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魏玛景观: 人们对自然的理解,早已不仅仅局限于绿色与生态,更多的是对土地本身文化与哲学的探索。在城市化浪潮中,看惯了钢筋水泥林立的单调,人们对生活返璞归真的追求,对“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山“的向往,也变得格外强烈。对居所的追求也更青睐自然于生态,希望在返璞的状态下,找寻一处可以全身心放松、并自在感受场地的秘密之所。
Weimar Group: People’s understanding of nature is not only limited for green and ecology, but also the exploration of local culture and philosophy of the land itself. In the wave of urbanization, people are used to the monotony of reinforced concrete forest. People’s pursuit of returning to the nature of life, and the yearning to see Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence of chrysanthemum picking have become particularly strong. The pursuit of residence also prefers nature to ecology, hoping to find a secret place where you can relax and feel the site freely in the state of returning to nature.
▼山谷鸟瞰 Aerial view of the valley

With such sentiment, we created an endless realm in Jiuhua Mountain.

聆听空间的需求 Listening to the needs of space
When we first met the site, we shuttled between the valleys of Jiuhua Mountain. Feeling the densely dense woods on both sides of the site with large dark green colors, quite quiet and lei-surely. The ‘V’-shaped site space in the narrow depression between the two mountains of the site, and the winding and rising ridges on both sides, make the spatial form of the vally particularly obvious, but the sight of the green space in the mountain valley is slightly loose. Therefore, we need a system to connect and guide people. How to form an effective. serical, artistic, free, interesting and poetic dynamic line in such a space is the core problem that we need to solve in this design.
▼空间动线设计 Dynamic line design
空间的感官之旅 Sensory journey of space
我们希望通过一条“串联的、自由的、诗意的”的动线,打造一处无尽之境,引用中国山水画视觉体系下的散点透视原理, 在设计中利用折叠空间的手法,在场地中营造迂回错落的空间转换与咬合,形成交错的视点,而这些交错的视点,最终绘制出一幅诗意山水画。
We hope to create an endless environment through a “connected, free, and poetic” dynamic line. Using the scatter perspective principle under the visual system of Chinese landscape painting, and using the method of folding space in the design to create it in the site. Creating a round about space transformation and occlusion in the site, which form a staggered viewpoint. These interlaced viewpoints finally deviate into a poetic landscape painting.
▼重峦叠嶂 Heavy mountain ranges

谷之深,重峦叠嶂、层次深邃 The depth of the valley, heavy mountain ranges and deep levels
Be used to the busy traffic and the bustle of the city, miss the simplicity and purity of Shen Congwen’s literature – “the mountains on both sides of the river are tall and steep, with small bamboo growing on the top of the mountain, and the green color is pressing all the year round”.

The pine, the stream, the island, the gurgling mood of the curved water, the forest of Taxodium ascendens, sort out a quiet and retreat space. The mist shuttles between the shadows of the trees, spread out on the stone road. Wandering in the space, immersed in the water.

Walk in nature and enjoy the ecology. With a full of joy, people is probably to forget the worries of life. It is the mood and freedom of being immersed and breathing freely at ease.

水之阔,水广山遥,无限空间 The vast expanse of water, water and mountains, infinite space
The landscape is a mirror that wraps the land and reflects the scenery. The concentrated forest and folded space are all spread out here. A large area of water merges with surrounding building, plants, and people. Create a more interesting, more diverse and broafer space. A pedestrian trail is winding paths between water features. Light and shadow, nature, humanities, and architecture blend here. The space seems to be no longer limited with the vast water and distant mountains.

The lake, calm and indifferent, is touches the place closet to people. Walking in the clouds, wandering in the water. As if raising your hand, you can touch freedom and comfort. The ridges and lush forests in the valley are scattered on the crystal clear water surface . Mountains in the distance, the water is far away, free as air. Probably a happy life is that.

Green island, pool water, green pine. Swaying in the moonlight, dancing in the misty forest. It’s the squeaky voice in the mountains and forests in memory. I miss the little tadpoles playing by the creek. Silent is better than sound, with full of emotions. All the accidental joy of life is here.

The silence of the building, the silence of the pine forest, the pulsation of fireflies. Bloom on the wide water, fiction and reality, light and shade, outline their outline. The sight rests on the building surrounded by dense forest valleys. People, building, nature, look at each other in the space.

正如海德格尔所说:“正是诗意首先使人进入大地,使人属于大地,并因此使人进入诗意栖居。” 让诗意成为最自然的生活,九华霄云谷,一处无尽之境,一场对生活的释放。
In the evening, the night is slightly undulating. Glowing jade dew gleams in the water, lighting up the still soul. Brings throbbing to the lush, mountainous valleys. The bamboo forests are uneven, and I hear the night breeze. Who said immortals cannot dance?
As Heidegger said: “It is poetry that first makes people enter the earth, makes them belong to the earth, and therefore makes people enter the poetic dwelling.” Let poetry be the most natural life, Jiuhua Cloudy Valley, an endless realm, a release to the life.
摄影师: 丘文建筑摄影
Project name: Jiuhua Cloudy Valley
Completion: June 2020
Area: 15000㎡
Location: Chizhou City, Anhui Province, China
Landscape design: Weimar Group
Design team: Shanghai Group
Client/Developer: Anhui Jiuhua Qiankun Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd
Architectural design: Huacheng Boyuan Engineering Technology Group
Construction: Shanghai Shangnong Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd
Photographer: Arch-QW Photography
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