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Thanks Huazhong University of Science and Technology + Qing Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Huazhong University of Science and Technology + Qing Studio.



Huazhong University of Science and Technology + Qing Studio : The shop is located on the first floor at the corner of the block, and the corresponding second floor facade is rented for the signboard. This means that the shop covers an area of 160 square meters, but has 215 square meters of facade.




Mies once said that “not every building needs to be made into a cathedral”, but in the era of mobile Internet, when even a sidewalk cafe has the opportunity to get the attention that cathedrals used to get, it would has a similar formal appeal, but the social resources it can mobilize cannot increase in proportion. Under this inequality, the challenge of so-called “influencer” architecture is how to use the resources of a cafe to achieve a cathedral-level effect.


▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽项目外观展示 Project appearance presentation

▽门头上的吱丘鸟 The Creak bird above the door



In the face of such a large, angular display surface, it is already difficult to use the door head or signboard design to deal with, what is needed here is a symbol with volume. We decided to use the brand image of the store directly: the two birds, and their home: the nest, to take up the entire facade.


▽转角的展示面 Corner display surface

▽吱丘鸟和鸟巢 Chee Kew bird and nest

▽门头上的鸟巢 The bird’s nest above the door

▽从隔壁公园飞来的小鸟 Birds flying in from the park next door



It’s a kind of overarching symbolism, like the Duck restaurant that Venturi once praised, and the Duck, in Venturi’s mind, is essentially the same structure as the cathedral. This is the great impact of commercial architecture on serious architecture 50 years ago in the age of the automobile, and in the current information age, it has become even more violent.


▽文丘里的“鸭子” Venturi’s Duck


▽咖啡店入口空间 Cafe entrance space

▽鸟巢细节展示 Bird’s nest detail display



In the busy commercial street, we hope to blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor, making the store space into the public street to the maximum extent. The biggest obstacle to achieving this goal is the two columns on the facade, which clearly define the outline of the store. Therefore, through the chamfering of the arc, we enlarged the column into two large trays in form, and tilted in different directions to eliminate its sense of weight and functionality.


▽融入街道的外立面 The facade blends into the street



Hundreds of nests are divided into two groups and placed on trays. Formally, they are two large “canopies” that cover the facade. Spatially, they run through the interior and extend to the street. The interior and exterior spaces penetrate each other under the two “canopies”.


▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽咖啡售卖区 Coffee area

▽外部街道是内部空间的延伸 The outer street is an extension of the inner space



In addition to a 10-meter-long food table, we pushed all the scattered seats in the coffee area to the inner and outer junction, and made full use of the space under the eaves formed by bird’s nest to form a more open and public entrance area. Now, it has become a favorite resting spot for nearby residents to walk their dogs.


▽原木色系的食面台 Buffet table in wood color

▽延续的外摆休闲区 Extended outswing recreation area


▽总平面图 Plan

▽平面图 Plan

▽立面图 Elevation







Project Name: ChicChicBird Noodle Shop + Coffee
Design unit: Huazhong University of Science and Technology + Qing Studio
Contact email: contact@studio-qing.com
Design team: Hu Xing, Liu Changming, Li Zhe, Yan Chunyang, Li Hongyu, Hu Kangxin, Luo Tingkai, Yin Ruobing, Peng Hongyu, Wen Xiongfei
VI design unit: boombrand
Construction unit: upper right of big wood
Completion date: March 2023
Project address: KA Street, Fanyuehui, Shouyi Square, Wuhan
Area: 160 square meters
Materials: OSB board (EGGER), Terrazzo (PTLAND), cement art paint (BANFTUKNIGHT)
Owner: Wuhan Energy Infinite Technology Co., LTD
Photography: Zhao Yilong



审稿编辑  Maggie

更多 Read more about: 华中科技大学建规学院+青·微舍(武汉)工作室