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Thanks BE_Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BE_Design.
BE_Design:科梅拉领导中心(Komera Leadership Center)位于卢旺达东部农村地区,是一个为年轻女性提供健康、教育和指导项目,并为家庭发展计划和社区聚会提供场所的地方。领导中心位于村庄足球场对面的主干道上,是当地居民急需的社区和教育中心。
BE_Design proudly presents the Komera Leadership Center, a facility in the rural eastern province of Rwanda providing health, education, and mentorship programs for young women, and a place for family development initiatives and community gatherings. Strategically set on the main road, across from the village football pitch, the Leadership Center acts as a much needed community and education hub for local residents.

建筑的核心部分是一个灵活的空间,既可以作为集会大厅,也可以作为教室,以满足社区对在领导中心开展各种活动和项目的需求。设计运用大型铰链式半透明面板改变了空间,面板关闭时可形成三个教学空间。当面板打开 90 度时,可形成一个大型会议厅,供社区居民使用。当完全打开到 270 度时,该空间可容纳更大型的表演和仪式活动。相邻的大型储藏空间为实现这些空间功能的转换提供了助力。
The heart of the building features a flexible space that functions as a gathering hall or a series of classrooms to accommodate the wide variety of activities and programs the community wanted for the Leadership Center. Large, hinging translucent panels transform the space, creating three classrooms when closed. When the panels are opened 90 degrees, they create a large meeting hall to accommodate the community. When fully opened to 270 degrees, the space can accommodate larger events such as performances and ceremonies. Large adjacent storage spaces enable these transforming spatial functions.

The roof forms, woven eucalyptus screens, and brick patterns are inspired by traditional “Imigongo” art originating from the region, and carry an association with the Rwandan word “Komera”, meaning “to stand strong, and to have courage.” The large roof connects the administration, health & counseling, classroom & gathering, kitchen & dining spaces, creating an abundance of covered exterior spaces for break-out classes and informal meetings. The large eucalyptus screens provide shade and a sense of enclosure and privacy for the exterior spaces.

该项目是在与卢旺达乡村企业(RVE)的合作下完成的,大部分材料都采购于当地。BE_Design 雇佣的当地劳动力中女性比例平均保持在40%,并提供现场技术性劳动力培训、可观的收入和储蓄账户、个人防护设备和安全设备,以及适用化的建筑技能。该公司还与社区密切合作,他们的贡献对该中心从构思到完工过程都至关重要。
In collaboration with Rwanda Village Enterprises (RVE), the Center was constructed with the vast majority of materials being locally sourced. BE_Design employed a local workforce that maintained an average of 40% female representation, and provided on-site skilled labor training, good income and savings accounts, PPE and safety equipment, and marketable construction skills. The firm also worked closely with the community, and their contributions were vital from conception to completion of their center.

▽设计图纸 Design drawing

项目名称:Komera Leadership Center
项目地点:卢旺达 卡永扎
网址: bruciengeldesign.com/
社交账户(ins): www.instagram. com/be_ Design.space/
摄影师: Bruce Engel
Project Name: Komera Leadership Center
Project location: Kayonza, Rwanda
Design company: BE_ Design
Website: bruciengeldesign.com/
Social account (ins): www.instagram. com/be_ Design.space/
Contact information: bruce@buroengel.com
Photographer: Bruce Engel
“ 为乡村打造一座实用的社区和教育中心。”