Thanks BLUES for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BLUES.


蓝调国际何为万象新生?A Myriad of Renewal


项目位于城市极佳的位置,需要承载起华润全国 TOP 级的价值感和设计力。可以说还没有动笔就感受到扑面而来的压力。所有复杂的问题,往往只需要简单的策略,既然场地面对都市的繁华喧嚣,项目还需要展示面向未来的生活可能,那么“自然”这个温和持续的要素就有能成为项目的最重要底色和线索。在近 300 米的项目沿街界面,我们希望将复杂的关系统筹成为一个有机的整体,“都市视窗”的设计策略帮助场地巧妙的连接各种交通关系,而且使其呈现出未来都市核心的场所魅力。开放、简洁、流畅的景观场景与建筑巧妙融合,成为都市之心视觉盛景。作为彰显项目极其惊人的未来价值,设计中也会运用一些体现力度的元素来实现其厚重,永续的品质。有着经典的斯卡帕元素的景墙,连廊,光影序厅,在多姿迷人的自然种植的绿植环境中形成都市秘境的韵味。每每行人穿行,无不心领其中细腻温存的礼遇关怀,生活值得如此美好!复杂的转场空间将最后花园场景隐匿的自然神秘,有着神性丁达尔光从葱郁的杂木林中悄然透出。像积木一般几何错落的绿植与林荫庇护的院子展示着在未来生活惬意的图景。

回到最初的问题,“何为万象新生?”,我们舍去当下流行的奢石物料, 也不标榜所谓空间叙事修辞,只是选择了最舒适最简单的方式去“连接、”“缝合”、“重塑”场地。景观没有试图喧宾夺主的去展示力量和奇艺夺目的设计感,自然多姿的光线,色彩素丽的绿植,朴实亲和的石质,将万象之景悄无声息的展现出来。 “万象新生”也许就是对抗极致的物质欲,跋扈的统一感,甚至有意去消 除空间场景中的阶级感或宗教氛围。(虽然设计师很迷恋这样的手法)。自然自在,自然而然,不超然绝世,反而能经典温存。本案设计是近年少有的难度,在超高关注度下,所有的关切都会变成超倍焦虑。而一个追求极致卓越的挑战能否实现,也许就没有标准答案。而极致卓越本身也不一定代表绝对正确,把一切留给时间,让自然的万象之力,来愈合携人们愿景和嘱托。


BLUES: To receive this project assignment is, in a way, the serendipity of various opportunities. Projects of such importance and typical style are often associated with tight schedules and urgent tasks. Being the most significant project for CR Land nationwide, this project inherently.attracts unparalleled attention and demands exceptional design.

Situated in an exceptionally prime urban location, this project needs to carry the top-tier value and design prowess of CR Land. Thus even before putting pen to paper, the pressure is palpable. Complex problems often demand simple strategies. Given the site’s exposure to the vibrancy of urban life and required to showcase possibilities for future living, therefore ‘nature,’ as a mild and enduring element, is poised to become the paramount backdrop and hints of the project.
On the nearly 300-meter street-facing interface of the project, we aim to consolidate intricate relationships into an organic whole. Design strategies like ‘urban windows’ facilitate clever connections between various transit nodes, presenting the allure of a future urban core. Open, concise, and fluid landscape scenes seamlessly integrate with the architecture, becoming a visual spectacle at the heart of the city. To accentuate the project’s astonishing future value, elements reflecting strength will be employed in the design to ensure its substantial, enduring quality. The classic Scarpa-inspired elements of feature walls, corridors, and play of light and shadow form an urban sanctuary amid enchanting natural greenery. As one navigates through, they will feel the delicate and warm embrace, making life profoundly beautiful.

The intricate transitional spaces cleverly conceal the final garden scenes, creating an air of natural mystique. Divine beams of light quietly filter through lush groves, resembling a puzzle of geometrically arranged greenery and sheltered courtyards, showcasing an idyllic vision for future living.

Returning to the initial question, ‘What is the renewal of myriad elements?’ Here, we forego the trendy use of luxurious stone materials and the ostentatious narrative rhetoric of space. Instead, we opt for the simplest and most comfortable way to ‘connect,’ ‘stitch,’ and ‘reshape’ the site. The landscape design doesn’t strive to dominate with displays of power and sensational designs. Instead, it quietly showcases the myriad elements through natural and diverse light, colorful and serene flora, and unassuming, approachable stones. ‘The renewal of myriad elements’ perhaps lies in combating extreme materialism, overbearing homogeneity, or even intentionally eliminating class distinctions or religious overtones within the spatial environment (although the designers are quite enamored with such techniques). Being natural, unforced, not aloof or extraordinary, yet the landscape is classic and tender. This project’s design is a rare challenge in recent years, where under intense scrutiny, every concern amplifies into heightened anxiety. Whether a pursuit of utmost excellence can be achieved may not have a standard answer. And ultimate excellence itself does not necessarily represent absolute correctness, Leaving everything to time, allowing the natural forces of myriad elements to heal aligning with people’s aspirations and instructions.

The most beautiful architecture and landscapes should be built upon time. Time will reveal all answers.”







这是一块奇迹之地!This is a miraculous place!

长隆万博悦府项目坐落于,广州长隆万博 CBD 中心。它链接了万象商业和世界闻名的长隆乐园。当我们初踏足这片土地时,都市的最繁华的核心的地方,居然有这么一片宁静之所,巨大的树木,包括桉树、大王、椰子,甚至榕树,是上百年成片成林的,这样的一片树木,非常难得的一块奇迹之地。

The Changlong Expo Joy Residence project is situated in the heart of the Guangzhou Changlong Expo CBD. It connects the bustling commerce of the city with the world-renowned Changlong theme park. As we set foot on this land for the first time, in the midst of the most vibrant urban center, there exists such a serene place— a remarkable haven graced by colossal trees, including eucalyptus, royal palms, coconut palms, and even banyans, forming a century-old forest. Such an expanse of trees is an incredibly rare and miraculous place.


▽城市印象 City impression


自然而然 自然自在 Naturally,at ease with nature

我们以“生命的礼赞“作为设计主题,通过浪、树、光、风的自然生息, 唤起场地记忆。在这个城市画面里面描绘了既有像艺术馆、博物馆一样俊秀的建筑,同时也有干净的自然城市界面。

We take ‘Celebration of Life’ as the design theme, invoking memories of the site through the natural vitality of waves, trees, light, and wind. Within this urban landscape, we depict buildings that exude elegance akin to art galleries and museums, while maintaining a clean interface with nature in the city.




对话经典,自然艺术馆的雕刻感 Communicating with classic, evoking a sculptural sense of a natural art gallery


When guests arrive from the city to this site, we aim to create a scene of classical domain. Within this classical domain, we’ve incorporated some quintessential spatial designs and elements from the minimalist master, Carlo Scarpa. These elements, ultimately transformed into serene walls with exceptionally simple materials, create tranquil yet divine spaces. These spaces, in harmony with the surrounding natural elements, form the backdrop of this site.


▽入口空间 Entry space



We have relinquished the rigid space to the embrace of the softness of nature, allowing these classic elements to be reconstituted within our site. Thus, every visitor can feel the presence of every plant, flower, and tree, forming a natural realm within the space.




In spatial arrangement, we’ve employed the classical elements inspired by Scarpa, using a constructive approach to create a spacious and coherent block relationship. With minimal constituent elements, refined façade materials, and a clean visual experience, the vestibule and corridors are designed to serve as a sacred artistic ambiance against the backdrop of nature.”




Each window resembles a frame of a famous painting, capturing different states. It’s a garden and forest full of magic. Therefore, we aim to harness the most sacred natural elements, including our light, our wind, and the colors of our plants.


▽影之息 Breath of Shadows



So, these elements have been cleverly reconfigured within the space. As visitors traverse through our mist-like forest, passing through geometrically segmented blocks of vegetation, they encounter a completely new and different scene and sensation. This sensation is precisely what the light bestows upon this space—a marvelous tint and filter.




“Like our plants, they might display a colorful and vibrant shade of green, presenting their unique texture and color variations during different times of the day, especially during dawn and dusk.”



高定森境,深藏宁静与奢华 High-end Designed Forest Realm, Concealing Tranquility and Luxury

高定森境 精致生活”High-end Designed Forest Realm: Exquisite Living”


▽树之息 Breath of Trees



Looking back at the scenery passing by, everything is arranged for this moment of tranquility. With a gentle breeze, one can discern the flickering shadows of trees, concealed within lush greenery, harboring a domain of tranquility and luxury.




Water Gardens as Scenery, Each Tree and Flower as Poetry, Half Meditation, Half Vigilance, Embracing the Refined Life within Existence.




Interwoven Lights and Shadows, Silhouettes Cast by Sunlight, Where People and Environment blend into a Scenery. The minimalistic and Spacious Setting, Every Flower, Tree, and Play of Light. The overall warm yet verdant color scheme of botanical elements crafts a naturally elegant ambiance, softening the social boundaries between individuals.




The scattered plant boxes’ space resonates with the light and shadows of the corridors. We treat natural light as the soul of the space, bestowing upon it a renewed vitality.


▽浪之息 The Breath of Waves



For You as the center of the world, personally design a natural aesthetic forest realm.





Reconfiguring the proportions of space allows the bushy vegetation to combine with the landscape stones, presenting different appearances at different times. This is the miracle of nature itself.



城市喧嚣 , 每个人都需要一个放松身心的地方 , 感受大自然纯粹的时刻。享一杯咖啡,品一本书籍,感受树下微风的凉爽,触摸树梢抚过额头的惬意。

Everyone needs a place to enjoy the physical and mental relaxation and a pure moment to feel the nature, escaping from the hustle and bustle of the city. To enjoy a cup of coffee, sip a book, feel the coolness of breeze under the trees and the comfort of treetops caressing the forehead.


▽风之息 The Breath of Wind



A relaxed floral setting, embracing minimalism, natural, ecological, and wild charm. Underneath the cool color scheme lies restrained expression, embodying a natural art, a refreshing state of mind, and an understated elegance.



缝合城市,超长的公共界面 Stitching the city, an extensive public interface


We believe the most significant design lies in merging the bustling urban landscape with this serene and secure sanctuary, creating a new urban marvel or opportunity.




我们选择以公共空间的逻辑,将复杂的关系统筹成为一个有机的整体, 缝合城市过渡到自然的超长公共界面。为匹配建筑艺术馆调性,我们以“都市视窗”的设计策略帮助场地巧妙的连接各种交通关系,而且使其呈现出未来都市核心的场所魅力。开放、简洁、流畅的景观场景与建筑巧妙融合,成为都市之心视觉盛景。

We’ve chosen to align with the logic of public spaces, orchestrating the complex system into an organic whole, stitching the city seamlessly into an extensive public interface transitioning into nature. To match the architectural tone of an art museum, our design strategy of ‘urban windows’ deftly connects various transit nodes, presenting the allure of a future urban core. Open, uncluttered, and smooth landscape scenes cleverly integrated with the architecture, forming a visual spectacle at the heart of the city.




A serene and gentle landscape with tranquil plants, creating a wonderful transformation throughout human use, offering a comfortable experience for everyone involved.



结语 Conclusion

我们希望来到这个场地,经历了我们给大家创造的这一幕幕的场景和画面,最终获得大家的一种认可,大家作为普通人,在找寻奇迹的过程中, 最终我们成为去找寻奇迹的观望者、缔造者,最后成为亲历者。我们希望把这一切送给未来长隆万博悦府每一位业主,可以拥有的一个家。

高品质的呈现,离不开设计师们和甲方团队的亲力亲为,所以才有最终的呈效。效果不是一蹴而就, 付出才会有收获 … …

We hope that upon arriving at this location and experiencing the scenes and visuals we’ve created, ultimately recognition can be received from everyone. As ordinary individuals, we seek wonders, aim to transform into observers and creators of miracles, and ultimately become participants in the quest for marvels. We aspire to present all of this to every future homeowner at Changlong Expo Joy Residence, offering them a place they can call home.

The high-quality presentation of the landscape is a result of the hands-on involvement of both designers and the client team, culminating in the final outcome. Achieving results takes time and effort, and only through dedication can we reap the rewards…



设计师-审美的主导者 Designers – The Leaders of Aesthetics

设计师们必须亲力亲为,选材 — 成功的关键;放样 — 搭配关键 , 小空间线条手法 -“揉”进去,材料肌理。

Designers must be hands-on, material selection – the key to success; layout – the crucial match; small space line techniques – ‘knead’ into it, material texture.


▽设计师选材 Material Selection by Designers


甲方-项目品质核心 Client – Core of Project Quality

从方案 / 施工图到落地进行全程把控 ,关注每一处工艺和细节 。部分节点做法和施工方 / 设计师进行反复推敲论证,只为项目匠心品质呈现。

From conceptualization/blueprints to implementation, maintaining full control throughout, focusing on every craft and detail. Engaging in repeated discussions and arguments with construction teams/designers on specific nodes, all to present a project of exceptional craftsmanship and quality.


▽施工把控 Construction Control


施工方-匠心成就品质 Construction Team – Craftsmanship Achieve Quality

高强度 , 连续做战,反复核对每个角度,最终呈现出一个令人满意的结果。

High intensity, continuous engagement, repeatedly checking every angle, ultimately presenting a satisfying outcome.


▽施工过程 The Construction Process


更多精彩的过程花絮 More Exciting Behind-the-Scenes Highlights


▽设计效果图 Design Renderings



景观面积:25004 ㎡
摄 影:广州映尺摄影工作室

Landscape Design:  BLUES
Project Name: CR Land Changlong Expo Joy Residence
Project Address: Wanbo, Nancun, Panyu District, Guangzhou City
Landscape Area: 25004 square meters
Owner: CR Land
Landscape Construction: Guangzhou Huayuan Landscaping Co., Ltd.
Architectural Design: Shanghai Zhengxiang Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
Interior Design: Aqua Design
Flower Mirror Design and Supervision: Shanghai Weimar Landscape
Photography: Guangzhou Yingchi Photography Studio




更多 Read more about: BLUES 蓝调国际