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Thanks Módica Ledezma for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Módica Ledezma.


Módica Ledezma:本案是由 Módica Ledezma 事务所设计的一个住房项目,位于墨西哥城科洛尼亚康迪萨区。该项目试图在房地产开发领域寻找契机,以灵活的方式推进探索一种新的住房类型,以满足当地的实际需求。

Módica Ledezma:This is a housing project located in Colonia Condesa, Mexico City designed by the Módica Ledezma office. It arose from an impulse to seek opportunities within real estate development that would allow flexibility to promote the search for a new typology of housing that responded to the needs of the context.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz


住宅坐落在一块宽 7 米、深 27 米的土地上,设计首要关注的就是周边的环境:这里绿树成荫,露台也因当地优越的气候条件而向外敞开。然而,此类房屋在空间上有着等级之分,位于前面的公寓往往在通风、视野和位置方面拥有更大的优势。因此,我们提出了一种解决策略,可以使每个住房单元都能享有一定的优势,而不论其在房产中的位置如何:这可谓空间民主。

It is located on a lot measuring seven meters wide by twenty-seven meters deep where one of the first approaches was to pay specific attention to the context since it is an area full of trees and terraces that open to the facade due to the nobility of its weather. However, when it comes to properties of this type there are spatial hierarchies, the front apartments tend to have greater privilege in terms of ventilation, views and location. Therefore, a strategy was proposed so that each housing unit enjoyed these privileges regardless of its location within the property: spatial democracy.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz



When designing a single-family home, it is very common to give priority to the master bedroom. The challenge to break the rule was to offer qualitative environments in each room. The aim was to generate an immersive experience of silence within the city that offered an aesthetic but also sonic silence. Furthermore, inclinations were directed towards environmental interdependence, recognizing this as one of the needs that arises from living collectively in dense places.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz



Due to the length of the property, it was decided to open patios that, far from being “only” resulting voids – for ventilation, lighting or services – became the heart of each unit. Beyond offering a particular answer, this project demonstrated that if a privileged context does not exist, it can be created so as not to depend on pre-existences. In addition, through this scheme a zenith window was guaranteed for each home.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz



The location was made with this principle and in a very mathematical logic the three interior units are experienced in the same way. By verticalizing the home, there is a greater possibility of enjoying the voids mentioned and in this creative process the idea of offering a home with square meters of an apartment but with the dynamics of a house was born.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz



Each unit depends a lot on vertical circulation, since this is responsible for distributing the different areas into levels. When changing floors there is a kind of curtain or visual rinse that causes those same meters to be registered in the inhabitant’s memory as chapters. Various psychological studies have shown that it is recommended to separate work, living and rest spaces in homes to have a better quality of life. In addition to that, this project has an exponential factor in terms of privacy.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz



Regarding materiality, the proposal was intended to speak of a comprehensive project, which is why it was decided to build a masonry complex with dividing walls that generate panels. On the other hand, when choosing the color, each unit was intended to be a white box that reflected sunlight, promoting contemplation of the passage of time.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz


通过这种方式,Antonio Solá 在喧嚣的城市中塑造了一种空旷与寂静之感,令人愉悦,也令人疲惫。他提供了一个充满活力的地方,它本身就是一种建筑产品,是这个高效运转的城市中的休养之所。

In this way, Antonio Solá offers a void, a kind of silence within the hustle and bustle of the city that, although enjoyable, is also exhausting. He offers a vibrant place as an architectural product per se that serves as a painkiller from constant mobility. It is a place of rest from this effervescent city.


© Zaickz Moz
© Zaickz Moz


▽设计图纸 Design drawings




项目名称:Antonio Sola
地点:墨西哥城 孔德萨

建筑工作室:Módica Ledezma(@modicaledezma)
建筑师负责人:Hector Modica y Carlos Ledezma
合作者:Alejandra Angeles、Ariadna Barrientos、Emmanuel Ortiz、Rogelio Ledezma
施工:Módica Ledezma
摄影师:Zaickz Moz(@Zaickz.Moz)

Project name: Antonio Sola
Location: Condesa, Ciudad de Mexico
Constructed Area (M2): 660m2
Construction completion year: 2020-2022

Architecture office: Módica Ledezma (@modicaledezma)
Architect(s) in charge: Hector Modica y Carlos Ledezma
Collaborators: Alejandra Angeles, Ariadna Barrientos, Emmanuel Ortiz, Rogelio Ledezma
Construction: Módica Ledezma
Photographer: Zaickz Moz (@zaickz.moz)




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