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DEAL:A comfortable summer day, lying under the coconut grove. Light and shadow dappled, the breeze on the face. Gently close your eyes to feel the cool mist and listen to the sound of water. Opening a period of seaside thoughts at a tipsy moment.


▽项目视频 video


岸之“林” | Beach forest



Trace to the source

Jiangdong coast, ten miles of golden beach, coconut grove under the sunlight fused with the smell of the sea immersed into the city, almost intoxicating.


▽项目区位 Project location




Coastal sarin grows freely in the wilderness

​Located on the south side of the coastline, the site of the 3A demonstration area is closed and independent. The design is based on the local habitats, using the typical coconut trees as the basic species, simulating the relationship of the local natural communities, The rocky sandy beach and coastal coconut grove habitat with a sense of wilderness , linking the nature of the island with the life of LuxeIsland.


▽舒适惬意的海岸沙林 Cosy coastal woodland


光之“迹” | Trails of Light


Hazy lights and shadows in the tropics




北纬20°倾泻而下的阳光,被水雾浸染,漫延整个场域,沉浸在扑面而来的朦胧间,漫步椰林微光,让身心“ 回归平衡”。

The setting sunlight and the sea breeze is murmuring.

The sunlight pouring down from 20° north latitude permeates the mist, extending to the whole field. Immersed in the hazy moment, strolling in the coconut grove under the shimmering light to let the body and mind balance.


▽薄雾下的朦胧美 The misty beauty under the mist


石之“音” | Song of stone


Echoes of nature





Cool and refreshing space

The water system that surrounds the site falls down from the side of the stream and flows through the rocks and vegetation until it reaches the central pond. Rest with the water, enjoy the greenery, listen to the sound of clear springs, and find a refreshing place.



沙之“境” | life of sand


A coexistence of softness and roughness







The lower space of the site is inspired by the vegetation communities along the coast, with shrubs and ground covers growing freely under the coconut grove and mixed between the rocks and gravel. Deadwood is placed horizontally and moss grows slowly.

Walking here, to feel the naturalness of the space, and life comes naturally as well.


▽自然野趣的沙生植物 Natural wild psammophytes





In this design, we pay more attention to the connection between the field and the local natural condition, we restore a real and stable island habitat and convey a notion of naturalistic life in LuxeIsland by tracing back the local habitat and following the natural design principles.


▽设计分析 Design analysis




摄      影:三棱镜景观摄影

Project Name: LUXEISLAND Demonstration Area
Project Location: Haikou, Hainan
Project Area: 2376㎡
Completion: July 2024
Client/Developer: Chengdu Widehorizon New Town Development Co.,Ltd
Client Team: Landscape Center of Widehorizon
Landscape Design: DEAL
Design Team: Li Yijian, Ou Xueyuan, Wang Minghao, Zhang Biying, Huang Kun, Zhang Wei, Liu Hao, Chen Yuanyuan, Zou Huan, Xu Xiaosha, Chen Dongmei
Construction: Sichuan Shuhan Ecological Environment Co., Ltd
Flower Border Design: YI FLOWER BORDER
Soft Decoration Design: Astree Design Agency
Sculpture Design: Guangzhou Wanyu Sculpture
Architectural Design: SWI Sunway International Architectural Design Co., Ltd
Interior Design: Shenzhen Huge Rock Design/Shanghai W+S Design Group
Photography: Prism Landscape Photography




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