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Thanks YAS DESIGN for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by YAS DESIGN.


易亚源境:当下房地产形势下行,我们易亚源境的理念不仅仅是建设新的小区景观,而且是焕新和运营老社区之间的公共空间。在景观设计之前,我们与路劲甲方就运营的思路、体验的模式以及服务设计的手法达成一致。在以人为本方面,我们抓住儿童带动家庭,1个小朋友带来4-6个大人,让空间充满了活力和机遇。总之,在这里,社区居民每一天就像在身边的迪士尼一样,我们通过参与性的活动进行链接和共创,营造日常生活中的”小确 幸”与“快乐”经济。

——易亚源境创始人、首席设计师 俞昌斌

YAS DESIGN: With the current downturn in real estate, It is not only to build new residential landscapes under the guidance of YASDESIGN’s design philosophy but to revitalize and operate the public spaces among old communities. Before the landscape design, we agreed with client RK Properties on the idea of operation, the mode of experience and the approach of service design, driving the family with the children, there are 4-6 adults around 1 child, which makes the space full of vitality and opportunities. Here, the community is like Disneyland Park for residents every day, and participatory activities are linked and co-created to make an economics of happiness and fortune happen in their daily lives. –Mr. Yu Changbin, Founder and Chief Designer of YASDESIGN


▽项目视频 video





The project is located in the pivotal position of Suzhou Industrial Park, it is at the core of the Olympic site, 5 kilometers away from Suzhou Jinji Lake Scenic Area and 1.5 kilometers away from Suzhou Olympic Sports Center, with the surroundings including high-density residential areas, school districts and industrial parks. With complete supporting facilities, there are about 60 high-quality communities, over 40,000 house prices within the region, 300,000 long-term residents and 50,000 residents from RK Properties’ community, 6 industrial parks, 10 office buildings, 16 factories and 27 schools, a mega-development is constituted in this 1.5 million square meters Phoenix City. The transportation is convenient with covering Metro Line 1 and Line 6.

From the perspective of ‘Location + Positioning’ of urban planning, Suzhou is one of the core of the Yangtze River Delta city group, the 2nd largest economic city in the Yangtze River Delta, the center of the G60 Science and Technology Corridor, China’s new first-tier cities, China’s 6th largest economic center and the national high-tech industrial base. It is close to Shanghai in the east, Zhejiang in the south, Taihu Lake in the west and Yangtze River in the north. Suzhou Industrial Park is an important window of China’s reform and opening up, one of the first batch of green demonstrations of national parks in China, the fifth in the comprehensive ranking of national high-tech zones and an open economic highland with a strong industrial base.


▽ 苏州路劲星斓荟与苏州工业园区金鸡湖,苏州奥林匹克体育中心的关系 Relationship between Lan Park and Jinji Lake in Suzhou Industrial Park and Suzhou Olympic Sports Center

▽苏州路劲星斓荟服务于30万常住人口 Lan Park serves 300,000 long-term residents



The 80,000m² floor area of Lan Park is a community commercial area. According to the layout of the commercial space, it is divided into three thematic zones: Style Zone, Time Zone, and Children’s Zone, which brings together 5 major commercial categories and more than 100 brands in the areas of comprehensive retailing, children’s education and training, catering and food, recreation and entertainment, and living facilities to satisfy the needs of the residents in terms of health, life, socialization, and parent-child relationship.





The 16,000m² Lan Park is located in an unoccupied place between the high-density community and commerce in the city center, and the spatial texture in the form of a bond provides rich and diversified scenes for the park. The landscape structure focuses on the linkage creation of the field function, the convenient planning of the commercial circulation, and suitable consideration for the environment. It effectively connects and combines the commercial street, linear park, and life square, trying to converge the diversified public needs here. The design is around the service of the neighboring community and then towards more citizens in the urban area.

Using the adventures of the IP characters as the mainline, ‘Jinbao’ derives themed playgrounds covering all ages, while seamlessly connecting with the commercial interface to stimulate commercial vitality. It reflects the unique relationship between the park and the commercial and residential communities, as well as the comprehensive benefits brings to the city.






Response to How should community commercial space survive in the age of anti-consumerism?

Theme activities drive popularity – with Lan Park as the core, interactive and experiential facilities are introduced to create a place for people to gather and organize a variety of exciting activities, which attracts residents from the community to come over for fun.

The main trail running through the park is used as a natural carrier for the open-air bazaar, forming an outdoor-themed block during the event. The affiliated recreational lawn space has become an ideal place for cultural festivals such as cultural performances and outdoor movies, which enrich the cultural life of the surrounding community and the city.




It is a diversified social place that can meet the needs of daily fitness and trendy fun gatherings, and can also flexibly respond to all kinds of activity modes. During the activity, the ground pattern becomes a blueprint for flexible layout, which can be changed and adjusted according to the themes and needs of different activities, or becomes the street plan for open-air bazaar, or the fashion platform for themed camp, or the fascinating stage for street dance. It shows the new proposition of trendy life, now the park is currently transformed into the function of a pet paradise.




In normal circumstances, pocket fitness arks arranged along the route provide a convenient and efficient way for people in the commercial block and residents of the surrounding community to enjoy a healthy life together.



以儿童参与带动家庭——融合原创IP“劲宝”,打造以 “森林物语”、“勇者之丘”、“深海奇航”为主题的游乐场所,覆盖了全龄段儿童玩乐场景,开放互动的儿童空间,融合了丰富多彩的元素,带来全新多维度触感体验,让孩子们能够收获欢乐,于玩乐中成长。

Interact families with children’s participation – integrating the original IP ‘Jinbao’ to create playgrounds themed with “Forest Story”, “Brave Hill” and “Deep Sea Voyage”, the entertainment scenes covering children of all ages. Open and interactive children’s space integrates colorful elements, bringing a new multi-dimensional tactile experience to make children grow up in fun and joy moments.




Jungle Land is a forest playground with a storyline based on the IP image ‘Jinbao’ and his buddies’ adventure journey starting from the jungle. The design adopts the dynamic earth texture, as if in a dense tropical jungle. Tall trees, lush vegetation, and specialty sand experiences create an infectious jungle atmosphere that allows children to run, climb, and explore to feel like they’re in the embrace of nature.




The site design of Brave Hill simulates the natural terrain, the features with undulating topography that allow children to feel as if they are in an actual mountain environment, develop their physical potential, feel the joy and sense of accomplishment of climbing and ascending.




With its unique theme and colorful rides, Jungle Land and Brave Hill offer a fun-filled and surprising adventure tour for the business crowd as well as families in the surrounding community.




Located in the middle of the park and adjacent businesses, Brilliant Garden is a comprehensive area that combines a multifunctional plaza, recreational garden, and open-air bazaar, where various commercial facilities and activities can be flexibly carried out. People can enjoy themselves through recreation, entertainment, and shopping.




The commercial area and the park are intertwined with each other, and the hidden boundaries allow for different uses to meet here. The goal is to break the traditional division between commercial and leisure space and create a more open and inclusive environment where people can freely shift in state between commercial shopping and natural leisure, to enjoy multiple experiences.




As the protagonist of the park story, the ‘Jinbao’ IP image appears in various places in a fun form to attract more children to come to play around and start a colorful adventure tour together with them.




The Deep Sea Voyage is based on the story script of the IP image “Jinbao” and his buddies’ deep-sea adventure that started after they went out of the jungle, this area focuses on providing an immersive amusement experience for older children. The entire park highlights the spatial creation of an ocean atmosphere, allowing children to climb and overlook, to experience the fun of voyaging and knowledge cognition of the ocean.



深海奇航的LOGO装置是乐园的标志性雕塑, 浪潮主体地形是深海奇航中的一处特色场域,其设计灵感来源于汹涌的海浪和海洋中的岩石礁,预示着这是一个充满挑战和刺激的区域。

The LOGO installation of The Deep Sea Voyage area is the iconic sculpture in the whole park. The wave terrain is a featured space in this area, inspired by rough waves and rocks in the ocean, it indicates a space full of challenges and excitement.




The ship-shaped installation is one of the highlights of the Deep Sea Voyage, which simulates sailing in the ocean with dynamic sailing imagination. The ship presents a stylish and powerful shape. The overall design combines modern technology and ocean adventure elements to bring an immersive voyage experience.




The hull space is also equipped with interactive installations such as a cockpit, an observation deck, a puzzle matrix, a slide and island piers, which provide a variety of unique interest points. Children in the guise of a captain, and partners work together to put together the treasure map. Climbed on the raised platform, feel the speed of the top-down slide.




The lighthouse is an iconic node for posting by influencers.




The site layout and the commercial buildings interact well with each other. When night falls, the neon lights in the commercial area emit colorful light, which dresses up the whole park as a fantastic ocean kingdom, immersing in the unique night scenery of the space, making it a memorable place for tourists and residents to linger.




Under the guidance of community neighborhood center, the Commercial Neighborhood Park perhaps a more colorful and interesting neighborhood center park, a more intimate and more shared community bazaar, the full integration of architecture and landscape makes this community commercial complex with 80,000m² of building area and 16,000m² of park area, which is ultimately result in this convergence of boutique retail, specialty food, wellness and leisure, children’s playground and living facilities all together.




As the image interface of Lan Park’s commercial area, the Starlight Ring Plaza, with its unique starlight ring sculpture as a marked logo. It is illuminated by the bright lights at night, the paving texture and water features create a flowing melody.




The original south block is an old commercial block, and the new commercial neighborhood park is also actively linked to the original. In order to meet the actual needs of the community residents, the designers constructed the old parking lot as a forested space and added leisure facilities and seats so that the residents could walk and stay there.




Comfortable vegetation community and spatial relationships are created based on the original green space through a rational layout and connection, the original monotonous green space opened up as a linear park to easy access. The design strengthened the link between the old neighborhoods and adjacent communities, and carried out an overall update regarding the paving and seating, to provide residents with a rest and leisure place where they can sit down.





The renewed park entrance adopted a micro-intervention treatment, the large trees on site were skillfully used as a backdrop to bring natural aesthetics to the entrance area, which harmonized with the surrounding environment.

The park is like a bond, which is not only a place for leisure and recreation, but also a platform for community residents to communicate and interact. Equipped with a variety of recreational facilities, leisure areas and outdoor activity spaces, which provide residents with diversified choices. It closely connects the neighboring commercial complexes and residential communities, reinforcing the cohesion and vitality of the community. It also creates a natural and comfortable 15-minute living circle belonging to the commercial block at Lan Park through an effective renewal of the old streets around the site.



结语 Epilogue




As a comprehensive community commercial landscape project, Lan Park focuses on diversified public needs in the overall landscape planning, and the space is skillfully utilized in actual operation to provide a highly matched spatial carrier for thematic activities at different time period, which no longer makes the simplicity of park’s participatory content, and provides the entire area with continuously refresh vitality. Just like a bond, it plays a positive role in linking the surrounding community. Residents can conveniently go here to enjoy a wide range of recreational activities such as shopping, movie watching, dining and other life-enriching activities.

Through various activities and community interaction programs, the operator has made this place an open and inclusive social gathering place, where community residents can extend their social network, enhance their mutual understanding and friendship, promote the harmonious development of the community, and strengthen the cohesion of the surrounding community.

Lan Park originally takes service for the surrounding community as a starting point, then faces the range of population in the urban area to construct a comprehensive commercial center integrating shopping, recreation and leisure through the integrated design of commerce and parks, it enriches the lives of the citizens, attracting more people to come and experience, and promoting the urban economic development thus becoming an emerging urban living space.




As time passes, it is expected that this place will attract popularity constantly, release its vitality, and bring joy to people’s leisure lives.





Project Name: Lan Park, Suzhou RK Properties
Project Location: No. 55 Nanxieyu Street, Suzhou Industrial Park
Developer: Suzhou RK Properties
Client’s Design Management Team: Wang Zhen, Li Guanwen
Landscape Design: YAS DESIGN
Design Team:
Programme – Wang Yun, Zhang Tengfeifei, Chen Cheng, Wang Xiaoyu, Xu Shihao, Yan Xiaoyu, Song Jiajun, Mo Bin
Construction Drawings – Tan Kangwen, Zhang Suling, Zhong Jie, Lei Wenning
Greening – Fan Yonghai, Liu Jianlan, Xia Xinran
Architectural Design: GLC and Arts Group Co.,Ltd.
Landscape Engineering: Suzhou Tingzhen Landscape Construction Co., Ltd
Recreation Facilities: Suzhou Tianjingheng Landscape Art Engineering Co., Ltd
Design Time: Phase 1 in 2017, Phase 2 in 2021
Completion: December 2022
Photography: Ljfeng, kevin
Edit&Visual: zero



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about: 易亚源境