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Thanks SLF for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by SLF.


海景观论坛又要和大家见面了!第六届活动将于112日在我们熟悉的机遇中心AIO SPACE举办。延续第五届景观论坛的形式,本次活动仍需提前购票入场。请大家留意文末的购票信息。


8家专业媒体受邀与论坛委员会展开战略合作, 并对此次活动进行前期宣传与后期报道。陈逸飞工作室上海逸飞·环境艺术公司上海馨雨景观园艺装饰有限公司Brickform砖形、及上海酷潘游乐设施作为本次活动的赞助商应邀出席,共同助力上海景观论坛。第六届上海景观论坛期待您到场与我们一同讨论!

The Shanghai Landscape Forum (SLF) is on again! Similar to the previous forums, the 6th installment will be held at AIO SPACE and event tickets will need to be purchased in advance. At the end of this article, more information on how to purchase tickets is provided.

Since its inceptions SLF has experimented with different forum structures and presentation formats. The Forum is committed to expanding an open communication and sharing platform for landscape architects and related fields in China. Last year, we were fortunate enough to have a range of international artists, urban designers and landscape architects enliven debate around the Forum’s theme. We found that the ‘cross-pollination’ between disciplines was highly successful and widely supported by our audience. The 6th Forum hopes to maintain this rich atmosphere and for the first time is inviting speakers and guests from any discipline across China to be part of the growing event.

8 media groups were invited by the committee to participate in pre-promotion and post-reporting of the event. Yifei Chen Art Studio, Donner Rumi Brick, Brickform and KOMPAN are the sponsors supporting this event. We are looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Shanghai Landscape Forum!


▼往期活动照片 Photos of previous events


本次论坛活动主题海报 BBS theme posters



在过去四十余年中,随着高速的城市化发展,城市基础设施的扩张和土地开发规模不断扩大,使自然环境问题日益严峻、全球经济、社会及气候变化也随之受到了一定威胁。 面对这些挑战,我们如何从研究、交流、实践和使用评估中找到方法并予以回应?本次论坛将围绕三个相关子话题,城市失序、环境恶化及机制混乱,探讨作为设计师的我们可以对此做出的种种积极回应。在主题演讲结束后,主持人也会与所有演讲嘉宾以及现场观众共同对话,更深入地剖析这一话题。

The main topic for the upcoming event is Disorder.

Following some 40 years of rapid urbanization, expanding urban infrastructure and land development in China, the environment is increasingly fragmented, degraded and threatened economic, social and climate change. In the context of these challenges, how are landscape architects responding through research, communications, and practice and end-user assessments? The forum will focus on the positive contribution being made to tackle increasing levels of disorder.






2019112 (周六), 13:00-17:30

November 2, 2019 (Saturday), 13:00-17:30








No. 399 W Nanjing Rd, Huangpu District, Shanghai





入场及开幕 Opening

演讲子话题 Topic and Subtopic Introduction

Session A: 城市失序 Urban Disorder

Session B: 环境恶化 Climate Disorder

茶歇/社交时间 Intermission/Social Time

Session C: 机制混乱 System Disorder

圆桌对话 Round Table Discussion




Event Ticket Information




110 坐席票/60元自由站票









Early bird ticket: RMB 110 for seating / RMB 60 for free standing ticket

(Registration starts from October 11th 10am, while stock last)

Regular ticket: RMB 150 for seating / RMB 100 for free standing ticket

(Registration starts from October 15th 10am, while stock last)

Refreshments included.

Tickets may be released by batches due to verification process, please kindly follow up for latest info




1. 扫描以上二维码,进入活动报名页面。

Scan QR code above for registration.

2. 请按要求填写真实个人资料。

Fill in personal information properly.

3. 报名后3日内,您将会以短信或邮件方式收到报名确认信息。报名信息缺误者,可能会遇到报名被驳回的情况

Confirmation message will be sent via text message or email within 3 days. Registration might be rejected due to incomplete or incorrect personal information.

4. 如有疑问,请留言至 shanghailandscapeforum@gmail.com

If any questions, please contact shanghailandscapeforum@gmail.com






About Shanghai Landscape Forum

上海景观论坛(SLF)是由AECOM, SASAKI, SWA, SOM, ASPECT Studios, HASSELL, TLSGossamer等多家国际性景观设计公司自发组成的委员会,定期开展的主题性景观行业分享盛会。自2017年起,上海景观论坛已在众多设计师的共同努力下,成功举办5届活动。委员会一直以开拓新的实践,催化设计创新、影响政策变革;提升公众对于景观重要贡献的认识;倡导景观行业,使之汇入社会进步的主流推动力为活动使命,不断尝试新的形式、探讨新的主题,希望以此提升景观行业的影响力,并推进行业的可持续发展。

Shanghai Landscape Forum is a themed landscape professional sharing event initiated by Sasaki, AECOM and SWA in 2017, with participation from SOM, ASPECT Studios, HASSELL, TLS, Gossamer and many other international landscape companies, the forum has grown rapidly. The forum is aimed to ” pioneer new practices that result in design innovation and influence on policy transformation; raise public awareness of landscape architecture’s vital contribution, and advocate landscape architecture into the mainstream driving force for social progress”, and to promote our profession and build a more sustainable tomorrow for the profession.



  1. 我在武汉工作,武汉被誉为百湖之城,相比其他城市武汉应该有很大的容水量,但现实是每年夏季如果有大到暴雨武汉城区必定被淹,就和论坛封面场景一样,城区与湖泊、湖泊与湖泊相互无联系,或许城市建设割裂的原本的联系,由于地下管网建设前没有正确评估城区雨水承载量,导致城区的地下管网系统无法承受短时间大量的雨水而被淹,目前大面积调整地下管网系统实施难度较大,就要利用景观手法建立城区与湖泊、湖泊与湖泊的联系形成网络,将大量的雨水快速导入湖泊河道之中避免城区被淹。用景观解决城市发展过程中引发排水的顽疾会是一个很有意思的课题。

  2. 从武汉地图上看,城市主环线将所有的湖泊串联在一起,主环由又与其他各个等级的道路串联成网络,所以景观排水网络可依附于城市道路网络,将城市主干道中分带、侧分带、桥下空间开辟出一部分或者全部做成连续的草沟和雨水花园,有效输送雨水。将立交桥绿地、大中型公园开辟边界作为下沉绿地,作为中转站起到滞留雨水的作用,缓解排水压力。对于狭窄的低等级的城市道路可利用两侧的建筑墙壁悬挂透明雨水搜集槽,既可以将雨水导入相邻的主干道雨水花园又可以导入建筑每个家庭用于生活用水。这样调动城市主要元素建立景观排水网络,建立城区与湖泊的联系,减少城区被淹的几率。

  3. 对于城市快速发展引发的城市问题,景观设计师究竟可以做什么?我现在觉得景观设计能做的微乎其微。如果要单从景观的层面探讨,会不会太无力?要讨论这类问题,是不是需要跳出景观设计这个边框,邀请相关的不同领域的老师?跨专业合作也许能通过从多个角度的探讨而获得一些启发?我想我们看到的环境问题应该不只是单纯的环境问题。。。问题发生的本质原因,还有问题的衍生,从决策者到设计师到施工团队,甚至包括与民众的沟通,每一阶段都会影响事情的发展。。。而景观设计是以怎样的角色和方式参与其中,怎样可以做出积极的影响,如何化解现实的压力?。。。希望论坛讨论的不只是现象,更希望能听到深挖问题的本质和解决方向。

  4. 前排求票,小编还有票吗,安利了同行朋友们,在第一波截止日期时间后一个小时登录,第二波开启售票时间后两个小时,我太难了。。。。。。如果有票就好了,伤心,脑海里已经构想好了行程路线,泪