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Thanks MA Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by MA Architects.
MA Architects 事务所有过 5 年的租赁办公室工作经验,封闭、狭窄、不灵活的空间,业主介入、空调故障、周围环境的影响,这些都是胡志明市的建筑事务所每天面临的困难……
MA Architects:MA architects, 5-years experienced to work in rental offices, stable, narrow, inflexible spaces with difficulties of owner’s stories, air conditioner, surrounded environment that architectural offices in Ho Chi Minh city are mostly facing everyday…
▽项目视频 The video
MA architects 事务所构想了一个办公空间,里面有微风、自然光线、绿色树木、沙子、雨水和木材,人们可以来这里分享、工作和畅想未来。MA Architects 将这些元素视为一粒种子,每个人都在其中扮演着胚胎的角色,在阳光、微风、细雨、空气和植物以及鸟儿的陪伴中,在一层混凝土围墙、环保锡屋顶面板的覆盖下,精神和身体都得到了滋养…..
MA architects has thought about an office space where to come, to share, to work, to dream in the slight wind, natural light, green trees, sand, rain and wood. MA considers these elements like a seed, in which everyone plays as embryo, nourishes in mental and body by the sun, wind, rain, air with plants, birds and covered by a layer of concrete walls, eco tin roofing sheets…
▽设计概念/构思过程 Design concept/conception process

▽项目概况 Project overview

▽入口 Entrance

▽办公空间 Office space

项目场地面积 5x20m,这是胡志明市常见的地块规模。设计利用裸露的地面、可自我调节的院落等现有资源,来减少炎热天气里的热量。重新利用旧木材制作建筑骨架、横梁、桁架、地板和柱子,使其具有自然的结构。并在结构外层覆盖砖墙、环保锡面屋顶……
The plot with popular size in Ho Chi Minh city: 5x20m, planned to use available resources such as the bare ground, the yard which is self-absorbed and evaporate to reduce the heat in hot weather. Reusing old wood to make the carcass, beams, trusses, floor, columns with the natural structure. The outside covers as a testa with the brick walls, eco tin roofing sheets…

▽工作室 LOGO

MA Architects 从裸露的地面开始,对地面、地板、墙壁进行处理,以建造一个稳定的底座和覆盖层。然后,开始架设木梁、木柱、结构框架,种植树木……最后将家具搬进办公室。整体项目施工组织根据实际情况、材料特点、空间特点、减少施工时间、安装和预算而精心设计。
Starting with the bare ground, MA tackled the ground, floor, wall in order to make a stable base and cover. Then, MA is in the process of erecting the wooden beams, columns, structural framework, planting trees…Bringing the furnitures inside office at last. The organization of the constructing process is carefully calculated in reality, material features, space features, less constructing time, installing and budget.
▽施工过程 Construction process

With the limit in budget, so the materials used are their own colors and textures to complete the project. For wood, MA only used old woods, treated the surface and erected. The cover – the surrounding wall is rawly built and completed with a waterproof layer to create a good cover for the office, avoid the affects of rain and sun.

About the floor, in addition to the cement concrete floor of working area, the remaining area is the bare ground, compacted tightly with a layer of small stones and finish with a compacted sand layer on the top. This created the natural color, self-absorbed whenever rain and decrease the hot tempererature by the way of watering the sand in rough weather.

The roof used eco tin and light roofing sheets and on top is dried coconut leaves to both lighten and insulate, reduce noise. Trees are carefully chosen in term of size, type, etc. to bring inside the project.

▽平面图 Plan

▽模型 The model

项目名称:MA Architects office
项目地点:越南 都督市 安福区 7C1街16号
景观/建筑事务所:MA Architects
首席建筑师:Ma architects
设计团队:Anh Le, Duc Nguyen, Xuyen Nguyen, Phong Truong, Chau Nguyen, Triet Le, Nhi Duong, Ly Le.
图片来源:Paul Phan
摄影师网站:PAUL PHAN (paulphanphotos.com)
Project Name: MA Architects office
Completion Year: 2022
Scale: 100m2
Project Location: No.16 7C1 Street, An Phu Ward , Thu Duc City, Viet Nam
Landscape/Architecture Firm: MA Architects
Contact e-mail: anhle.mastudio.vn@gmail.com
Social Media Accounts : www.facebook.com/mastudiovn
Lead Architects: Ma architects
Design Team: Anh Le, Duc Nguyen, Xuyen Nguyen, Phong Truong, Chau Nguyen, Triet Le, Nhi Duong, Ly Le.
Photo Credits: Paul Phan
Photographer’s Website: PAUL PHAN (paulphanphotos.com)
“ 设计以种子为概念,将办公空间想象为一粒种子的三部分,而人就如同内部的胚胎一样,将在拥有微风、自然光线、绿色树木、沙土和雨水的环境中成长,并获得身体以及心灵上的滋养。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: MA Architects