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Dake Architectural Design:Rural homestays satisfy contemporary people’s reflection on urban life and yearning for rural life. According to the use function and the unique conditions of the hospital itself, the design will achieve a quiet living space as the core appeal of the case.



项目背景 Project background


As a ” Cherish the moment ” series of homestay, No. 45 is still located in Tang Dazhuang Village, which is close to Universal Studios. Most of the architectural forms of the village retain the three-courtyard style of traditional northern dwellings, and retain the elements such as Chinese gabled  roof and wooden structure. This courtyard can be said to be a homestay in the true sense. The original owner left the east and west wing rooms and the front yard as his living space. The five main rooms and the narrow courtyard are the space we transformed into a boutique homestay.


▽项目区位 Project location


改造前 Before renovation


The courtyard is a traditional residential layout in the north, and the original basic conditions of the main house to be reformed are relatively complete, but the distance between the courtyard is only more than three meters from north to south, and it is narrow and long from east to west. The project is located along the main road of the village, and the difference between indoor and outdoor roads is as high as 1.3 meters. How to solve the space lighting and the connection with the village road is our primary problem.


▽改造前 Before modification


小庭院 大空间 Small courtyard with large space


The entrance hall is arranged on the east side towards the village, and the top of the entrance hall is covered with white painted iron plates for shading and continues to form a long corridor inside the courtyard. Planting pine  at the entrance of the courtyard to welcome visitors and calm the mind.


▽现代元素入口嵌入于传统红砖建筑中 The modern element entrance is embedded in the traditional red brick building

▽民宿入口 Homestay entrance

▽入口细节 Entry detail



In order to reduce the height difference between the courtyard and the building, based on its spatial characteristics, the inner courtyard is designed as the upper and lower house, the lower courtyard under the corridor is the lower courtyard, the upper courtyard outside the main building is the upper courtyard connecting each room, and the split-level steps between the upper and lower courtyards are designed to strengthen the visual experience of the upper and lower houses. At the same time, the steps can also be used as a display platform such as potted plants and flowers. The facade of the main room is reinforced by wooden grilles. It ensures the privacy of the residents and integrates the spatial relationship.


▽从庭院内看向入口 View from the courtyard towards the entrance


▽上下院 Upper and lower houses

▽现代语汇注入传统民居建筑中 Modern vocabulary is injected into traditional residential buildings



The completion of the lower courtyard makes the gable of the front yard higher, which makes people depressed. Therefore, the upper part of the lower courtyard is designed through the east and west of the courtyard to relieve the rain canopy. In view of the small size of the courtyard itself, the rain canopy will increase the scope of blocking sunlight.  The sun shines through the rain as if still time makes people comfortable and idle.


▽阳光透过圆孔洒进庭院 Sunlight poured into the courtyard through the round hole

▽从入口处看向庭院 Looking out onto the courtyard from the entrance



As part of the spatial boundary of the courtyard, the south side is designed as a single-layer red brick wall that is unified with the gable wall of the front yard, and through different masonry methods, its artistic conception is like a school of fish swimming toward the courtyard, and like a mountain peak.


▽砌筑红砖墙与原建筑统一 The masonry red brick wall is unified with the original building

▽小庭院打造多层次景观 The small courtyard creates a multi-level landscape


居住空间 Living space


We did not change the original layout of the main room.  The easternmost room near the entrance is set as the kitchen and dining room to meet the needs of tourists for public space. The window opens along the east wall of the street, which not only increases the lighting but also reduces the distance between indoor and outdoor space, and its own indoor and outdoor height difference also solves the problem of privacy.


▽公共空间 Public space



The three rooms in the middle are used as standard rooms, and the mezzanine space is made of the height difference of the slope roof to increase the number of beds, which meets the needs of mainstream families, and can also enjoy the architectural elements and shapes of traditional Chinese dwellings at close range.


▽客房 Guest room

▽客房夹层空间 Mezzanine space

▽卫生间 Rest room



The inner room is opposite the west side of the front yard, with limited indoor lighting, so part of the yard is incorporated into the interior space as a tatami teahouse, creating a half teahouse and half courtyard, paying homage to the side courtyard in traditional Chinese private gardens, which can not see the sun but feel the changes of the four seasons.


▽客房 Guest room

▽榻榻米茶空间 Tatami tea space

▽民宿雪景 Homestay snow view


▽45号院平面图 Plan

▽45号院剖面图 Section

▽施工过程 Construction process




Project name: Cherish the Moment NO.45·$House
Year completed: 2024.05
Project area: 150m²
Project location: Tongzhou District, Beijing
Design company: Dake Architectural
Company website: www.dk-aa.com
Contact email: dake_aa@163.com
Chief designer: Yang Xichen
Design team: Yang Xichen, Wang Yufeng, Wang Xueyi
Responsible for the project: Wang Flag
Client: Wutong Liangshe (Beijing) Hotel Management Co., LTD
Project Construction: Tianjin Qicai New Decoration Engineering Co., LTD
Photographer: Dake Architectural




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