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Thanks IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos.
IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos:El Torón 保护区位于瓦哈卡海岸,占地 30 公顷,是一片由团队自发划定的“保护区”。对这片土地及其动植物的保护,以及对如何干预的理解,使我们能够称之为“保护区”,也是在其中内开展项目的基础。
这是建筑群中的第二栋住宅, 我们与 apda(Ana Paula de Alba)合作设计室内装饰和家具,旨在建立用户和环境之间的持续关系。
IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos: The El Torón Reserve is located on the coast of Oaxaca on a 30-hectare site that was voluntarily designated for conservation. The care of this territory, its flora and fauna, as well as the understanding of how to intervene in it, is what allows us to call it a “reserve” and what establishes the basis for the projects that are proposed within it.
This house, the second in the complex, was designed in collaboration with apda (Ana Paula de Alba) for the interiors and furnishings, with the intention of establishing a direct relationship of continuous contact between the user and the environment.

Composed of four independent pavilions, their arrangement responds to the topography of the site and the existing vegetation. The first of the modules houses the common areas and the other three house the bedrooms; two primary bedrooms face the bay, while the other faces the jungle’s interior.
The main volume—open on three sides without doors or windows—is a proposal to inhabit the space in an open but roofed continuum, like a single shaded terrace. It is a linear succession of spaces that begin with a terrace for the kitchen. Bathed in faint light in the mornings, it can be used in the afternoons or evenings for cooking next to an outdoor grill. It is followed by a dining room, a living room, another terrace and a pool that are seamlessly integrated by a single roof of wood and clay. The slope of the roof on the four volumes matches that of the terrain and the treetops, designed to integrate discreetly into the context while protecting the interior from the western sun. This feature produces a sense of privacy with the exterior, creating a cozy space with cool heights inside.

Each of these modules has three open and operable faces and a fourth face enclosed by a stone wall that serves to contain the few cuts and alterations carved into the terrain in order to build the house. The short facade of each volume faces the horizon of the reserve’s large bay, while the long sides of each pavilion merge the view with the context, turning the existing vegetation and the rugged topography of the hills into a direct extension of the house. The center of the project is not the architecture, but the voids resulting from the arrangement of the four pavilions that compose it and that erase the boundaries of the property.

该项目的最大挑战在于如何理解其位置,尊重现有植被,并遵循和利用现场地形来支持住宅的居住方式。在施工阶段,我们首先在原地对建筑体量进行了标记,并研究了根据正面和侧面的双重坡度布置建筑所需的必要和最小切口。然后,谨慎地地移除植被并重新种植,以填补建筑间产生的空隙。建筑占地原有的植被 80% 被移植到了建筑模块之间,现已形成了私密空间。
The biggest challenge with this project was to understand its placement, respect the existing vegetation and follow and use the site topography to support the how the home is lived in. During the construction phase, we first traced the volumes in situ and studied the necessary and minimum cuts required for placing the volumes in response to a dual-front and side slope. Then, we carefully removed the vegetation and relocated it to complement the voids generated by the pavilion locations. Eighty percent of the vegetation that occupied the pavilions was transplanted and now creates privacy between each module.
After nearly three years of slow and careful work, we can enjoy an architecture within a mature context of irreplaceable vegetation. No heavy machinery was used for this house construction. All the materials were moved about a kilometer with an ATV and a trailer built in situ, a decision that made it possible to avoid disturbing the vegetation that surrounds the project and protects the paths designed for traveling through the reserve on foot, by bike or in electric carts.

建筑和室内设计的初衷都是尊重房屋所处的环境,将其作为视觉趣味和互动的第一要素。材料主要使用混凝土、热带木材、当地石材、柚木、粘土、棕榈织物、亚麻布和棉织布,以与室内装饰相协调。当地材料的使用,加上 apda 的室内设计和家具设计,确保了这座房子在任何时候都能让人享受到轻松惬意的生活。
Both the architecture and the interiors were designed with the intention of respecting, as the first element of visual interest and interaction, the context in which the house is located. The material palette focused on concrete, tropical wood, local stone, enclosures, certified teak, clay, palm fabrics, linens and cotton looms adapted to complement the upholstery. The use of local materials, together with the interior and furniture design by apda – Ana Paula de Alba, ensures that the house can be enjoyed in relaxed living at all times.

为此,apda 设计了绝大多数家具,以保留纯粹的视觉和材料语言,使其适合特定的环境条件和家庭使用,同时赋予构成项目的每件家具以原汁原味的特征。
Each piece was designed and chosen with a very particular intention. A fundamental criterion in selecting the elements that make up the proposal—both in the architecture and in the interior design—was that most of them had to be of local origin, using national craftsmanship and design. We selected materials with minimal intervention, taking the material in its natural state and adapting it with the least possible treatment in order to preserve its original properties.
To achieve this, the vast majority of the furniture designs were developed by apda to preserve a pure visual and material language, suitable for exposure to particular environmental conditions and household use, while at the same time conferring an authentic character to each piece that makes up the project.

Incorporating certain elements of the region’s architectural vernacular, we used local materials and cross ventilation, as well as light floors of raw travertine. Its temperature allows one to walk barefoot, it is naturally non-slip and allows one to see if any of local animal inhabitants have entered the house. The result is a project that understands life within a harsh environment and puts its inhabitants in direct contact with it, while remaining cozy and fresh; fresh air and vegetation are the two elements that provide a direct experience of the outdoors and nurture ongoing contact with the immediate context.

▽环境中的楼层平面图 Floor Plan in Context

▽场地平面图 Site Plan

▽建筑楼层平面图 Floor Plan

▽地下室平面图 Basement Plan

▽北立面 North Facade

▽东立面 East Facade

▽纵向剖面图 Longitudinal Section

▽横截面 Transversal Section

项目名称:Casa en El Torón II
地点:墨西哥 瓦哈卡州 Mazunte
设计工作室:IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos
建筑师:Ignacio Urquiza Seoane
设计团队:Michela Lostia di Santa Sofía,Anaís Casas
室内设计师:Ana Paula De Alba
室内设计团队:Sacha Bourgarel
结构:Ricardo Camacho
工程:Bio-e,Alejandro Lirusso
建设:Alonso García Cano,Santiago Gaxiola
照片:Estudio Urquiza,Ignacio Urquiza
媒体联系人:Fernanda Ventura,Fernanda @ ignaciourquiza . MX、info@ignaciourquiza.mx
Project name: Casa en El Torón II
Location: Mazunte, Oaxaca, México
Use: Residential
Area: 700 m2
Status: Built
End of construction: June, 2021
Architecture office: IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos
Architects: Ignacio Urquiza Seoane
Design team: Michela Lostia di Santa Sofía, Anaís Casas
Interior design: apda
Architect Interior Design: Ana Paula De Alba
Interior Design Team: Sacha Bourgarel
Structure: Ricardo Camacho
Engineerings: Bio-e, Alejandro Lirusso
Construction: Alonso García Cano, Santiago Gaxiola
Photos: Estudio Urquiza, Ignacio Urquiza
Website: ignaciourquiza.mx
Instagram: @nacho.urquiza, @ignaciourquiza.mx
Press contact: Fernanda Ventura, fernanda@ignaciourquiza.mx、info@ignaciourquiza.mx
“ 独特的建筑布局旨在建立用户和环境之间的持续关系。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos