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Thanks Suppose Design Office for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Suppose Design Office.
Suppose Design Office:在新冠疫情大流行之前,我就开始在海边寻找沿着河流的地块。只要一有时间,我就会去露营、访雪山,在没有建筑的地方享受一种田园诗歌般的生活。对于我而言,每一次身处在没有任何基础设施的地方都会让我内心充实、受益匪浅。我也时常在思考,如何在一个开阔的空间里通过建筑创造出类似这种自然体验的感受。
Suppose Design Office: Since before the Coronavirus pandemic, I had started looking for land parcels along the river near the ocean. Whenever I can find the time, I enjoy an idyllic life of camping and visiting the snowy mountains, where there existed no architecture. The experience of being in a place where no infrastructure is readily available is to me, heartily enriching every time I visit. I often think about how to create something close to this natural experience through architecture in a wide-open space.

If we create a business that connects the natural environment and architecture, we can do what we love for a living, and even if the Coronavirus pandemic were to strike again, said the business would still thrive under trying circumstances.
With this in mind, we decided to create a business of designing and building villas.

“House in Isumi”是这项业务的第一个别墅项目。我们为其设定的商业模式是选择一块被自然环绕的优越地块,在其上建造别墅,并由四个业主共享。当业主们不使用别墅时,它就可以作为一个单体别墅出租给公众。我们还监督建立和运作一个相匹配的同步租赁系统。这类建筑具有广泛的用途,它既是 “你的私人别墅”,也可以被其他很多人使用。这就是我们结合疫情、建筑、自然和投资等各方面所给出的答案。
The first of these villa projects will be ” House in Isumi”. The business model is to select an excellent plot of land surrounded by nature, build upon it a villa, and share it between four sets of owners. When the owners are not using the villa, it is rented out to the public as a single villa. We also oversee the establishment and operation of a matching system that allows for simultaneous rentals. It is architecture has a wide range of uses, it is “your villa” and can also be used by many people. This is the answer we have created that combines aspects of the pandemic, architecture, nature, and investment.

No air conditioning is used here.
Instead, we researched into and installed in our villas the maximal insulation systems that will withstand all kinds of climates. A river running in front of the house provides cooling. Before going to bed, we can jump into the pool to cool down and sleep with natural air conditioning. On cold days, we warm ourselves with a wood stove. Had we installed air conditioning, we would probably spend our time as if we were in a hotel without opening the windows. Eating, bathing, and sleeping with the windows open and feeling the wind in the environment removes the boundary between nature and architecture, creating a richer experience. It is a minimal, simplistic experience, much like camping, but tempered with a sense of relief protected by the architecture of just the most basic function.

We aim for a richness of experience rather than an exhaustion of possessions.
Being an architect and entrepreneur. This is open to everyone. After 22 years of starting a business, we have finally arrived at the future form of office management. If this villa business we are creating can be a catalyst for the future of office management, I believe it is worth investing my life in.

项目名称:Daichi Isumi House
地点:日本 Isumi
建筑设计:Suppose Design Office
首席建筑师:Makoto Tanijiri
照片:Kenta Hasegawa
Project Name: Daichi Isumi House
Location: Isumi, Japan
Area: 192 m²
Year: 2022
Architects: Suppose Design Office
Website: https://suppose.jp/
Lead Architect: Makoto Tanijiri
Photographs: Kenta Hasegawa
Translation Check: Lester
“ 项目源于设计师的一次创意实践,意图在建筑中探索身处自然中的体验。”
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