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GED Design: Caihe Lotus Pond Community is one of the first pilot projects for future communities in Zhejiang Province. The Ancient Seawall Park plot is located in the core demonstration area of the community, covering an area of approximately 2 hectares. Together with the community’s two landmark public buildings (the Cultural Activity Center and the Neighborhood Center), Ancient Seawall Park forms the living center of the entire community.


▽海塘公园沿高架一侧鸟瞰©许立南Aerial view along the elevated road ©Xu Linan



Community Experience and Open Interaction:


Hangzhou Caihe Future Community ancient seawal Park reimagines a modern public space grounded in sea wall culture, revitalizing neighborhood relationships and community vitality while creating an ecologically friendly, diverse, and shared modern community environment.


▽下沉空间作为社区互动剧场©奥观视觉 The sunken space as a community interaction theater ©AOGVision

▽海塘T台秀、主题市集、社区健身等多样社区互动内容在公园呈现©杭州时尚中心 Community events such as fashion shows, themed markets, and fitness activities at the park ©Hangzhou Fashion Center



The site offers diverse functional zones, providing various usage scenarios, including shared offices, fitness areas, and an outdoor theater, effectively promoting resident interaction and communication.

▽海塘公园鸟瞰©许立南Aerial view of ancient seawall park ©Xu Linan

▽总平面图©格境设计Master plan ©GED Design



Caihe Ancient Seawall Park is named after the ancient seawall ruins discovered underground. The ancient seawall was a stone and earth embankment built by the early inhabitants of Hangzhou to protect farmlands and residential areas from tidal incursions. The remains of the ancient sea wall are located in the center of the site.


▽场地中留存的古海塘遗址©许立南 The ancient sea wall remains on-site ©Xu Linan



The design concept, “The Pulse of Time, Connecting the Future,” integrates the “lotus leaf” element of the two central buildings, mimicking the texture of leaf veins. The “ancient seawall” serves as the primary vein of the landscape, spreading outward to form a temporal connection between the past and future and an emotional link between the community, culture, and nature.


▽“时光之脉,链接未来”的理念缘起©格境设计 The origin of the concept “The Pulse of Time, Connecting the Future” ©GED



▽海塘“户外博物馆”入口©许立南 Entrance to the “Outdoor Museum” ©Xu Linan

▽海塘“户外博物馆”鸟瞰©许立南 Aerial view of the “Outdoor Museum” ©Xu Linan



Dynamic Space and Spatial Reshaping:


Centered around the ancient sea wall, the project employs sunken terrain to open and display the ancient sea wall on the east side of the Cultural Center, creating an accessible sunken space with an interactive lawn, enhancing spatial layers and flow. A greenway loop connects various surrounding nodes, shaping activity spaces with varying levels of intensity.

▽海塘“户外博物馆”下沉空间©许立南Sunken space in the “Outdoor Museum” ©Xu Linan

▽下沉空间通道夜景与细部©许立南 Night view and details of the passageway in the sunken space ©Xu Linan




Protection and Display of the Sea Wall Ruins:


The design revolves around the ancient sea wall ruins, creating an outdoor museum that serves as the core of the park. Preserving the ruins with minimal intervention, the project retains the original appearance of the site. Partial excavation and display of the sea-facing side of the ancient sea wall, along with characteristic visitor routes and interactive cultural exhibits, showcase the historical and cultural significance of the ancient sea wall.


▽ 局部地形下沉形成海塘展示空间©许立南 Sunken terrain forming the sea wall display space ©Xu Linan

▽公园中展示的古海塘立面与海塘条石©奥观视觉 Displayed ancient sea wall facade and stone slabs in the park ©AOGVision

▽“户外博物馆”入口LOGO与海塘条石©许立南Logo of the “Outdoor Museum” and sea wall stone slabs ©Xu Linan

▽各代海塘筑塘历史与工艺展示©许立南 Display of various sea wall construction techniques across different eras ©Xu Linan




Long-Term Ecological Optimization:


The design incorporates sponge city concepts, utilizing ecological grass ditches, sunken green spaces, and permeable pavements to achieve a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing natural environment.

▽雨水花园与荷花小品©奥观视觉Rain garden and lotus feature ©AOGVision

塑造富有场景感的多样植物景观©奥观视觉 Create a diverse plant landscape with a sense of place ©AOGVision

▽雨水花园实现可持续性与游赏性的融合©许立南 Integration of sustainability and aesthetics in the rain garden ©Xu Linan

▽季节鲜明的植物搭配©许立南©奥观视觉  Seasonal plant combinations with distinct colors ©Xu Linan©AOGVision

▽观赏草与古海塘相得益彰©奥观视觉Ornamental grasses complementing the ancient sea wall ©AOGVision

▽海塘公园成为秋石高架边重要的视觉焦点©许立南ancient seawal Park as a visual focal point along the Qiushi Elevated Road ©Xu Linan








Project Name: Hangzhou Caihe Ancient Seawall Park
Project Type: Urban Park
Design: Grasp Earth Architecture & Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
Website: http://www.gedesign.com.cn
Contact E-mail: office@gedesign.com.cn
Design Period: 2020-2022
Completion Year: 2022
Design Team: Jiang Zhewei, Xu Linan, Zhang Lei, Hu Yangyang, Huang Yuegui, Qian Jing, Zhan Hongmei, Ji Yuqi, Ye Xueyan, Zhou Fengfeng
Project Location: Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
Project Area: 20,108㎡
Photography Credits: Xu Linan, AOGVision, Hangzhou Fashion Center Video Channel
Architectural Design: Zhejiang Dongnan Design Group Co., Ltd.
Client: Hangzhou Zhongchen Urban Construction Co., Ltd.






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