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Thanks Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP.
Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP:Sayama湖滨公墓坐落在一片美丽的森林中,在这人们可以看到远处的Sayama湖堤和Chichibu山脉。为了不遮挡观赏美景的视线,位于面向墓地的山坡上的社区大厅只有一层,屋檐很低,与周围环境协调一致。
Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP:Sayama Lakeside Cemetery sits in beautiful forest surroundings, with a view of the Sayama Lake embankment and Chichibu Mountains in the distance. So as not to obstruct the view of the beautiful scenery, the Community Hall located on the hillside facing the cemetery is one floor and has very low eaves that harmonize it with the surroundings.

All the service rooms are concentrated in the reinforced concrete core, while the lounge, dining room, and other facilities for visitors form a ring around the inner core. The complete absence of downlights and a reflecting pool next to the building that brings sunlight into the interior creates a tranquil interior bathed in natural light. The interior has high side-windows, while Japanese maple trees planted on the roof of the steel-reinforced concrete core filter sunlight during summer and bring in warm sunlight during winter. In the lounge, steel-reinforcement pillars and ring-beams are kept to a minimum so as not to obstruct the view, and the 120 beams that make up the framework are assembled in an umbrella-shape.

The eaves are 1.35 meters above the floor. Despite the gorgeous scenery all around the building, this deliberately blocks a full view by recreating the “half-open eyes” gaze of Zen meditation. The large roof is like an eyelid narrowing the field of view to the scenery reflected in the vastness of the reflecting pool. When seeing with half-open eyes, viewers do more than merely stare: they feel the world with all five senses, look into their own souls, and contemplate the departed.

This produces two different scenes for the viewer, depending on whether he or she is sitting or standing. If they are standing, the room becomes a contemplative space filled with natural phenomena indirectly experienced—the reflection of the sky and greenery in the reflecting pool, the image of the water’s surface cast on the ceiling, and so on. The low-set eave ends formed by countless beams seem to guide visitors to the window-side benches and invite them to take a rest. When someone sits down they immediately see the landscape before them. Beyond the eaves they see the forest and hills of Sayama Lake and the town off in the distance. As they gaze into the distance, they recall distant memories. The wind softly stirs the water’s green reflection, while the visitor is gently held in the embrace of wooden beams so close they can almost touch them.

We amplified the beautiful nature of the Sayama region and the phenomena it evokes to create a space for quietly contemplating the departed. The architecture gently caresses the body, and stirs behavior and feelings unique to the setting.

▼建筑一层平面图 Floor plan

▼建筑剖面图 Section

建筑设计:Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
结构设计:Ove Arup & Partners Ltd.
承包商:Matsui Kensetsu K.K.
摄影:Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners
Project name: Sayama Lakeside Cemetery Community Hall
Location: Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Area: 483.0 sqm
Project Year: 2013
Architects: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
Structure Design: Ove Arup & Partners Ltd.
Contractor: Matsui Kensetsu K.K.
Photographs: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners
更多 Read more about: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP,Nacasa & Partners Inc.