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Daxing Jizi Design: With the curatorial theme of “Searching the Glow of Future”, Glow Shenzhen 2021 seeks to integrate light art into urban life and release the vitality of urban public space. Daxing Jizi is invited to exhibit their architectural installation, “Dream Glow Pavilion”, at the Shenzhen Universiade Center, Glow Shenzhen’s Longgang section.
▽装置所在的城市环境 The urban environment in which the installation is located

大运中心东西宽约990米,南北长约1050米,总用地面积52万平方米,是周围居民健身及休闲的主要场所。 在调研的过程中我们发现这里鲜少有供市民休憩的小建筑,如何在这个大尺度的场所里面植入一个小尺度的怡人空间,成为设计的出发点。
The Universiade Center is about 990 meters wide from east to west and 1050 meters long from north to south, covering an area of 520,000 sqm, serving as a major place for fitness and leisure for the surrounding residents. During our research, we found that there are few small-scale structures for the public to relax, so how to incorporate a small enjoyable space into the massive center became our initial intention of the design.
▽项目与周边环境 Project and surrounding environment

我们将具体地点选在了大运中心的中央绿地,虽然这里不是专门为休闲而设计的绿地,但实际被市民当作小型公园在使用。 天气好的时候人们会带着小毯子在草地上野餐,小朋友也喜欢在草坡上嬉戏打闹。
We chose to place the installation in the central green area of the Universiade Center. Although the green area is not specifically designed for relaxation, citizens have taken it as a mini park. In good weather, they bring blankets to picnic on the grass, and children also love to play on the grass slope.
▽场景概念插画 Scene concept illustration

We aim to serve the public well through the work, add some fun for the children playing in the vicinity, and create a cozy place for people strolling at night. It can also provide space for small events such as workshops, lawn concerts and creative markets during the exhibition.
▽装置日常使用场景 Device daily use scenario

全面的开放 Absolute Openness
为了尽可能地将作品融入人们的休闲生活,我们设计了一个360度的开放空间,12盏半圆形灯组成的彩色光矩阵于顶部轻轻笼罩。 通过高差处理,将光亭的地台与景观草地自然地连接起来,在景观带上休闲的市民可以很方便地到达亭子的内部。
To better integrate the work into the public’s leisure life, we designed a 360-degree open space in which a cluster of 12 colored semicircular lights gently envelops the top. Through meticulous management to elevation difference, we connect the floor of the pavilions with the grassy area in a smooth way, so that the citizens having fun on the landscape zone can easily reach the interior of the pavilions.
▽场景效果演示 Scene effects Demonstration

▽景亭夜景 Jing Pavilion night view

The pavilion cluster forms a focus of attention in the central green area. After nightfall, it attracts people from all directions to rest here and enjoy the space, like a lighthouse. The pavilions take on an open form with an accessible ramp on one side of the wide floor, allowing people with strollers to enter the space easily.
▽景亭夜景 Jing Pavilion night view

蘑菇与灯笼 Mushrooms & Chinese Lanterns
光亭从中国传统灯笼的结构中汲取造型灵感。 我们分析了传统竹编灯笼所采用的骨架结构,并在设计中采用了青绿、鹅黄、妃色、茜红、墨黑这五种中国传统色。 设计师希望这些圆乎乎的亭子在呼应中国传统灯笼结构的同时,能在某个角度看起来像自然生长在草地上的蘑菇,拥有自然界的可爱生物对人的奇妙吸引力。
We drew inspiration from the structure of traditional Chinese lanterns for the shape of the pavilions. After thorough study, we borrowed the frame of traditional bamboo lanterns and applied the five traditional Chinese colors of turquoise, soft yellow, violet red, mandarin red, and jet black in the design. The designers intended the nice-round pavilions to evoke our beloved traditional Chinese lanterns and to possess the wonderful appeal of lovely creatures in nature by resembling wild mushrooms at a certain angle.
▽景亭夜景 Jing Pavilion night view

亭子穹顶部由彩色半透明的哑光软膜材料包裹,设计师希望材料能够呈现类似纸张的质感,光线可以穿透;其防水性也使亭子成为了雨天的临时遮蔽场所。 日间,透光材料遮蔽部分阳光,保证了亭下空间的舒适性;而在夜晚,点亮后的光亭多彩且柔和,成为城市晚间绝佳的公共活动空间。
The pavilion domes are wrapped by colored, translucent and matte soft films. The designers wanted the material to have a paper-like texture and to allow light to penetrate; its waterproof nature also makes the pavilions a temporary shelter for rainy days. During the daytime, the light-transmitting material shades part of the sunlight, ensuring the comfort of the space underneath the pavilions; After the sunset, the lighted pavilions emit mellow and colorful light, making it a prominent public space at night.
▽景亭日景 Jingting sun view

▽彩色半透明的哑光软膜 Colorful translucent matte soft film
The pavilions provide a place for citizens to interact with light and nature, a hangout space for rest and meditative relaxation, as well as a natural venue for small events. On winter days with warm sunshine, people come to the beautiful pavilions to spend a peaceful and pleasant time.
▽景亭日景 Jingting sun view

近景社交空间 Space for In-person Social Contact
在社交媒体蚕食城市生活的今天,虚拟的空间以及碎片化的信息使人们封闭在自己的房间里,那些连接我们、聚拢我们的东西在渐渐消解。 五色光亭希望呈现一种关于我们如何感知现实与自然的多面理解,鼓励人们不仅仅是用眼睛,而是用身体和心灵体验真实的场景。
As social media encroaches on our urban lives, virtual spaces and fragmented information are keeping us enclosed in our rooms, while the things that connect us and bring us together are gradually fading into insignificance. Through the work, we hope to present a multifaceted understanding of how we perceive reality and nature, and encourage people to experience real life not just with their eyes, but with their bodies and minds.
▽景亭的日常使用场景 The daily use scene of the pavilion

我们希望人们短暂地脱离电子屏幕来到光亭之间,在这个空间静静地欣赏灯光与周围景观树木形成的微妙光影变幻,用心观察树木、草地和儿童的嬉戏。 光亭以人类和大自然的关系作为切入点,提供“近景社交”空间,试图重新弥合、审视、思考和探索我们共同的未来。
We hope that people would briefly take their attention off digital devices and come to the pavilions to enjoy the subtle changes of light and shadow created by the pavilions and the surrounding trees, as well as to observe lovely ambient environment and the children at play. Taking the relationship between humans and nature as an entry point, the installation provides a space for in-person social contact that seeks to examine, explore and empower our shared future.
▽总平面图 General Plan

▽平面图 Floor Plan

▽立面图 Elevation

公共家具设计: 易加·UV
Project name: Dream Glow Pavilion
Design: Daxing Jizi Design
Commissioned by: Glow Shenzhen 2021 – Longgang
Year: 2021
Size: 270 m2
Location: Shenzhen Universiade Center
Chief designer: ZENG Zhenwei
Designers: ZENG Zhenwei, XIE Muxi
Structural design: LIN Chaowei, FANG Feihu
Illustration design: SHU Yi
Public furniture design: E+UV
Construction: Shenzhen Mantangcai Engineering Co., Ltd.
Photographers: ZHANG Chao, ZHANG Dalian
“ 设计将光影艺术融入城市生活,释放城市公共空间的活力。”
更多read more about:大星吉子工作室