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IAAC + Bauhaus Earth:在建筑师密斯·凡·德·罗联手莉莉·瑞希设计的德国馆建成近一个世纪后,加泰罗尼亚高级建筑研究所 IAAC 和非营利组织 Bauhaus Earth 提议在木材的过去和未来之间开展对话,并举办一次展览,探讨生物材料在建筑中的应用。该展馆也是两年一度的欧盟当代建筑奖/密斯-凡-德罗奖的主办地,以表彰密斯·凡·德·罗基金会在当前建筑话语中的作用及影响。
秉承展馆的建筑语言,Mass is More 这一新的装置在 20 世纪和 21 世纪最先进的材料之间展开了对话。它通过一系列来自当地森林的交叉层压木板(CLT)制成的元素展示了这种新材料的结构性能,以及其在建造对环境影响更小的可持续建筑方面的适用性。该装置的所有部件均由西班牙最先进的、隶属于 FINSA 集团的加利西亚 Xilonor 公司生产制造。
IAAC + Bauhaus Earth: Almost a century after the construction of the German Pavilion designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich, IAAC and Bauhaus Earth propose to create a dialogue between the past and the future of wood and an exhibition that explores the use of biogenic materials for architecture. The pavilion is also the host of the biennial European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Awards, attesting to the role and influence of the Fundació Mies van der Rohe in the current architectural discourse.
Adhering to the architectural language of the pavilion, this new installation creates a dialogue between the most advanced materials of the 20th century and the 21st century. Through a series of elements made of cross laminated timber (CLT) panels from local forests, this installation demonstrates the structural capabilities of this new materiality and its suitability for constructing more sustainable buildings with a much lower environmental impact. All the pieces that make up this installation have been produced by Xilonor, the most advanced Galician CLT company in Spain, part of the FINSA group.

除了实体装置之外,展览还包括一个 4.8 米长的透视模型,展示了木材作为一种具有碳储存特性的材料从森林到城市的发展历程。由领先的数据可视化公司 Bestiario 开发的互动数字应用程序对 1929 年巴塞罗那馆和大规模木材装置对环境的影响进行了比较。为了公平地比较这两种结构,比较因子只考虑了建筑元素,如屋顶、墙壁、柱子和地板。对比分析包括每个元素的碳排放量,以及在开采、制造、运输和组装等不同过程中使用的能源、行驶的里程和采取的步骤。在展示这一数字作品的同时,两个展馆的各种垂直构件上还贴上了模拟标签,显示了其制造过程中使用的所有材料。就像食用商品必须公开其成分一样,这件作品也为建筑实践提供了透明度。此外,参观者还将欣赏到电影制作人 Jaume Cebolla 在展馆内制作的视频装置。该视频以第一人称视角展示了为建造大规模木结构而采伐的木材所经历的材料变化。
In addition to the physical installation, the exhibit comprises a 4.8-meter-long diorama showing the path of wood from the forest to the city as a material with carbon-storing properties, An interactive digital application developed by Bestiario, a leading data visualization company, offers a comparison between the environmental impacts of the 1929 Barcelona Pavilion and of the mass timber installation. To compare both structures fairly, only architectural elements, such as the roof, walls, columns and floor, were considered. The comparative analysis comprises the embodied carbon emissions in every element, as well as the energy utilized, kilometers traveled and steps taken during the different processes of extraction, manufacturing, transportation and assembly. This digital piece is accompanied by analogue tags placed on various vertical elements of both pavilions, displaying all materials used for their fabrication. In the same way edible goods are required to disclose their ingredients, this piece offers transparency to architectural practice. Moreover, visitors will enjoy a video installation by filmmaker Jaume Cebolla within the pavilion. The screening shows the material transformations undergone by the wood harvested for the construction of the mass timber structure from a first-person perspective.

▽模拟标签 Analogue tags
▽各元素的对比数据 Comparative data of each element
The design of the installation reflects the formal grid of the original pavilion, creating an alternative narrative and a different way of experiencing the site with new pathways and view corridors. Throughout the tour visitors will be able to see different uses and representations of wood and modern building technology.
▽新的装置延续了原展馆建筑的布局 The new installation continues the layout of the original pavilion

展馆的水池中安装了一块 12 x 2.5 米的工业化木板,展示了 19 世纪将材料直接从森林经河流运往工厂的过程。
The entrance to the space inverts the traditional circulation, offering the opportunity to first pass through the trees in the garden behind the pavilion. An elevated walkway leads to a cantilevered platform that offers unprecedented views of the Barcelona pavilion. This platform gives access to an auditorium where small meetings and talks will be held.
A 12 x 2.5 meter industrialized wood panel has been installed in the pavilion’s pond, illustrating the process used in the 19th century to transport the material directly from the forest to the factory via the river.

展馆内部,奢华的玛瑙墙被重新诠释,由多种木材组成的 CLT 面板创造出了新的纹理。在展示大理石原始几何形状的同时,该板材还采用了全新的数控铣削工艺,创造出一种温暖而华丽的三维形态,揭示了构成大理石的各个层次。
Inside, the pavilion’s luxurious onyx central wall is reinterpreted with new textures created from a CLT panel composed of multiple wood species. Illustrating the original geometry of the marble, the panel is subjected to a new digital milling process to create a warm and lush three-dimensional topography capable of revealing the various layers that compose it.

Finally, the exhibition accompanying the space will also review and analyze the different stages of the wood construction cycle through a model-diorama, from the place where the trees used to produce the pavilion are harvested, to the extraction, processing and assembly, through the replanting process that represents the regeneration and sustainable use of the material, approaching the issue from a radically transparent perspective.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Mass is More
事务所:IAAC,Bauhaus Earth
作者:Daniel Ibáñez, Vicente Guallart, Alan Organschi
IAAC 团队:Mariano Gómez-Luque, Jesús Mora, David Andrés León, Miguel Nevado, Laia Pifarré, Jaume Cebolla, Kya Kerner, Alex Hadley and Bruno Ganem
Bauhaus Earth 团队:Rosa Hanhausen, Philipp Misselwitz, Eero Puurunen, Ariel Bintang, Anton Gabriel Otto Hofstadt and Philipp Wienkämper
Bestiario 团队:José Aguirre, Andrés Ortiz Julián Jaramillo and Daniele Pezzatini
Xilonor/FINSA 团队:Jacinto Seguí, Francisco Roca, Álvaro López
新闻联系人:Sonia Mañé | news@patinunezagency.com
摄影师:Adria Goula
Name: Mass is More
Firm: IAAC, Bauhaus Earth
Authors: Daniel Ibáñez, Vicente Guallart, Alan Organschi
IAAC: Mariano Gómez-Luque, Jesús Mora, David Andrés León, Miguel Nevado, Laia Pifarré, Jaume Cebolla, Kya Kerner, Alex Hadley and Bruno Ganem.
Bauhaus Earth: Rosa Hanhausen, Philipp Misselwitz, Eero Puurunen, Ariel Bintang, Anton Gabriel Otto Hofstadt and Philipp Wienkämper.
Bestiario: José Aguirre, Andrés Ortiz Julián Jaramillo and Daniele Pezzatini.
Xilonor/FINSA: Jacinto Seguí, Francisco Roca, Álvaro López
Press contact: Sonia Mañé | news@patinunezagency.com
Photographer: Adria Goula
“ Mass is More 装置探索了再生和脱碳建筑材料在现代建筑中的应用,展示了在建筑中大规模使用木材建造从而实现可持续的潜力。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: IAAC, Bauhaus Earth