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10 Design:NEOM 早前公布了沙特阿拉伯西北部新开发地区又一未来之城 Norlana 的设计方案。这座超现代的滨海社区由 10 Design精心打造,将为人们带来充满活力的全新生活方式。

10 Design:NEOM has recently announced Norlana, an ultra-modern active lifestyle community, as the latest addition to the evolving regional development in northwest Saudi Arabia, created by 10 Design.


©10 Design


Norlana 位于亚喀巴湾海岸沿线。项目设计创造了一个别具一格的豪华社区,可容纳约三千居民。在此,居民可尽情享受融合领先科技的当代奢华生活。项目更为可持续的现代生活方式树立了前卫的新标准。

Situated on the Gulf of Aqaba’s coastline, Norlana creates a unique environment where an exclusive community of 3,000 residents will enjoy contemporary luxury fused with advanced technology, setting a pioneering standard for sustainable modern living.


©10 Design


这一现代社区将由 711 栋住宅物业组成,其将提供豪华宅邸、宽敞的公寓及与周边沙丘融为一体的海滩别墅,让居民得以置身于自然的宁静舒畅之中。

Within this contemporary community portfolio of 711 residential properties, Norlana offers deluxe mansions, spacious apartments and beach villas integrated with the surrounding dunes, bringing residents closer to serene nature.


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Norlana 拥有众多先进的康乐设施。其中包括 120 个泊位的游艇码头,其将成为国际超级游艇中心,并为居民和宾客提供水上出租车服务。超级游艇俱乐部将成为游艇爱好者们放松身心、欣赏海滨景色的绝佳地点,同时还能在此享受超凡餐饮体验和卓越服务。

Norlana boasts a state-of-the-art 120-berth marina that will serve as an international hub for superyachts, with water taxi services available for residents and guests. The superyacht members club will be a place where like-minded yachting enthusiasts can unwind and enjoy exceptional dining experiences and service while taking in stunning waterfront views.


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此外,项目还在嶙峋的山脉中布置了壮观的 18 洞高尔夫球场,附近则设置一流的马术和马球中心。Norlana 还拥有从帆船到潜水等多种水上运动设施,让人们得以尽情沉浸在当地令人惊叹的自然生态之中。

A spectacular 18-hole golf course is nestled among rugged mountains, with an equestrian and polo center with world-class facilities nearby. Norlana’s amenities also cater to a diverse range of water sports, including sailing and diving, for residents and guests to immerse themselves in the breathtaking natural environment.


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Norlana 旨在重新定义现代生活及活跃健康的生活方式。这一前沿社区的设计以运动、健康和幸福生活为核心,让居民和宾客得以在此宏伟且环保可持续的环境之中惬意体验并充分释放他们的热爱。

Norlana has been designed to redefine contemporary and active living. With sport, health and well-being at the core of this cutting-edge community, residents and guests will have every opportunity to experience their passions in this magnificent and environmentally sustainable setting.


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Norlana 的设计回应了地块的海滨环境,并将秉承 NEOM 对环保的承诺,以创新、可持续的解决方式进行建设。项目致力于保护周围的土地和海洋环境,将通过自然与技术的和谐融合,提供超豪华现代生活的巅峰体验。

在此项目之前,NEOM 还公布了 Leyja、Epicon、Siranna 和 Utamo 等同样位于亚喀巴湾的豪华可持续旅游目的地。

Aligned with NEOM’s commitment to conservation, Norlana will complement its coastal location and be delivered innovatively and sustainably. With a focus on preserving the surrounding land and marine environments, Norlana will offer the pinnacle of ultra-luxury modern living through a harmonious blend of nature and technology.

News of the development follows the recent announcements of Leyja, Epicon, Siranna, and Utamo which are also sustainable tourism destinations located in the Gulf of Aqaba.


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©10 Design



地点:沙特阿拉伯 NEOM
项目类型 :住宅、体育、文化及公共设施
10 Design 服务范围:总体规划、建筑设计

高级设计董事 – Leonard Milford
设计董事 – Alexey Golbraykh
项目董事 – Chris Jones, Gwilym Wyn Jones

建筑团队:Han Tang, Rochana Verma, Joyce Lo, Bryan Diehl, Bauke Albada, Suchart Ouy, Allison Li, Azhar Khan, Donncha O’Brien, Fraser Docherty, Haochun Zeng, Joen Yau, Joshua So, Luisa Wang, Mark Liang, May Manosong, Murphy Ho, New Cha, Ross Cochrane, Sean Yuh, Sergei Zhuromskii, Sikou Qiu, Thien Ly, Warin Thaisuwan, Wilcie Cho, Xavier Chan, Andrea Grossi, Benny Leung, Bonn Punjawaytegul, Chloe Cai, Darren Lee, Fei Hong, Jade Tan, Jason Jia, Jomar Haspela, Karol Kurzak, Kaylee Hyun, Luke O’Callaghan, Zhi Xia, Rumen Yosifov
CGI 团队:Chris Skinn, Simon Ng, Tony Lai, Azeez Abubakr

10 Design – 总体规划师, 主创建筑设计师
Buro Happold – 基建工程顾问
Aspect – 景观顾问
Chris Jopson Consulting – 马术设施技术设计
JLL – 成本管理顾问
Systematica – 交通顾问
Light Alliance – 灯光顾问 (总体规划阶段)

Name: Norlana
Location: NEOM, Saudi Arabia
Client: NEOM
Scope by 10 Design: Master Planning, Architecture
Type: Residential, Sports, Cultural & Civic
Status: Design On-going

10 Design Team:
Senior Design Principal | Leonard Milford
Design Principal | Alexey Golbraykh
Project Principals | Chris Jones, Gwilym Jones

Architecture team: Han Tang, Rochana Verma, Joyce Lo, Bryan Diehl, Bauke Albada, Suchart Ouy, Allison Li, Azhar Khan, Donncha O’Brien, Fraser Docherty, Haochun Zeng, Joen Yau, Joshua So, Luisa Wang, Mark Liang, May Manosong, Murphy Ho, New Cha, Ross Cochrane, Sean Yuh, Sergei Zhuromskii, Sikou Qiu, Thien Ly, Warin Thaisuwan, Wilcie Cho, Xavier Chan, Andrea Grossi, Benny Leung, Bonn Punjawaytegul, Chloe Cai, Darren Lee, Fei Hong, Jade Tan, Jason Jia, Jomar Haspela, Karol Kurzak, Kaylee Hyun, Luke O’Callaghan, Zhi Xia, Rumen Yosifov
CGI Team: Chris Skinn, Simon Ng, Tony Lai, Azeez Abubakr

Consultant Team:
10 Design – Lead Design Architect
Buro Happold – Infrastructure Engineering Consultant
Aspect – Landscape Consultant
Chris Jopson Consulting – Equestrian Technical Designer
JLL – Cost Management Consultant
Systematica – Mobility Consultant
Light Alliance – Lighting Consultant (Masterplan)
Visualisation by Aesde, Bitscapes, Pixelflakes
Physical Model by Livescale, Base Models, OMB


Norlana 旨在重新定义现代生活及活跃健康的生活方式。

审稿编辑: Maggie

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