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Thanks HIBINOSEKKEI,Inc for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by HIBINOSEKKEI,Inc.
HIBINOSEKKEI:This is an interior design project of transforming a three-storey existing building to ibg school in Beijing, China. The acronym in ibg stands for Inspiring, Bicultural and Green. While many emphasize on ease of maintenance and ease of use amongst adults as their requirement of design, but we prioritized children’s use and learning as our criteria.

Supporting the educational philosophy of the school, the structure was filled with nature so as to educate the children amidst the enjoyable green which is a rare sight in this urban neighbourhood. The roof was transformed to a ‘Garden of Movement’, that is a simple terrace garden to boost movement and exercise. The courtyard is a ‘Garden of Learning’, which comprises of the variety of native and foreign plant species as well as insects and birds which also makes it easier amongst children to understand the change of season.
▼楼顶-动之庭 Garden of Movement

▼中庭-学之庭 Garden of Learning

▼中庭游戏木平台 Wood deck

The classrooms are kept functional and simple where you may feel natural elements such as the smell of the plant, wind, sound of water etc. so as to lay main emphasis on the rich exterior. A special sense of the space has been created using different material finishes and scales in different type of rooms. The walls, shelves and the ceiling of the library uses wood hence making the ambience warmer and more nonchalant. The art room explores different material and texture of concrete and wood and also randomises the shelf sizes making the mind to wander and explore creativity. The STEAM classrooms are spacious and done using white bricks making it adequate for concentration.
▼室内设计保持了简洁统一 The interior design remains simple and unified

It’s a natural environment in the middle of the concrete jungle of Beijing, supporting children to discover themselves through play, observe, learn and grow.

▼项目平面图 ibg Plan

项目名称 :ibg school
所在地 :北京(中国)
使用面积 :3000㎡
结构规模 :钢筋混凝土结构,地上3层
竣工 :2019 年4月
更多 Read more about: HIBINOSEKKEI , Youji no Shiro , KIDS DESIGN LABO