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Thanks Studio Bressan for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Studio Bressan.
Studio Bressan:科尔马利翁城门(Portello Colmarion)保守修复项目位于威尼托地区的阿索洛市,其一侧是城市村庄的人文景观,另一侧则是丘陵地带茂密的森林景观。
Studio Bressan: The project for the conservative restoration of Portello Colmarion, in Asolo, in the Veneto region, takes place in a landscape context straddling the anthropized part of the city village on one side and the thick vegetation of the hilly forest on the other.
▽城门一侧的城市人文景观 The anthropized part of the city village on one side

▽另一侧的自然森林景观 The thick vegetation of the hilly forest on the other

▽修复后的城门 Restored city gate

该城门可以追溯到该市 14 世纪的中世纪城墙,位于海拔 379 米的丘陵地带,可以俯瞰下方的平原,巩固了诗人 Giosuè Carducci 赋予该村庄的含义:“百景之城”。由于城门的位置较高,因而这里拥有非凡的全景视角,可以俯瞰阿索洛西部山脉和格拉帕山山顶。
The portal, belonging to the medieval walls dating back to the fourteenth century of the city, is positioned in a panoramic hilly area at 379m above sea level which allows you to dominate the plain below, consolidating the meaning that the poet Giosuè Carducci gave to the village: the city of a hundred horizons. Due to the elevated position of the gate, the site has an extraordinary panoramic point of view facing the system of western of Asolo hills and the top of Monte Grappa.

In line with the restoration interventions carried out on the walls in recent decades, it was preferred to abandon the romantic image of the historic walls surrounded by vegetation, in favor of a conservative restoration that would improve the perception of the historic building and its relationship with the city.

The door has a masonry structure made up of parts in bricks and parts in stone ashlars roughly squared. Apart from the degradation due to time and vegetation, there were no particular signs of structural failure of the walls. After a devitalization and subsequent careful removal of the parasitic vegetation, a series of investigations were carried out on the stone materials, on the original mortars and on the stratigraphy of the traces of plaster present.
▽修复前 Before

▽修复中 Under repair

Thanks to these investigations it was possible to prepare a sequence of accurate operations of consolidation, restoration and integration of the most conspicuous gaps in the masonry of the building. The study relating to the materials made it possible to identify that the original aggregates of the mortars consisted of a mixture based on lime and puddingstone: a natural sedimentary conglomerate typical of Asolo hills and made up of rounded fragments cemented with limestone, silica or clay-based binders. The grouting and pointing of the joints with this special mortar has allowed to give the original image back to the medieval gate, a unique monument of its kind and a distinctive feature of Asolo hilly area.

The image of the gate was further enhanced with the installation of an artificial lighting system. The project also included the resurfacing of the river pebble pavement below the portal, with the redefinition of pedestrian and cycle paths by inserting a staircase on the north-east side of the building and a system of parapets to protect the pedestrian paths characterized by steep slopes.

▽灯光照明 Lighting design

▽设计图纸 Design drawing

项目名称:Portello Colmarion Restoration
表面积:150 平方米
体积:275 mc
尺寸:11mx 5mx 5 m
客户:Public (Municipality of Asolo)
建筑师事务所:Studio Bressan
照片:Emanuele Bressan
Project Name: Portello Colmarion Restoration
Location: Asolo, Treviso – Italia
Surface: 150 mq
Volume: 275 mc
Dimensions: 11 m x 5 m x 5 m
End of Works: 2021
Category: Conservative Restoration
Customer: Public (Municipality of Asolo)
Architect’s Firm: Studio Bressan
Website: www.studiobressan.net
Instagram: @studiobressan
Contact e-mail: info@studiobressan.net
Phone/Whatsapp: +393487417461
Photographs: Emanuele Bressan
“ 设计团队放弃重塑植被环绕的历史城墙的浪漫形象,转而进行保守的修复,以改善历史建筑的观感及其与城市的关系。”
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