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Thanks La Cabina de la Curiosidad for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by La Cabina de la Curiosidad.
La Cabina de la Curiosidad:沙拉拉(Shalalá)镇位于基洛托亚泻湖(Quilotoa Lagoon)中的一个火山口,湖水碧绿,沙拉拉土著社区提倡可持续旅游,与大自然共生,珍视并提升自然的影响。他们建有一个木制观景点,加强了当地人以及游客对泻湖、旅游基础设施和手工艺品中心的体验。
La Cabina de la Curiosidad:It is a town located in the Quilotoa Lagoon, in a volcanic crater with turquoise water, the indigenous community of Shalalá promotes sustainable tourism, in symbiosis with nature, valuing and magnifying it. They have a wooden lookout point (2013) that intensifies the experience with the lagoon, tourist infrastructure and now a handicrafts Center.
▽项目视频 The video

手工艺品中心名为 “Chaki Wasi”,在 Kichwa 语中意为从地面到屋顶都是用稻草覆盖的房子。
The handicraft center is called Chaki Wasi, which in Kichwa means house made of straw from the floor to the roof.

创新: 该手工艺品中心旨在通过传统的乡土技术展现安第斯文化,同时也用作宣传安第斯景观生活方式。这是一个以河石为基础的建筑,结构由桉树木搭建而成,用卡布耶叶纤维捆绑,并用大型 chaklla 木钉(桉树幼材)支撑。钉榫头的锤子是一个大木槌,所有的封口都是用恰克拉木反复密集地敲打而成,屋顶的大幔子则是用稻草制作的。这里融合了社区土地再生的愿景,有与自然和谐相处的生活,有积极的碳排放,有废弃材料回归土地。在这里,关于未来的愿景建立在过去的智慧和地域知识之上。
Innovation: The aspiration of the center is the representation of Andean culture through traditional vernacular techniques and is an educational support to publicize a way of living in the Andean landscape. It is a construction with foundations in river stones, the structure is made of Eucalyptus wood tied with cabuya (fiber that comes from the penco) and supported with large chaklla dowels (small wood of young eucalyptus). The hammer to nail the dowels was a large wooden mallet, all the closures are made of chakllas repeated intensely and the great mantle of the roof is made of straw. There is a vision of regeneration of the community land, there is a life in harmony with nature, the carbon is positive and the waste is returned to the land. The vision of the future is based on the wisdom and territorial knowledge of the past.

解放思想: 这是一个具有社区思维的建筑;负责人每周轮换。妇女、男子和年轻人之间定期举行会议。为了获得木材和稻草,社区之间建立了有趣的联系。该手工艺品中心的所有东西都是用小型工具手工搭建的,结构单元的放置和升高都是靠绳索和集体的力量完成。在建筑顶部茅草的铺设过程中,我们传承了当地的经验与智慧,并根据安第斯文化和宇宙观为每个阶段的工作完成举行庆贺仪式。
Emancipation: It is a construction with community logics; those in charge rotated week by week. Permanent mingas were held between women, men and young people. In order to obtain wood and straw, there were interesting links between communities. Everything was built by hand, with small tools, and the placement and raising of the structural modules was done with the strength of everyone, thanks to ropes and collective communion. At the time of laying the thatch there was a transmission of vernacular knowledge and we celebrated each stage according to the Andean culture and cosmovision.

适应性: 知识和文化、活动方式、仪式和习俗都是代代相传的。该项目通过共同设计、共同建造和使建筑民主化,将建筑作为人类发展和环境的基本福祉,从而使文化得以延续。
Adaptability: There is an intergenerational transmission of knowledge and culture, in ways of proceeding, in rites and customs. Culture is sustained by co-designing, co-constructing and democratizing architecture as a fundamental good for human development and the environment.

▽建设过程 Construction process

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Chaki Wasi, Shalalá community handicrafts center.
地点:Shalalá 社区发展中心 Zumbahua,Pujilí,科托帕西,厄瓜多尔
设计、管理和施工:La Cabina de la Curiosidad
Marie Combette / Daniel Moreno Flores
实习:Samuel Dano / Marianne Letessier
摄影师:Marie Combette / Jag Studio / Samanta Martinez
插图:Marie Combette / Sergio Calderon (Pinxcel) / Oscar Velasco
建筑:Community of Shalalá + La Cabina de la Curiosidad
结构咨询:Patricio Cevallos
Project Name: Chaki Wasi, Shalalá community handicrafts center.
Location: Centro turístico comunitario Shalalá, Zumbahua, Pujilí, Cotopaxi, Ecuador.
Year: 2023-2024
Design, management and construction: La Cabina de la Curiosidad
Marie Combette / Daniel Moreno Flores
Internship: Samuel Dano / Marianne Letessier
Photographers: Marie Combette / Jag Studio / Samanta Martinez
Illustrations: Marie Combette / Sergio Calderon (Pinxcel) / Oscar Velasco
Construction: Community of Shalalá + La Cabina de la Curiosidad
Structural consulting: Patricio Cevallos
Winning project of the INPC (Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural) Lines for the Promotion of Social Memory and Cultural Heritage, in the Traditional Vernacular Architecture subline.
Project funded by the INPC (Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural), the Shalalà Community and La Cabina de la Curiosidad.
“ 项目通过共同设计、共同建造和使建筑民主化,将建筑作为人类发展和环境的基础,从而使文化得以延续。”
更多 Read more about:La Cabina de la Curiosidad