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Thanks Adapt Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Adapt Studio.


岱朴景观:  美,是相对的。所以,世界的模样,取决于你凝视它的目光。日益精装化,装置化,形式化的景观如美学罂粟一般,弱化着我们的感觉器官越来越多的景观,看起来很美,但美的不轻松。视觉会欺骗人,如屏幕一样,但感觉不会。我们只希望让景观成为她本来该有的样子。

Adapt Studio:  The appearance of the world, depending on your vision, so beauty is relative. Landscape design is more and more decorative, so that we feel more and more dull. There are too many landscape design works, which are beautiful to look at but cannot make people feel relaxed. Our eyes will be deceived by the photos, but the feeling will not be deceived. The landscape we want, just like nature, can make people in it feel relaxed and comfortable.


▼项目区位  Project location



This project is located in Jiangnan District, Nanning, Guangxi, on the south side of Yongjiang. Use the future kindergarten site on the northeast side of the plot as a display area. The outside of the project is the former industrial zone of Nanning, so the external environment is not good. The surrounding roads are also under construction, which reduces the accessibility of the project. However, the longer passage isolates the space from the outside and makes the site more mysterious.




Thanks to the excellent architectural designers of this project, not only because they designed this pure and elegant building, but also for their enlightened attitude to allow a row of trees to block the building. Like an art gallery in the middle of a forest, the building is more simple and elegant, set off by plants.




Making people feel more relaxed is our initial goal. Beauty is relative, but people feel similar to beauty. We hope that people walk into this project and feel the water, wind, sunshine and trees in a relaxed atmosphere.




Our site is long and rectangular, the flow lines are also very clear, but the space left for the landscape is very small. In such a small site, we tried to make simple, pure design using natural elements such as sunlight, running water, woods, etc.




The design of the entrance is very clean, echoing the pure architecture, leaving more space to nature.


▼入口  The entrance



After entering the site, we are surrounding by the water and tall trees above the head, people are like entering the nature.


▼林下  Under forest

▼溪间  Stream side


There is a one-meter height difference between the building and the external road. We use steps and running water to handle the height difference.


▼溪间  Stream side



Look from indoor to outdoor, one eye can see the surface of the water, the water after lifting, trees can reflection in the water, outdoor and indoor, like the same space.


▼倒影  Inverted image



We want people to sit in the building and look at the images and be relaxed. The glass facade will form a picture frame, from the frame people can only see the plants and their reflections in the water.


▼堂前  Front of the court

▼屋后  Behind the house



Different from the plants on the south side of the building, we made different landscape Spaces on the north side of the building. The space was divided by the wall. The white wall was like white paper, the plants were like ink paintings on the white paper, and the water scape flowing like a river was at the bottom.


▼微观邕江  Microscopic Yong Jiang river



Our inspiration for the water scape comes from Nanning’s mother river – Yongjiang river.


▼曲水流觞  Floating wine cups along winding water



Through the tall trees, into the building, and then into the woods, this is the real nature.




What is landscape? Every designer has their own answer, but many people don’t like the current landscape design. In our design, we keep trying to make the landscape more than a visual experience. The more glamorous the material, the more likely it is to decay. Simple materials and plants will work better over time. We want the landscape to be as relaxing as nature.


▼平面图  Floor plan

▼细节  Details


雕塑设计: Adapt Studio

Project location:  Jiangnan District, Nanning
Project area:  3500 ㎡
Completion time:  2020.05
Owner:  JINCHENG HOLDINGS & Guangxi Construction Engineering Group
Management team:  Liang Bo, Ji Yun, Shi Hao
Landscape design:  Adapt Studio
Sculpture Design: Adapt Studio
Photography:  RIYE


项目中使用的植物和材料  Application of materials and plants in this project:


更多 Read more about: 岱朴景观 Adapt Studio