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Brusnika:Tikhoye 湖位于俄罗斯西伯利亚的秋明镇,靠近开发公司 Brusnika 设计的住宅区项目。直到 20 世纪 70 年代,这个小而浅且多沼泽的 Tikhoye 湖面还足够开阔,但受城市无序开发的影响,湖面逐渐缩小。因此,在住宅区施工期间,人们决定修复水库并美化湖岸,将新住宅区与湖岸连接起来。

Brusnika:Tikhoye lake is located in Russian town Tyumen, in Siberia, near a residential area project designed by the development company Brusnika. A small, shallow and boggy Tikhoye lake was much wider up to the 1970s, but affected by chaotic urban development, it gradually shrank. As a result, while working on the residential area, it was decided to restore the reservoir and landscape its shoreline, thus linking the new quarter to the lake shore.


▽项目视频 The video


项目团队将修复过程分为几个阶段。第一步是对湖泊、湖水和土壤进行生态评估。这项工作由 Brusnika 与北外乌拉尔国立农业大学、俄罗斯生态协会和 ECOSTANDARD 集团合作完成。根据研究结果,团队提出了有关生物多样性、水岸稳定性、疏浚和鱼类放养的建议,并制定了恢复自然景观的战略。

The project team divided the revitalisation process into several stages. The initial step comprised ecological evaluation of the lake, its water and soil. This was accomplished by Brusnika in collaboration with the The State Agrarian University of The Northern Trans-Urals, the Russian Ecology Society and ECOSTANDARD Group. Based on the results of the research, recommendations concerning biodiversity, shoreline stabilisation, dredging and fish stocking were formulated and a strategy to restore the natural site was developed.


▽阶段1-调研过程 Phase 1. Research – Research process


▽研究浮标 Phase 1. Research – Research buoy


▽水况与栖息的鸭群 Phase 1. Research – Water condition and ducks


根据研究,由于 20 世纪 90 年代和 21 世纪初混乱的房地产开发,该湖与河流失去了联系。​湖泊面积大幅缩小,湖岸也变得淤积。Brusnika 立即行动起来,清理湖盆和湖岸上的垃圾、枯木和腐烂植物,并进一步清除湖底的淤泥。为此,团队在淤塞的湖面和水质良好的湖面之间修建了一座人工水坝。通过将 26 000 立方米的湖水从一个部分抽到另一个部分,清除了 20 000 立方米的沉积物,湖面也因此从 1.4 米加深到 2.5 米。维持了 2700 平方米的稳定湖面。为了防止水土流失,团队在清理湖底后还修建了支撑墙,进而使水面的轮廓更加清晰。


According to research, the lake lost connection to the river due to chaotic real estate development in the 1990s and early 2000s. Its area shrank considerably and the shores became waterlogged. Brusnika sprang into action by cleaning the basin and the shores from litter, dead wood and decaying plants. The next step was to remove silt from the bottom of the lake. In order to achieve this, an artificial dam between the silted and good parts of the lake was constructed. By pumping 26 000 cubic metres of water from one part to another, 20 000 cubic metres of sediment were removed, which resulted in deepening the lake from 1.4 to 2.5 metres. The surface area of 2.7 thousand square metres remained stable. After clearing the lake bottom, supporting walls were erected in order to prevent erosion, resulting in a better defined, oval water surface.

The second phase of lake revitalization involves its afforestation. The lake’s area was filled with a variety of plants cascading down to the water’s edge—willows, elms, poplars, birches, barberries, elderberries, reeds, cane, brooklime, bulrushes, and sedges. Floating bio-platforms made of wetland plants are responsible for enriching the water with oxygen and maintaining the biodiversity of the natural site. These platforms will become nesting sites for birds and a food source for fish.


▽阶段2-通过水坝抽水 Phase 2. Pumping water over a dam


▽阶段2-恢复湖泊边界 Phase 2. Restoration of lake boundaries


修复工作的第三阶段包括修建一个公园,公园内设有人行道和自行车道。在湖周围和邻近地区,Brusnika 的住宅开发项目将建设雨水花园(目前,专业团队已经为雨水花园打好了地基)。未来,这些花园将过滤雨水径流并将其引入湖中。

The third stage of revitalisation involves the creation of a park with pedestrian and bicycle paths. Around the lake and on the territories adjacent to it, Brusnika projects will feature rain gardens (currently, specialists have laid the foundation for them). These gardens will filter stormwater runoff and direct it into the reservoir.




此外,Brusnika 还计划在沿岸设置互动展台,介绍湖泊动植物信息,并为儿童组织一条徒步教育路线。

The landscaping concept is aimed to minimise man-induced stress for the lake and create dedicated recreational isles. According to the project, the park starts with a small square and a wooden amphitheatre descending right to the shore. A sun loungers and picnic sites are located next to it. Wooden vantage points complete with benches are conceived along the shoreline with a pedestrian bridge crossing the lake in its widest point. The lake could be transformed into a skating rink in winter. In order to support biodiversity and preserve birds’ breeding ground, the lights in the park are kept to a minimum. Targeted lighting of pedestrian paths will curb light pollution and make evening walks comfortable.

As well, Brusnika is planning to install interactive stands along the coastline with information about the flora and fauna of the lake and organize a walking educational route for children.


▽阶段3-湖岸景观设计 Phase 3. Landscape


湖体修复的最后一个阶段是鱼类放养。2024 年春,项目团队向 Tikhoye 湖中投放了约 50 公斤的鲤鱼,以及鲢鱼和鳙鱼各 100 公斤。在投放鱼种之前,专家们进行了一系列相关研究——测量水深、绘制湖泊地图、采集水样,并确定了最能适应环境的鱼种。鲤鱼、鲢鱼和鳙鱼能相辅相成,共同生存——鲤鱼挖掘湖底,吃掉湖底的一切,连根拔起植被。鲢鱼吃草和藻类,捡拾鲤鱼留下的东西。鳙鱼是湖中的卫生员,它张着嘴游动,收集水体中的一切,并过滤水质。


与鱼类一起被投放到湖中的还有微藻类小球藻。它们能产生大量氧气,是鱼类最好的蛋白质食物,可使其生长速度提高 30%。此外,小球藻还能吞噬病原体和蓝绿藻,中和湖中的水华。为了消除湖中的有机残留物,项目还引入了底层沉积物生物处理技术,并将逐步降低硫化氢的含量,消除水中难闻的气味。

The final stage of lake revitalization is fish stocking. In the spring of 2024, approximately 50 kg of carp and 100 kg each of silver carp and bighead carp were released into Tikhoye Lake. Prior to the fish stocking, specialists conducted relevant studies, measured the depth, created a lake map, collected water samples, and determined which species would best adapt to the conditions. Carp, silver carp, and bighead carp complement each other and aid in their survival. Carp digs the bottom and eats everything on it, uprooting vegetation. Silver carp, or water cow, eats grass and algae, picking up what the carp leaves behind. Bighead carp, the lake’s sanitation worker, swims with its mouth open, collects everything in the water column, and filters the water.

The fish were brought from a hatchery in special containers that maintain the necessary conditions and supply oxygen. On-site, specialists measured the temperature of the lake, then gradually adjusted the temperature in the container to match, ensuring the relocation process went as smoothly as possible. The fish’s winter survival was also planned: natural and artificial gas exchange in the lake will be ensured by cutting holes in the ice and conducting mechanized aeration. This process, necessary during the cold season, is carried out once a month.

Along with the fish, microalgae Chlorella were released into the lake. They produce a lot of oxygen and serve as the best protein food for the fish, allowing them to grow 30% faster. Additionally, Chlorella consumes pathogens and blue-green algae, neutralizing the lake’s bloom. To eliminate organic residues in the lake, a biopreparation for bottom sediments is used. Specialists plan to reduce the level of hydrogen sulfide and eliminate the unpleasant odor from the water.



Tikhoye 湖的修复工作计划于 2024 年秋季完成。在此之后,Brusnika 将通过季节性监测继续保护该湖泊。专家们将监测冰盖的厚度,在春汛和夏旱期间控制水位和水质,检查动物、鸟类和生物群落的状况、水生植物的开花情况以及水岸的完整性。这将提高所采取措施的效率,并使水库成为一个重要的娱乐设施和具有高度自然生物多样性的城市生态岛。经过修复和水库的自然自净,大约 3-5 年后,业余垂钓将成为可能。

Tikhoye 湖是水体修复与后续滨水开发的典范。该项目将教育、生态和休闲等多种功能完美地结合在一起,将该地区重新定义为城市中的“第三空间”。

The revitalization process is planned to be completed by autumn 2024. After this Brusnika will retain patronage of the lake through seasonal monitoring. Specialists will monitor the thickness of the ice cover, control the level and quality of water during spring floods and summer droughts, check the state of fauna, avifauna and bioplateaus, flowering of aquatic plants and the integrity of the coastline. This will improve the efficiency of the measures taken and make the reservoir a significant recreational facility and eco-island of the city with high natural biodiversity. After restoration and natural self-purification of the reservoir, in approximately 3-5 years, amateur fishing will be possible on it.

Tikhoye Lake exemplifies the revitalisation of a water body with subsequent waterfront development. This project seamlessly combines several functions: namely, educational, ecological, and recreational, redefining the area as the ‘third place’.



▽湖面鸟瞰 Lake. Bird view


▽秋明 Tikhoye 湖植物修复技术  The technology of phytoremediation on Tikhoye Lake, Tyumen




项目名称:Tikhoye lake: water reserve of strength
建设:2021-2024 年

占地面积:2700 平方米
水量:18000 立方米
湖深:2.5 米
植物:40000 棵树木、10 万株灌木、54000 株湿地植物

生态研究:北外乌拉尔国立农业大学、俄罗斯生态学会、ECOSTANDARD 集团
景观设计:Novascape、Brusnika Design
照片:Alexander Saskov、Maxim Loskutov

Tikhoye lake: water reserve of strength
Research : 2020
Project: 2020-2021
Completion: 2021-2024

Surface area: 2700 m²
Water volume: 18 000 m³
Lake depth: 2,5 m
Plant: 40 000 trees, 100 000 shrubs, 54 000 wetland plants

Ecological research: The State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, the Russian Ecology Society, ECOSTANDARD Group
Landscape design: Novascape, Brusnika Design
Development and landscape: Brusnika
Photo: Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov




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