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Thanks VERTEBRAL for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by VERTEBRAL.


VERTEBRAL私人海滩别墅Casa Ohana旨在与周围自然环境融为一体,开放式的庇护所既包容又私密。开阔的场地带来360°全方位的营建可能,但视野、朝向和风向都是决定房屋落地的优先因素。别墅由八个相对独立的单体组成,分为私人和公共区域,它们策略性地分布在整个用地内。

VERTEBRALCasa Ohana is a private beach house project that seeked for an integration with its natural surroundings: the jungle, the beach and the sea. The brief was to provide an open shelter that could range from openness to intimacy. The open site allowed for 360° possibilities, but the views, orientation and wind direction were prioritized to determine the settling of the house. It consists of eight independent volumes, divided in private and public areas, strategically distributed throughout the property.


© César Belio
© César Belio


房屋面积 810 平方米,包含 70 平方米的开放式露台。私人区域有九间卧室,占地面积 400 平方米。住宅以当地的泥土色系为基调,与当地植被相融合,钢筋清水混凝土框架结构恰与住宅材料的设计意图相匹配。选用自然的中性材料、热带木材和清水混凝土,在建筑、海滩及大海之间构建起与景观植被相协调的背景底色。

The 810 sqm of the house includes 70 sqm of open terraces. The private areas, with nine bedrooms, are 400 sqm. The residence adopts the earthy tones of the site and embraces the local vegetation. The structure criteria of reinforced bare concrete frames is in line with this materiality intention. The selection of natural neutral materials, tropical local wood and bare concrete, aims to be the background for the landscape and vegetation in between the buildings, the beach front and the sea.


© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio


在埃斯孔迪多港(Puerto Escondido)低矮的丛林中,在尼姆树林之间,隐藏着奥哈纳之家(Casa Ohana)。一条蜿蜒的小路穿过茂密高大的植被群,途中可见成片的牧豆树(Mesquite)和白花丹(Plumbago),随后展现在人们面前的是一座拥有浮顶和遮阳棚的大体量建筑。房屋好似一艘在大风大浪中航行的船只,海浪猛烈地拍击撕扯,使其震颤不已。

Immersed inside the low jungle of Puerto Escondido, between Nim trees, Casa OHANA finds its footprint to settle. A sinuous path unfolds through dense, tall vegetation, interrupted by a monolithic planting of Mesquite and Plumbago, revealing for the first time a large structure with a floating roof and shade. The fierce crashing of waves against the sand, tearing it apart, makes the house vibrate and splattered with tar. The house gives the illusion of a ship navigating high winds and seas.


© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio



The social area of the house is a large elevated platform in the form of staggered slabs that captures views and breeze from all points. Above the platform, a light overhang expands and flies to shield from summer rain and winter sun. The overlapping of the sloping platform and flat slab creates a tunnel that accelerates the wind and allows it to increase freshness in light of the high temperatures of the coast.


© Efraín Salas
© César Belio
© César Belio



Unlike the social area, which consists of a continuous space entirely exposed to the natural surroundings, the more hermetic private areas are envisioned as almost closed volumes with the exception of two openings: the ocean view and the backyard garden, more intimate spaces.


© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio
© César Belio



The luxury of the house lies in the simplicity of harmony with the natural environment. Cross ventilation, ocean views, and the appropriation of small gardens in each room create a parenthesis of calm and privacy. The house serves as a catalyst for coexistence with the jungle, the beach, and the sea.


© César Belio
© César Belio


▽总平面图 Master Plan



▽家庭客房剖面图 Guestroom



▽住宅剖面 Sections






地点:墨西哥 瓦哈卡州 埃斯孔迪多港
设计团队:Elias Kalach, Teddy Nanes, Alberto Bou
建设:Efrain Salinas
景观:Maria Kalach
摄影:Cesar Belio

Project name: Casa Ohana
Location: Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, México
Built area: 810 sqm
Completion date: December 2023
Name of studio to be credited for this project: VERTEBRAL
Design team: Elias Kalach, Teddy Nanes, Alberto Bou
Construction: Efrain Salinas
Landscaping: Maria Kalach
Photography: Cesar Belio





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