.

An area of every unit was designed to be functional on a “Perspectivism” idea answering to any households’ requirements in both experiences and perspectives. Glam and gimmick detail such as size, length, height, weight of windows was applied in designing including sightseeing of each room that was intentionally designed to bestow 326 different yet extraordinary views to every unit.

该公寓的亮点之一是屋顶,这里可供游客观看360度的天景。Rhythm Ekkamai不仅仅是一个居住的地方,这也是一个融入了大师根据每个家庭在体验和视线方面的需求而设计的地方。
One of the highlight spots of this condominium is rooftop providing any visitors a breathtaking 360 sky view. Rhythm Ekkamai is more than just living place but this is where design meets accommodation woven into this master piece work created under an idea answering to any households’ requirements in both experiences and perspectives.

项目名称:Rhythm Ekkamai
建筑设计:Openbox Architects
Project Name: Rhythm Ekkamai
Architect Firm: Openbox Architects
Complete Year: 2018
Built Area: 26,400 SQ.M.
Project Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Client: AP(Thailand) PLC.
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