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Thanks Objects of Common Intereste for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Objects of Common Interest.
Objects of Common Interest:OoCI受邀为2023年的文化之都提出了一项干预方案,布雷西亚和贝加莫因此获得了“被照亮的城市”的称号。我们的获胜方案是对需求的回应,旨在整合四个关键主题:城市与自然、隐藏的宝藏、创新的城市和文化疗愈,活动将从1月22日在贝加莫向公众开放。
Objects of Common Interest: OoCI were invited to a propose an intervention for 2023’s Cultural Capital which sees Brescia and Bergamo take the title of the ‘illuminated city’. Our winning proposal in response to the brief which seeks to integrate four key themes; city and nature, hidden treasures, the city that invents and culture as a cure shall be open to the public in Bergamo from January 22nd.
“Lights on”结合了一个大型特定场所的灯光雕塑,它最初是一个独立的艺术作品,通过几组策划的雕塑结合在一起,共同组成了一个公共艺术作品,为广场上的公众互动创造了舞台。它从各个尺度上来激活这个公共空间,同时延伸到整个广场,并通过在其中点缀趣味的元素来使原本荒凉的地方焕发活力。
‘Lights on’ incorporates a large site-specific light sculpture which begins as a stand-alone art piece that spreads and travels through several curated objects that all tie together to become one public art piece which creates stages for public interaction along the plaza. Activating this public space across all scales, simultaneously extending to the entirety of the plaza and renewing this otherwise desolate location by inserting an element of joyful fun into it.
我们遵循重新激活、再利用和更新的原则来助推方案的落地,这让我们进一步意识到,真正的改变来自于对我们已经拥有的东西的重新欣赏和重新利用。此次活动中所有的元素都被设计为可循环利用的,无论是作为一个整体,还是部分,每件作品都可以在不同的地方以不同的方式重新组合起来。“Lights on”雕塑将重新激活目前未被充分利用的公共空间,并将其转化为一个全新的景观,变成一座“被照亮的城市”,使广场恢复活力,并再次引入人性化的尺度。当太阳下山时,路人被吸引至此观看雕塑的变化,它散发的光芒将照亮广场。
Reactivate, Reuse and Renew, were the principles which drove our proposal, furthering our existing ethos that true change comes from re-appreciating and re-purposing that which we already possess. All elements have been designed to have an afterlife, either as a whole, or in parts, each piece is able to be reassembled in a variety of clusters at different locations. Our light sculpture shall reactivate what is currently an underused public space and transform it into an entirely new landscape; into an ‘illuminated city’ bringing the plaza back to life and introducing a human scale to it once more. Passers-by are drawn in and invited to watch the light sculpture transform as the sun goes down, illuminating the plaza within its glow.
Stackable, movable, seatings which have been carved out of leftover marble blocks from local quarries shall create a seating installation in dialogue with the space. Positioned to compliment and play with the new recycled tyre hard-scape floor that creates a hill up to the existing fountain, transforming both mundane forgotten objects and spaces into something playful. Uplifting and reactivating this public space and giving its citizens somewhere to sit and gather all day long, allowing for it to be part of their everyday lives once more.
▽装置细节 Detail
项目地点:意大利 贝加莫
设计团队:Objects of Common Interest
首席建筑师:Eleni Petaloti和Leonidas Trampoukis
合作伙伴:Confindustria Bergamo, GAMeC
制作:Angelino Artworks
图片来源:Ftfoto、Kaplanidis、Piercarlo Quecchia DSL Studio
Project Name: LIGHTS ON
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: public installation
Project Location: Bergamo, Italy
Design Team: Objects of Common Interest
Website: https://objectsofcommoninterest.com/
Contact e-mail: studio@objectsofcommoninterests.com
Lead Architects: Eleni Petaloti and Leonidas Trampoukis
Collaborators: Supported by Confindustria Bergamo
In collaboration with GAMeC
Fabricated: Angelino Artworks.
Photo Credits: Ftfoto, Kaplanidis, Piercarlo Quecchia DSL Studio
“ 设计用过使用发光装置吸引人流来激活原本冷清的公共空间,引导人们认识到真正的改变来自于对我们已经拥有的东西的重新欣赏和重新利用。”
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