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HDEC:Dinggang Lake Wetland Park is located in Shajing Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, designed with water as the main line, coordinating various ecological elements, taking into account ecological, security, cultural, landscape, economic and other functions, by using the current water resources and the promenade to be transformed, to enhance the wetland water ecological environment, so that the ecological corridor seeps into the city, thus achieving a win-win situation of ecological benefits, livelihood benefits and economic benefits.


▽项目概览,General view

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项目概述 Project Overview



2000 年后山体区域被占做私用用地,建设别墅建筑等私用设施。2020 年对山体建筑拆除,还山于民。

Before the reform and opening up, Dinggang Lake was a natural weir converted into a reservoir, which used to be an important facility for drought relief. Dinggang Lake as. It is a water storage lake, which recharges the Shiyan Canal and Pokgang Flood Canal in the dry season to irrigate the surrounding farmland.

After the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of the city, industrial areas gradually formed in Baoan District. The water storage and irrigation function of Dinggang Lake was gradually weakened or even abolished, and it became a single leisure place.

After 2000, the mountain area was occupied for private use, and private facilities such as villa buildings were built. 2020, the mountain buildings were demolished and returned to the people. The construction of a national ecological civilization is proposed, and the future city is moving in the direction of ecological civilization.


▽定岗湖历史变迁,Dinggang lake historical changes

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Before the transformation of Dinggang Lake, the lake was divided into five independent water surfaces, with poor water fluidity and low sensory permeability; the water quality of the lake was inferior to Class 5 water, with single water ecological diversity, raw shoreline, and poor ecology. The original cultural promenade has an old form and single function, the water-friendly space is relatively narrow, the service facilities are old and single, and the overall landscape effect is poor.


▽改造前场地问题分析,Analysis of site problems before renovation 

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设计效果 Design effect


With water ecology as the premise, it integrates leisure and sports, ecological science, entertainment and recreation, and social interaction functions to create the future first demonstration area of Shajing Central Wetland Park – the heart of the neighborhood. The park mainly includes water, wetland, water-friendly platform, ecological overflow stacked weir, ecological walkway, musical fountain, garden road, scenic wall, flower bed, corridor bridge, children’s activity field, soccer field, parking lot, etc., which provides a wonderful leisure site for the surrounding people and meets the multiple needs of the urban public to appreciate nature, feel nature and psychologically depend on nature in sense, psychology and spirit.


▽水岸景观,Waterfront landscape 

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生态——雨洪管理的生态基底 Ecology – Ecological base for stormwater management



The project wetland construction is based on water as the main line, rainfall management as the ecological base, and the concept of “sponge city” is fully integrated into the wetland design and construction:

1. Rainwater collection to achieve rainwater storage. In addition to collecting rainwater runoff within the red line, the project also collects rainwater from about 2.2 hectares of catchment area on the slope outside the red line on the west side to achieve rainwater control in the surrounding area and reduce the drainage pressure of the municipal rainwater pipe network.


▽雨洪调蓄,Rainwater storage

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2. Conform to the terrain, to create layers of sponge. Cleverly use the topographic height difference between the north and south of Dinggang Lake, reasonably arrange the wetland function area, into a graded wetland, submerged plant pond, out of the water landscape pond layer changes, the use of “seepage, stagnation, storage, purification, use, drainage” and other measures to achieve natural infiltration, natural storage, natural purification of water ecological treatment system, in the wetland purification, water quality standards after Discharge into the lake.


▽梯级跌水湿地,Stepped plunge wetland 

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▽沉水植物塘,Submerged plant pond 

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3. Ecological water replenishment improves the water system’s power. Dinggang Lake uses tailwater replenishment for the ecological wetland purification area, daily replenishment of 6200 square / days when the deterioration of water quality is, the use of emergency replenishment of 12,000 square / days, to improve the lake’s own hydrodynamic, purified water up to quasi-IV water. At the same time, the ecological restoration area water body by self-flow or pump replenishment to the Bogang flood channel, Tangxia ditch under the Chung, Shiyan canal, to provide sufficient water for the river base flow, to ensure that the water quality into the river standards.


▽生态驳岸,Ecological barge 

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4. Straighten to curve, build ecological barge. The original barge of Dinggang Lake is a hard straight line, and the barge is upgraded and transformed into an ecological curve type. In the area where the water surface is more open and the slope of the water system is slower, the ecological barge is built with a soothing and natural slope. In order to carry service functions such as plaza, platform and plunge weir, a small amount of hard barge is set up, including platform type and block type, which organically integrates leisure functions and activities with a wide view and good integrity. Create natural interesting barges, blur the shoreline, place stones at the edge of the island, rebuild and restore the ecological structure of water and land, make the shore creatures rich, and form the landscape and ecological functions of the natural shoreline. Combine ecological barge, hard barge and creek beach stone barge to increase the junction between water and land, provide diverse living space for aquatic organisms and animals, and improve the natural ecological system.


▽自然趣味驳岸,Natural interesting barges 

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▽有机融合休闲活动的驳岸设计,Barge design with organic integration of leisure activities 

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5. Multi-measures to achieve ecological restoration. Through pollution treatment, water diversion, ecological purification, aquatic planting, aquatic animal breeding and other ways to rehabilitate and ecological nourishment, restore the lake ecosystem, enrich the wetland landscape, establish habitats and protect biodiversity. A number of measures such as terrain reshaping, habitat creation and biological manipulation are used in the wetland to fully restore the ecosystem and enhance biodiversity.


▽水质监测数据表,Water quality monitoring data table 

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▽水质改善效果,Water quality improvement effect 

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▽生态浅滩,Ecological shallows

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6.Combination of people and culture, highlighting the ecological style. On the basis of water ecology, insist on people-oriented, actively create multi-functional composite space such as public activity area, ecological sharing area, recreational sports area and ecological wetland area to meet the needs of the surrounding citizens, meanwhile, deeply excavate the soccer culture of Bogang and the historical memory of Dinggang Lake, and integrate them into the wetland. The old promenade of Dinggang Lake is transformed into a cultural promenade and a cultural exhibition hall with historical significance is added. At the same time, the new era of ecological civilization and urban life patterns are shown by creating a rich water surface, a flowing clean river, a colorful water landscape, and the construction of a wooden trestle on the water.


▽壆岗文化变迁,Bogang cultural change 

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▽足球文化雕塑,Football culture sculpture

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▽滨水步道和栈道,Waterfront walkway and trestle

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© 徐坤丽




Project name: Baoan Dinggang Lake Wetland Park
Project type: public landscape
Website: https://www.hdec.com/cn
Contact e-mail: xie_h3@hdec.com
Design year: 2020
Completion Year: 2022
Leader designer & Team: Hu Jiandong, Gao Zhumin, Tang Yingdong, Yang Yumei, Zheng Lili, Wu Bing, Liu Ninghua, Liu Chengjie, Che Jinhui, Xie Hui, Yang Zhen, Shen Xiaorong, Pang Lifeng, Yu Yueqi, Jia Juanhua, Huang Canqiang, Zhou Yuan, Qiu Huishan, Chen Jingyun, Li Zhefan, Song Zhuolin
Project location: Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Floor area: 96775㎡




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