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蓝调国际心感于泉影之镜 Heartfelt Reflections in the Mirror of the Spring










——任刚 Ren Gang

BLUES: The temperament of the spring city Jinan seems quite poetic and gentle, leaving behind many romantic and tender moments in the intersection of time and people.

The developers of Poly Real Estate hope to establish a timeless and classic community in the new city center and have chosen the noble name “Lóng Yù” for it. The hope and beauty represented in the text can only be enriched with more content, and undoubtedly, the landscape is the most powerful support for these touching sentiments.

In the natural world, simple and affirmative light and shadow can best create a sense of dynamic beauty. This aesthetic consciousness behind it is coordinated by the internal logic of time, and is also reflected in a harmonious state with order, restraint, and rhythmic harmony. Thus, the concept of “spring shadow mirror” emerged, which was once called “the form of light” by Louis Kahn, because “I feel that light is the giver of all existence, and matter is the spent light. Things made by light will cast shadows, and shadows belong to light.”

Therefore, the designers at Blue Note view the landscape courtyard as a material carrier containing philosophical meaning, ranging from the urban interface streetscape to fabric sculptures. Regardless of the current situation of the project site, it should be interpreted from the perspective of historical context through the study of the site to inform the design concept.

The emphasis in the landscape space of Lóng Yù is on high-end, luxury, and locality as the guiding principles of the design. The designers emphasize the creation of spatial experience from the entrance, with the differences in elevation at the entrance hall and the sound of flowing water suggesting a transition in space. Progressing gradually, one can clearly observe the side giant book water courtyard from the entrance hall. Furthermore, the space leading to the parking lot corridor opens outwards through a semi-enclosed linear corridor, attempting to establish a connection between the landscape and the city.

The tranquil water courtyard hall not only serves as a counterpoint to the community clubhouse, but also as a spiritual sanctuary. It is precisely because of this special functional aspect that the designers’ approach and perspective have changed. At present, in order to imbue the value of heritage and sustainability into residential living, a dark stone quiet pool has been added to the enclosed courtyard, complemented by ancient trees and an upper-level guest pavilion, narrating the passage of time and eternity.

With the shimmering water shadows and flowing light, the story of time continues, and though the courtyard of Lóng Yù is paved with materials that exude a transcendent materiality, the real question is whether the place allows the viewer to have an immersive sensory experience, as if immersed in the romance of the spring city, experiencing a wonderful journey across time and space.

“Dialogue with oneself, reconciliation with life,” this may also be the mindset of the designers at Blue Note, but it is presented through the pen and expressed in the form of space and landscape. They also hope that such emotions can bring the future residents of Lóng Yù a more peaceful and substantial wish.

Looking back to 22 years ago when Zhang Tianjun led the team to Chongqing during the New Year’s holiday, the heavy responsibility of designing Lóng Yù was entrusted to him. To this day, the burden remains, and he is still anxious. The garden has now been mostly built, and Blue Note has done its best, but it remains to be seen whether the actual scene and the entrusted heavy responsibility can be fulfilled.



▽设计手稿 Design manuscript


文化脉络 Cultural context

“泺水发源天下无,平地涌出白玉壶” ——赵孟頫

“No source of the Luo River can be found; Suddenly it gushes forth from a white jade vase on flat land.” — Zhao Mengfu




“ 一城山色,半城湖泉,泉甲天下 ”


Amidst a city of picturesque mountains, where lakes and springs grace every corner, the springs of Jinan stand unparalleled. Among the many splendid landscapes in Jinan, the Baotu Spring is celebrated as a wonder, inspiring countless poems and praises. When culture and art converge, they craft a luxury residence, a true emblem of the Spring City.


▽项目区位 Project location


与泉互拥的时间之庭 The Time Courtyard Embraced by Springs


Connecting the courtyard spaces, the design encourages meandering journeys through winding paths, unveiling captivating scenes with every step. It maximizes the beauty of the springs, creating a modern aesthetic abode imbued with the unique cultural essence of Jinan.”


▽空间演绎 Spatial deduction


松泉水院 Pine Spring Water Garden



Using water as a brush, beneath the soaring fountain, grey stones cradle the pines, and the green pines create a harmonious scene. Creating a natural landscape to welcome you back home, constructing an Eastern aesthetic lifestyle setting





Pine welcome,stone standing on the spring, Jinan thousand years of regional culture, natural Confucian.




Quiet shadow sinks, light through the luxury stone barrier reflected in the water mirrorsparkling water ripples layer upon layer



沧桕之庭 Courtyard of Cang Jiu



The convergence of four waters culminates in a tranquil central pool, encircled by architectural facets that shimmer in the gentle ripples of the water. Within this setting stands a uniquely shaped wujiu tree, its solitude harmonizing with the flowing waters and rocky landscapes to create a serene and leisurely masterpiece.




The verdant Wuyjiu stands on the water court, as a point of view of the trees, it is like a green gem is treasured here.


▽四水归堂鸟瞰 Aerial view



“The convergence of four waters in the hall represents both a place of storage and a symbol of wealth and prosperity.”



玉色门厅 Jade-colored Entrance Hall

玉色门厅映光华 | 迎客黑松似宝瑰

以酒店式美学蓝本盛装打造60 米超长形象展示面门厅,典雅轻奢的酒店式落客区,融入定制弧形水景与迎客黑松,礼遇空间本质的高级感,为访客提供了酒店式门庭礼序的尊享

By adopting a hotel-style aesthetic blueprint, the 60-meter-long lobby is exquisitely designed with a luxurious and elegant hotel-style drop-off area. It seamlessly integrates custom curved water features and welcoming black pines, creating a sophisticated space that exudes the essence of hospitality. This provides visitors with an exclusive hotel-style reception experience.


▽典雅轻奢的酒店式落客区 Elegant and luxurious hotel-style drop-off area



Empowering high-end hotels with an elegant and luxurious hotel-style drop-off area, featuring a customized curved water feature, complemented by a welcoming black pine tree worth around 600,000, embracing an elegant lifestyle.



光影之园 Garden of Light and Shadow

光影长廊 | 山水倚栖


By adopting a hotel-style aesthetic blueprint, the 60-meter-long lobby is exquisitely designed with a luxurious and elegant hotel-style drop-off area. It seamlessly integrates custom curved water features and welcoming black pines, creating a sophisticated space that exudes the essence of hospitality. This provides visitors with an exclusive hotel-style reception experience.


▽光影长廊 Light corridor

▽庭院景观 Courtyard landscape



In the corridor under the forest, you can hear not only the insectsin autumn,but also the gurgling soundof the spring.At this moment,we canput down the anxiety and irritability, and integrate ourselves with naturte.


▽现代简约的艺术水景 Modern simple artistic water feature


▽舒适简洁的休闲洽谈区 Comfortable and simple leisure negotiation area



Response to nature, continuity ofculture, transfer of emotion inclusive life. Longyu landscape planning is in this design principle, every, person living here, from the beginning of stepping into the door of home, a vivid journey will quietly startr.



精工入微 Exquisite Craftsmanship


Exquisite craftsmanship, meticulous attention to detail, and a keen sense of scale and proportion are combined to endow the scene with unique charm and personality through the careful treatment of each landscape detail


▽精致的细节设计 Exquisite detail design



We have opted for low-saturation warm lighting to create a cozy atmosphere


▽灯光设计 Lighting design


未来大区生活场景 Future District Living Scenarios



| 甲方寄语 Designer says


Poly Real Estate and Blue Tone International have come together in collaboration to create a classic living space in the Spring City. We’ve successfully blended the unique charm of the ‘Spring City’ with the sophistication of modern living, seamlessly incorporating it into our project. This harmonious integration of nature and culture resonates with both, offering a fresh interpretation of the space and a balanced coexistence with nature.



景观设计 | 蓝调国际
景观面积 | 7900 ㎡
呈现时间 | 2023.08
项目地址 | 山东省济南市历下区
业主单位 | 保利山东置业集团有限公司
景观施工单位 | 山东美华环境科技有限公司
建筑设计单位 | 上海尤安建筑设计股份有限公司
摄影单位 | 禾锦摄影

Landscape Design | BLUES
Landscape Area | 7900 square meters
Presentation Time | August 2023
Project Address | LiXia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
Owner | Poly Shandong Property Group Co., Ltd.
Landscape Construction | Shandong Meihua Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Architectural Design | Shanghai Uan Architecture Design Co., Ltd.
Photography | Hejin Photography




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