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Thanks School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University + Landscape Institute of Tsinghua University Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.  for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University + Landscape Institute of Tsinghua University Architectural Design & Research Institute Co..


北京林业大学园林学院 +清华建筑设计院七分院景观所:“五谷杂粮美术馆”位于北京市海淀区海淀街道稻香园北社区内,是一处景观广场更新。社区的名字——“稻香园”来源于海淀区域曾经连绵的稻田,这片土地曾经是农耕之地,因此设计以“五谷杂粮”为主题,用艺术化的方式体现五谷及蔬菜瓜果的形象,寓教于乐。该项目在“2023北京国际设计周”展出。

School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University + Landscape Institute of Tsinghua University Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.:The “Grain Gallery” is a landscape renewal in the Da Xiang Yuan North neighborhood of Zhong Guan Cun Street, Haidian District, Beijing. The name of the community, “Taoxiangyuan”, comes from the rolling rice fields in the Haidian area, which used to be a place of farming, so we took “grains and cereals” as the design theme. Therefore, we took “grains and miscellaneous grains” as the theme of the design, and used an artistic way to represent the images of grains, vegetables and fruits, so as to educate people and make them happy. The project is exhibited at the “2023 Beijing International Design Week”.


▽场地及周边环境鸟瞰, Aerial view of the site and surroundings 


▽场地内部鸟瞰, Aerial view of the site 



前期准备 Preliminary Preparation


The current status of the old neighborhood is complex, so in order to fully grasp the current status, maximize the use of on-site landscape resources, and achieve a “perfect integration” between the renewal area and the surrounding, the site was scanned with a 3D point cloud before the design started. The point cloud model provided strong support for subsequent design decisions: the completed project retained all the existing trees on the site and organically integrated them with the new porches, seating and activity spaces.


▽原场地三维扫描点云数据, 3D scanned point cloud data of the original site

▽场地原状照片, Photograph of the site in its original state 



空间布局策略:边界+中心 Spatial Organization: Boundary + Center


What the old neighborhood lacks most is open space for activities that are not disturbed by motor vehicles. Therefore, a “Boundary + Center” strategy was adopted, organizing rest, viewing, and sports activities in the interlocking curved spaces around the site, while leaving a large space in the center of the site for residents to use flexibly.


▽轴测图, Axon 



边界空间 Boundary Area


The boundary area of the site is divided into sections by a constantly oscillating curve: an exercise area, a landscaped corridor of grains and fruits and vegetables, and a striped seating area for residents of different ages and needs.


▽黄色弧形廊架围合的运动区域, Exercise area surrounded by yellow curved corridors 


▽五谷主题景观廊,与原有树木形成良好关系,A landscape corridor with the theme of grains, forming a good relationship with the existing trees.


▽五谷主题景观廊细节,Five Grains Theme Landscape Corridor Detail 


▽景观廊展示部分平面设计,Display section graphic design 


▽条带座椅区域, Ribbon seating area ©梁宇博



中心空间 Center Area


The center of the site is a flat, open activity area that residents can use flexibly as needed.


▽中心广场区域, Center square 



广场北侧绿地 Green space on the north side


The small green space on the north side of the plaza is decorated with winding paths, resembling a miniature “garden of forking paths”. The equipment room in the green space was also painted with grains and fruits as part of a collaborative effort between the designers and residents.


▽从景观廊看北侧小绿地和设备用房, View of small green space and equipment room on north side from view corridor 


▽设计师与居民一同绘制设备用房墙面, Designer paints the walls of the equipment room with the residents 


▽与居民自建前院无缝衔接, Well integration with residents’ own front yards 


▽从北侧小绿地看廊架, View of the corridor from the small green space on the north side 


▽平面图, Masterplan 




主持设计:边思敏 王双
摄影:梁宇博 边思敏 王双

Project Name: Grain Gallery
Location: Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Designed by: School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University + Landscape Institute of Tsinghua University Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.
Lead Designer: BIAN Simin, WANG Shuang
Design Team: WANG Xinyi, QIU Chenxi, DONG Zican, HUANG Qianyi, TANG Zekai, LIANG Xiaoyuan
3D scanning team: Beijing Qingjinghuawei Technology Co., LTD
LI Jiazhong, ZHANG Tengfei, YANG Sen, MA Jingde
Owner and Builder: Haidian Street Office, People’s Government of Haidian District, Beijing
Photography: LIANG Yubo, BIAN Simin, WANG Shuang
Total Area: 1400 square meters
Design Period: August-December 2022
Completion Date: July 2023




更多 Read more about:北京林业大学园林学院+清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司第七分院景观所

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