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Thanks Collectif Parenthese for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Collectif Parenthese.


Collectif Parenthese:蒙特勒伊游泳池前院的开发对于游客在炎炎夏日中长时间等待的舒适性至关重要,Collective Parenthès事务所建造了一个可持续使用5年的临时木结构装置,以满足游客的需求。

Collectif Parenthese:The development of the swimming pool forecourt of Montreuil is essential for the comfort of users in the face of long waiting times and the hot summer temperatures. The Collective Parenthèse offers an ephemeral installation lasting 5 years that meets the needs of visitors.


©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen



Like a summer cloud, this suspended wooden structure brings refreshment by shading and misting the queue area. A forest of poles makes it possible to take up the efforts on the ground and to orient the users.


▼喷雾降温系统  Spray cooling system

©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen


▼排队路径  Line path

©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen


Collective Parenthèse遵循生态设计和再利用的逻辑,回收利用了2019年法国鲁昂帆船节上使用的木结构,这些精致优雅的木柱由4根道格拉斯木条(一种兼具结构和美学品质的优良树脂木材)组成,中间由金属构件连接固定。

In a logic of eco-design and reuse, the Collective Parenthèse used the structures of the Armada of Rouen in 2019. These refined and elegant wooden posts are made up of 4 cleats of Douglas, a resinous wood that combines excellent structural and aesthetic quality; assembled by a set of metal plates.


▼道格拉斯木条  Douglas

©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen


▼金属构件  Metal plates

©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen



The masts are distinguished by their compactness, solidity, versatility, aesthetics and ease of assembly. With a height varying from 5 to 6 meters, the stability was calculated by the TESS engineering workshop which developed the structural construction systems, provided the justification calculations and produced the graphic parts of the assemblies for the event of the Armada. The engineers have adapted this calculation note to the forecourt of the Montreuil swimming pool.


©Fabien Salhen
©Fabien Salhen


▼装配图  Graphic parts of the assemblies

courtesy of Collectif Parenthese
courtesy of Collectif Parenthese
courtesy of Collectif Parenthese
courtesy of Collectif Parenthese
courtesy of Collectif Parenthese




项目名称:Piscine des murs à Pêches
景观建筑公司:Collectif Parenthese
首席建筑师:Fabien Salhen
客户:Est Ensemble
图片来源:Fabien Salhen

Project name: Piscine des murs à Pêches
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 100m2
Project location: Montreuil (France)
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Collectif Parenthese
Website: https://www.collectifparenthese.com/
Contact e-mail: collectifparenthese@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Fabien Salhen
Clients: Est Ensemble
Collaborators: TESS
Photo credits: Fabien Salhen




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