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Thanks ADEPT for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ADEPT.
ADEPT:”Because the scale is so huge, the nature park can be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with nature, so to make the area more accessible, we have developed the visitor points to be a destination in themselves, but also to guide visitors to the next landmark. In this way, visitors should venture further out into the nature park and become familiar with the great natural qualities of the area”
“The visitor points emphasize qualities in the park that are already there and do so with a minimal interference with the protected landscape. It has been crucial to us, that the architecture is carefully integrated into nature – not only that the new buildings blend naturally into the landscape, but that the development takes place on the terms of the protected nature”

紧邻哥本哈根市政厅广场的阿马格自然公园是一个占地 35 平方公里的景观公园,拥有受保护的自然环境、开放空间和畅通无阻的水岸线。2023 年,建筑设计事务所 ADEPT 与景观顾问 LYTT Architecture 重新思考了公园的身份,建成了一系列游客参观点,分步展示了景观、水和生物多样性的整体体验。
Just a short ride from Copenhagen City Hall Square, Amager Nature Park, a 35 km2 landscape park offers protected nature, open spaces, and an unhindered stretch of coastline. Completed over the past year, ADEPT and LYTT Architecture have re-thought the park’s identity, including the completion of a series of visitor points that stages the overall experience of landscape, water, and biodiversity.
Concentrated in a series of easily accessible visitor points, a new design strategy makes Amager Nature Park – from the plains in the north to the south coast of Amager – more appealing to its users. With nature as it’s central focal point, the unique landscape habitat is reactivated through a homogeneous architectural vocabulary emphasizing the park’s qualities, outdoor life, and social activities.
▽Asger Jorns Alle

▽公园木板路 Boardwalk

The design enhances the park’s DNA in a clear landscape narrative and an easily recognizable yet subtle architectural language. The project elements draw upon existing landscape qualities by adding a layer of experiences in a new framework for more diverse and inviting nature activities. One of the main design goals is to ensure that experience and protection supplement each other, so that the untouched nature remains intact when existing and new users engage themselves in the visitor experience.
The completed visitor points are strategically located throughout the park to highlight the park’s unique character, and to underline certain elements, views, or programs of the individual location by facilitating the meeting between man and nature, built and grown, building and landscape.
▽ Byskoven

The visitor points consist of both built volume and landscape elements. Each destination is tailored to its specific location, and each design emphasizes natural focal points and functions in the park with minimal interference of the protected landscape. All destinations are placed in a transition zone from city to nature or from land to water to frame the contrast between the landscape and the surrounding city. Each visitor point creates unique opportunities for recreation, nature experiences, play and learning by breaking down the large scale of the landscape into human scale activities and narratives.
▽ Naturcenter

The individual building designs are founded in the same architectural vocabulary with visible wooden structures, distinctive roof shapes and dark-burnt shingles that clearly mark a place in the landscape without disturbing the experience of it. The buildings and visitor points are complemented by a system of ‘tracks’ or boardwalks that highlight routes in the landscape with a focus on accessibility and wayfinding in the park.
▽ Slusen

▽场地平面图 Siteplan Location

▽Slusen平面图 Siteplan Slusen

▽Slusen 立/剖面图 Facade/Section – Slusen
▽Byskoven 平面图 Siteplan Byskoven

▽Byskoven 立/剖面图 Facade/Section – Byskoven
▽Horisont 凉亭平面图 Siteplan Horisont Pavillion

▽Horisont 凉亭平面图 Siteplan zoom Horisont Pavillion

▽Horisont 凉亭立剖/面图 Facade/Section – Horisont Pavillion
▽观鸟塔场地平面图 Siteplan Bird Tower

▽观鸟塔平/立面图 Plan/Facade – Bird Tower
▽观鸟塔剖面图 Section Bird Tower

地点:丹麦 哥本哈根
景观顾问:LYTT Architecture
客户:哥本哈根市、塔恩比市和德拉戈尔市;丹麦自然局,By & Havn
合作伙伴:SYSTRA Danmark、BARK Raadgivning、JAC Studios
摄影师:Morten Aagaard Krogh
资金支持:北欧基金会、Friluftsrådets 用于户外娱乐和 Lokale- og Anlægsfonden 的分配基金
Facts: Nature Park Amager
Location:København, Danmark
Year: 2019-2024
Area: 35 km2
Lead consultant / landscape architect: LYTT Architecture
Building architect: ADEPT
Client: Municipalities of Copenhagen, Taarnby and Dragoer; the Danish Nature Agency, By & Havn
Collaborators: SYSTRA Danmark, BARK Raadgivning, JAC Studios
Photographer: Morten Aagaard Krogh
Funding: The project is supported by Nordea-fonden, Friluftsrådets udlodningsmidler for friluftsliv and Lokale- og Anlægsfonden.
“ 新建成的游客接待点重新塑造了哥本哈根最大的景观公园。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: ADEPT