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Lemay: Designed by Frederick Law Olmsted in 1874, Mount-Royal Park has over five million visitors per year. Nonetheless, its natural and picturesque character were still informed by the poetics of Olmsted’s work. In keeping with Olmsted’s tradition, the mountain’s own characteristics were tapped to regenerate and redesign the sector. Tying the project into the geological, hydrological and vegetative richness of the mountain firmly re-attached the Peel sector to the city through the careful management of the existing natural and cultural elements.

交通流线 Traffic management
The structuring elements for circulation respect both Olmsted’s original layout and the desire lines imposed from years of use. These included redefining the two majestic gateways at the Peel and Redpath entrances, the remediation of a section of Olmsted Road, the reconstruction of the Serpentine path, three new staired pathways and numerous landings in wood, granite pavers or granite slabs.

水文管理 Water Management
The complex eco-hydrological water management strategy controls the significant runoff through the site while developing ecosystems which encourage biodiversity. An upstream regulator limits flows for the entire site to 50 litres/sec, four wetlands encourage vegetative and wildlife diversity, swales and gutters intercept runoff, and catchment structures carry the water to the outfalls. The whole is linked together to form a coherent and autonomous hydrological system.

森林管理 Forest Management
Raising the ecological value of the woods was the aim of the forest management practice. This included the regeneration of native shrubs, enhancing the avifaunal and micromamellian habitats, creating animal corridors, and insuring the safety of park visitors. This required considerable felling, pruning and planting to control invasive species and to open views towards the Saint Lawrence River and Olmstedian tableaus.

艺术介入 Artist intervention
“给和平一个机会”是为了纪念约翰·列侬在1969年的蒙特利尔与小野洋子发起的床上运动时创作的著名歌曲。该作品由艺术家Linda Covit和来自Groupe Cardinal Hardy的景观设计师Marie-Claude Séguin共同构想,由大约180块石灰石石板并排铺设在平坦的地面上,上面用40种语言刻下了“给和平一个机会”的字样。这一创造,增加了蒙特利尔的公共艺术收藏,耗资12.5万美元。
The work “Give Peace a Chance” commemorates the famous John Lennon song written during his 1969 Montréal bed-in with Yoko Ono. Conceived by artist Linda Covit and Groupe Cardinal Hardy’s landscape architect Marie-Claude Séguin, the work is made of approximately 180 limestone slabs laid side by side on flat ground, on which the phrase Give Peace a Chance is engraved in relief in 40 languages. This creation, which adds to the city of Montreal’s public art collection, was realized at the cost of $125,000.

▼细节设计 Details

“这样的项目有助于以一种持久的方式丰富公共娱乐空间,并能在很大程度上传播艺术家的创造力。将艺术品融入城市景观是为了丰富景观特色,也是为了提高市民的生活质量,就像每天都在露天博物馆一样。通过这种方式,我认为‘给和平一个机会‘这个艺术作品增加了公园的艺术和遗产价值。” 部长St-Pierre说。“‘给和平一个机会’是向蒙特利尔宽容、开放和多样性的重要象征之一皇家山的致敬。这幅作品的揭幕也充分说明了我们的创作者对造福公共艺术充满热情。它对蒙特利尔作为创造城市和文化大都会的声誉做出了无价的贡献。”市长Gérald Tremblay宣布。
“Such projects contribute to the enrichment of public and recreational spaces in a lasting way, in addition to disseminating the creativity of our artists on a large scale. To integrate an artwork into the city landscape is to heighten its character, but also to enhance the citizens’ quality of life who benefit daily from an open air museum. In this way, I consider that the artwork Give Peace a Chance reinforces the artistic and patrimonial value of Mount Royal,” stated Minister St-Pierre. “The work Give Peace a Chance is an homage to the tolerance, openness and diversity of Montréal, as well as to one of its most important symbols, Mount Royal. The inauguration of this artwork is also a good illustration of the enthusiasm of our creators for using their talent for the benefit of public art. It is an invaluable contribution to Montréal’s reputation as a city of creators and a cultural metropolis,” declared Mayor Gérald Tremblay.

“给和平一个机会 “艺术家:Linda Covit,Groupe Cardinal Hardy
设计团队:Suzanne Rochon, Marie-Claude Séguin, Guillaume Vanderveken, Vanessa Parent, Isabelle Giasson, Michèle Gauthier
合作:Genivar, Denis Marcil ing. forestier, Linda Covit – artiste.
摄影:Marc Cramer
Name: Peel Entrance and Give Peace a Chance in Mount Royal Park
Location: Montreal, Canada
Design firm: Lemay+CHA
Give Peace a Chance: Linda Covit,Groupe Cardinal Hardy
Team: Suzanne Rochon, Marie-Claude Séguin, Guillaume Vanderveken, Vanessa Parent, Isabelle Giasson, Michèle Gauthier
Collaborators: Genivar, Denis Marcil ing. forestier, Linda Covit – artiste.
Client: City of Montreal
Photograph: Marc Cramer
审稿编辑 寿江燕 – Jiangyan Shou
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